It's over. Nintendo can never recover from this

It's over. Nintendo can never recover from this.

>clicking on clickbait


>white people
there is no saving you guys. no wonder your race is doomed, i'll be glad the day you become extinct

He looks australian. They eat literally anything.

>taste terrible
>breaks if you run it over with a car
The only saving grace this thing has is that it won't fall out of an airplane window

Reviewbrah has put on weight


If white people become extinct its because we launched nukes. Which means you will be extinct too buddy.

Nah, just americans

>fake news faggot trying to flood the board so people won't see the 6.7
You are literally going to kill yourself in the next 48 hours when you see how badly this piece of shit does.

But Turks aren't white and they'll survive.


Apparently it's so kids don't eat them

at least Sup Forums is smart enough to realize mainstream review sites suck cock.

Good thing the IGN review was completely unbiased, fair, and touched on issues almost every other reviewer had lol. Why would you bring up Sup Forums? If they were reviewing a new hyped up CD player and it was a piece of shit at a premium price they wouldn't buy it either lol

Unless it agree with their taste, just like here.

>Reviews are crap
>except when I say that it's not

God. Kids everywhere these days.

so you're saying all of the journalists making these articles are children?

Obvioulsy not since they still eat them.

>They are children with bad taste
Checks out actually