Wait a fucking minute... Is it just me or does Skyward Sword look better than BotW? Watch some gameplay

Wait a fucking minute... Is it just me or does Skyward Sword look better than BotW? Watch some gameplay.

What a nasty ugly hud

>dat resolution.
Dolphin + HD texture pack do wonders to SS

>now people are starting to like SS


You can turn off the biggest offenders. SS has a pretty good hud like that, will just show a few things.

lolno, he's just saying the visuals are nicer I don't really agree, but I can see why someone may feel that way

It's the same trick Witcher 3 used - vivid colors with high contrast give illusion of good graphics.


SS's item selection was a downgrade from TP Wii's item selection. In SS, you have to use an item wheel every time. In TP, you can have one item equipped and then three others on the d-pad, giving you access to four items without the wheel. Why the fuck was the d-pad unused in SS? Retard design.

>can't play it without that wiggly controller

Nope, SS still looks like shit, and plays like it too.

No one is going to look back on SS fondly, regardless of how good/bad BotW is.

Vibrant colors go a long way of making a game look good.
Still, SS's scenary is ridiculously low-poly.

I honestly don't understand why they don't emulate it. It's not like motion+ is the only motion based controller out there now. There's like 4, one from sony even.

>No one is going to look back on SS fondly
I do

People are now saying TP was the best Zelda game so its possible

Can you emulate SS without too much hassle? is it even worth it? I kinda want to play a Zelda but OoT and MM run like ass, WW is boring and TP is bad.

The worse is how nerfed every item is.
Most of them are useless in combat and are barely useful out of the dungeon where you find them.
SS is the shining example of everything wrong with modern Zelda

t. 15 years old

All graphics are illusion my dude.

Yes. Yes you are.

Sorry, forgot to account for people with shit taste.

But nobody changed their minds about it. There were always a ton of people who liked it. Hating on TP was a huge meme,

Bright colors if it's full of foliage, dark colors if it's not. Gears of War looked amazing at the time because you could barely even see the flaws it was so dark.

Is it possible to play this on dolphin without the Wii mote?
Using a joystick for example?

None of the items are nerfed. You're just bad at the game.

Wind Waker is the shining example of what is wrong with modern Zelda

The only person here with shit taste is you.


>Wind Waker is the shining example of what is wrong with modern Zelda
How so?

No. You need wii motion+ and it is not emulated by dolphin because it's too complex to translate to other controller inputs. and wagglestick works decently in this game

For all its faults

It's many, myriad, all-encompassing faults

It still hate a really cute Zelda (nd Groose)

Shame about everything else though

I'm 24. And you have no taste. SS is the worst 3D Zelda.

SS is the worse Zelda period.

>what is Zelda 2

>SS is the worse Zelda period.
Actually yes. I agree with you on this.
Haven't played it.

>Skyward Sword has a controller on the screen
>Wii U has a screen on the controller
Really makes you think.

Completely empty sea. All you see is blue everywhere. Sailing from one island to another is boring and tedious since the boat moves so slow and you have to change the wind if you want to go anywhere somewhat fast.

Terrible dungeons except for the Earth and Wind Temples. Standard features in other Zelda games removed from Wind Waker.

It's the least innovative out of any 3D Zelda.

Different but still a playable game and enjoyable to an extent.

Skyward Sword is just shit and is only beaten out by the CD-I meme games while being approximately on par with Phantom Hourglass.

I'm almost 26.

Skyward Sword has it's flaws but it's still better than Wind Waker.

>SS is the worse Zelda period.
Not even close. The worst Zeldas are the CD-i games. If you only want count official releases, then it's the multiplayer games (Four Swords and Triforce Heroes) and Link's Crossbow Training. If you don't count spin-offs then it's Zelda II.

Sucks to be you, I love Skyward Sword since day one

>what is Zelda 2

A good game with some faults. Not even comparable to the atrocity that is SS.

A really good game?
It's like Dragon Quest with sidescrooler hack-and-slash fights and NES metroid style dungeons. Much than SS could ever hope to be.
Also, you know, the inspiration to SotN (lol "metroidvania" Iga and noone on Japan cares about Metroid), Tales of Phantasia, Ys III, etc.

