Game ends on a cliffhanger

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>the studio went bankrupt before the sequel could be finished

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Pretty much White Knight Chronicles, Of course they have that Japanese dlc only story which clears things up.

>true ending that ties up the loose ends is DLC

That game was trash anyways. It deserved to be left on a cliffhanger

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>no fucking sight of a sequel in any shape or form


>game ends on a cliffhanger
>the studio made so much money off of multiplayer games that they'll never need to and don't want to ever make a single-player game again before the sequel could be finished


What happen to him?

>game advertises itself as the hypest shit and sets itself up for a sequel
>never happens
I can't help but giggle

Can someone give me a quick rundown on this guy?

Brutal Legend

He became that which small pastel coloured animals trigger. He became..



Anachronox sequel never.

>interesting setting and intriguing main story full of mystery and excitement
>really great, unique side quests
>diverse cast of characters, both in personality and visual design
>good to excellent writing throughout, often exploring darker themes but still lightening the mood with very occasional silliness or a wisecrack here and there

seriously it's so fucking good, it deserves more love and for a developer who isn't shit to take another crack at the IP some day

He's /ourguy/.

I love Barney.

I heard Lee Goldson has this piece of art in his room somewhere.

I thought this image (of himself) could trigger his bot?

He doesn't use a bot, you dumb fuck.

I'm not american so for me it's hard to understand why would someone get "triggered" by cartoons like barney, mlp, teletubbies? it's basically the same shit?

>I'm not american
Barneyfag's Canadian.

Still waiting on Darksiders 3....still waiting....

I loved the Prince of Persia remake but, this is bullshit.
I don't mind Asura's Wrath doing it


RIP Golden Sun. I know that last game wasn't the best but, I still had my fun... I just wanted to see the ending...


what did he mean by this?

the anticipation/suspense of a possible HL3 release is much more valuable than if they actually released it. This way they can garner media hype/attention with little hints and teasers and never actually releasing or developing the game. Releasing it at this point would just be a negative, there's no way it can live up to expectations

No one mentioned D4???

This is autism of the highest caliber. It's genuinely impressive.

>My experiences have made me traumatized to the point where I report these findings on an imageboard where my attempts to tell people about this have only led people on there to call me "gay".

>Game has neat looking background environments
>You never get to visit any of them

Wait, did they really make the 3rd game end in a cliffhanger? I never played that one.

Kill yourself degenerate

>Space Marine

>mfw GW only give the 40k IP to literally who mobile devs now.

Hang yourself faggot

>tag: barely pony related
You're a real piece of work Lee

fucking Advent Rising

What the hell Lee? You usually reply in no less than 5 minutes after you post the pony shit.

Just making sure you're still alive Lee, been literal months since I've seen your ass. Good to know you're still stuck here with us.

They made it seem like the world was about to fucking end in the post credits cutscene.

does anyone still believe that HL3 would actually get released? dont get me wrong, i would love to play it, but that thing can literally cure cancer and it still wouldn't live up to the hype

>developer make really fun game
>developer makes even more fun sequel to game
>publisher shuts down developer
>leaked game files show shut down developer was working on third game in the fun series
>everyone wants the new fun game
>publisher hands rights to developer nobody likes
>shits out a mediocre game that has nothing to do with the first two
>microtransactions and season passes out the ass
>third game dies within a few months

Can you name the first developer?

I think if it is, Gabe would probably troll everyone with it and make it Ride to Hell bad. He seems to have truly stopped caring about anything.

I can't even name the game...

wouldn't that pretty much kill valve's reputation tho?

Not many people played it although the 2nd season was finished. Swery just held it hostage.


>Ponies bow to Goldson
>In contact with bronies
>Possess autistic-like abilities
>Control derpibooru with an iron but fair fist
>Owns VPNs & proxies globally

Conglaturation, you did it

Pandemic studios.

I envy those of you who don't know what it feels like to not have a sequel to Anachronox.

Any EA game..

And really Fuck the studios that do this.
They don't want closure they want to keep their audience "in suspense" that's just stupid. you should contain things and leave some loose ends at the end of a game/story.

I see this all the time in games and It's just annoying.

and you know what? screw anti endings or stingers. I don't want some "oh everything you did was unimportant at the end", unless that actually ties into the main story about futility, fuck you.


If we upload Lee's face to derpibooru what would happen? Of course posting it after would cause him the usual rage but what happens to his psyche in real life? How does his autism work? Would he start going into convulsions every time he looked into the mirror? Would he have to link HIMSELF the derpibooru page?

Darkest of Days.

With Steam around, I kind of assume they don't care. No matter how bad Valve fucks up, people will forever buy stuff from Steam simply because it was there first despite the fact there are much better platforms to buy your games on. Steam would have to reach EA Worst Company of the Year 2012 tier bad before people start looking in other directions. They have one of the fattest cashcows so why even bother.

This is all cynical assumptions based on my ignorant soght of Valve's pretty apathetic way of moderating Steam(Particularly Greenlight) and lack of really trying to do anything as developers anymore so take it with a grain of salt.


Why do you continue to change the narrative to fit your own beliefs?

What did he mean by this?