
>Top tier cyberbullies shitting on subhuman LPers that produce god awful "point camera at TV screen" LPs, unregistered hypercam videos, etc. Weren't afraid of using words like "gay" and "retard". Slowbeef even had the balls to call a girl a "dumb slut". Oh, and they were just plain funny. "You can make these fat guys bra straps snap too, I think."

>Apologizes to SJWs and tumblrinas for their past slurs. Now wag their fingers at people for the "wrong type of humor". Don't make fun of LPers because they don't like when their fanbase to go after people (even threatens to block people that do) and now they hide past videos if they're asked to. SJWBeef was anti-GG and Diabeetus is now just a flat out c.u-c.k. Also just really lame videos like Retsufrash, because really, who cares about really old Newgrounds flashes? And the less said about their "hilarious commentary" over old video games, the better. (Here's SJWBeef defending Dina. The infamous Mighty No. 9 Community Manager.)

>John Bergman: You know what's funny about this situation, 6 months later? Dina turned out to be a really shitty community manager.
>Retsupurae: Not really.

What happened?

Does anyone have the two part Eternal Darkness LP with QueenieZ? I wanted to watch it this Halloween, but they privated it.

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No one cares about E celebs

Haven't I seen this exact same thread before?
sage desu

Look it's this thread again

Obligatory Beetus is hot comment

Nice, but check this 8

Slowbeef was always carried by Betus.

Man this just reminded me how much of a cockfag Dex01 from VNDlps turned into abruptly over the course of a few months last year.

I genuinely expect to hear about his suicide sometime in the coming years because there's no way his retsubuddy will be able to tolerate his fucking faggotry for much longer. Vilemoon has got to probably his only friend besides that other communist SA goon who I think might have already cut contact with them now because of Dex's crossdressing ladyboi bullshit.

Did these guys just one day decied to cut cold turkey from being jackasses or something? I know they had a forum to make fun of shitty LPs and shit at one point before Beef lost his mind because MUH KIDS WILL MAYBE SEE THIS IN 12 YEARS, SHIT or whatever.

thank fucking god psychedelic eyeball and voidburger got banned from SA

what the fuck? Chip's fucktoy got banned? For what? How long ago??? I thought she was literally immune to everything because she was sucking out the LP forum mods asshole.

they got cucked and everyone un subbed. Why do you keep bringing them up?

I've seen it a dozen or so times. In a week.

basically what happened was that people found out that shmorky was a diaper-loving pedophile who callled himself "genderqueer" in order to creep on underage tumblr people

voidburger and psychedelic eyeball, among others, got themselves banned as a means of "solidarity" against all of the meanies harassing a "marginalized person"

Edgy cunts

Beta cucks

I don't care about any retsupuraes past or present because I don't care about bullying shitty LPs, I'm not that codependent in my e-self esteem
The only ever fun SAuser-based LPs are really ironically by Lowtax himself

Lunethex LP of Taser Warcrime Simulator was top notch IMO

this is more autistic than the guy spamming those Vinesauce threads starting with "What went wrong?" at least his pasta is only one sentence long.

god shmorky really does sound like a pedophile diaperfag.

His voice is the ultimate reason Lowtax stopped doing LPs with him actually, now he only does them with his daughter or some other guests like Mike Nelson who did MST3K after Joel stopped being the main guy

Christ, not even Chips LP-Forum Mod status could save her from that shitstorm I guess. Cant say I'm surprised Voidburger would defend a weirdo. Since I can remember her appearing she's always been on the counter-bandwagon of shit unless its a AAA-game like MGS or an SJW panderfest like Gone Home. She didn't even fucking know what Gex was and just bitched about him being a womanizer during that one stream. Like fuck, how could you miss the point f the character entirely?

Man, SA really went to the absolute degeneracy pits at the end of last year. Its always been pretty shit but this has to be an all time low when forum celebs think they have more power than the goddamn owner making a pretty rational decision to cut loose a freak who might use his power abusively(Ironic considering its Lowtax) sometime in the future as he further spirals down the ladder of creeping insanity.

>His voice is the ultimate reason Lowtax stopped doing LPs with him actually
Lowtax is based. Slowbeef would be too pussy to deny him. Seriously what grown man goes around saying