I don't know from where this "Zelda 2 was bad" meme comes from, when it was released it was the bee's knees.

>a good game
>better than SS

I do as well. It was a good game.

>all these fags hating on /ss/

I played OoT some months ago on a shitty Intel Celeron N2840 notebook with an HD Texture Pack, so you're just a retard configuring emulators. Make sure to use Project64 1.6, that's the best one.

No. Skyward Shit is still really shit to me regardless of what anyone says. Fuck its flaws, TP was way better

Why has no one made a comparison screenshot yet

>CD-I games
Terrible cutscenes and quite possible the worse dub from the history of videogames aside, Wand of Gamelon and Faces of Evil are pretty decent games.
They expand on Zelda 2 gameplay while bringing items and other things. The main problem is that controls are sometimes awkward due to the controller not having enough buttons (so you need to crouch and press the button to use an item, etc. )
I would say they are better than SS.
They look pretty nice for the time they were released too (see pic related).
Unless you are alergic to sidescrollers it's worth checking out. Just ignore the cutscenes
Haven't played Zelda's Adventure, so no coment on that one.

It's just you and your shit taste. Skyward Sword was a massive downgrade over Twilight Princess. Breath of the Wild doesn't look perfect, but at least it's a step in the right direction.

The game didn't run at that resolution.

My only gripe with SS was that the controls kind of sucked left-handed. The game itself was fun though.

TP is shit

SS came out in 2011 and it didn't even have full HD resolution. I played the game through, but it was rough...

Personally, I think BotW has much nicer graphics. SS also had this trippy af art style that made everyone and everything look... really unnerving. BotW accomplishes the whole quasi-realism look much better.

760, going to try it out again when my 480 gets here,

woah woops accidentally posted.

Played the full game without a hitch, great experience although second half kinda dropped in quality hard.

I would disable the DOF, which can make it look better, but it bugs out some targeting mechanics.

Also no black bars and instant text so the game isn't as cumbersome.


For comparison.

Also disabled FI for the most part through codes too, great stuff.

Wait a fucking minute... Is it just me or is this the hundredth BotW thread today?

Last one, don't have anything but my integrated GPU at the moment so I can't take more.

Until BOTW runs on CEMU, SS does TECHNICALLY look better, I still think the artstyle on BOTW is pulled off better.

>linear level oriented game looks better than an open world game

stop the fucking presses

>ALL the edgefags hating on Zelda II

Art style was nice, it had some fun combat and interesting ideas.
It wasn't a 10/10 but it was still at least a 6/10.
Good game, not good compared to the best zeldas
Suck a dick all you people who shit on it because it's cool to.

Yes. I'm thinking they kinda forgot how to make good artstyles after WW, or WW was a happy accident.
New Mario games look plastic and lifeless, WWHD is a blurry bloomed mess with wrong shaders, that would've looked even worse if not for the backlash. TP is pretty decent though, if colorless in many areas.

I'm playing all zelda games, whats wrong with TP?

Ss in the top three worst zelda games

The cycle begins again.

For what it was, Link's Crossbow Training was great. Maybe a bit overpriced, but the gameplay itself was solid.

is the top the original?

It's not enough the game was a mess. They took the waggle shit too far. The way you fought in that game is not how you fight with a sword. He holds it out like an autist before and after an attack. It was the most gimmicky Zelda game and that is if you don't count Links Crossbow training.

botw isn't very good.

Almost all the Zelda games have the controller on the screen. You can also turn it off.

Every single Zelda game was great, and I mean great until Phantom Hourglass. Skyward Sword was a huge piece of shit.
There is no Zelda cycle.

How do you know. You sat down and played it? Don't reply unless you have. Otherwise you add nothing to this thread.

How can you emulate it when Wii Mote+ is required?

>comparing a console release's graphics to a mobile title

this a serious thread?

The Peppermint Kisses fights are really fun. Waggle might have been a meme, but it did manage to provide the best combat in Zelda. Which still isn't saying much, of course.

Wow, hm, now that I think about it, hm, Breath of the Wild is not a very good game, hm

Skyward Sword on the other hand, hm, maybe it wasn't so bad after all..........hm

>new Zelda is shit, the last one was way better

Neverending cycle.

ITT fags trying to push their shitty "cycle" meme agenda