I did it Sup Forums

Should I be excited? I am not sure if I made the best or worst decision of my life.

Reported, enjoy your ban.

>almost 500 just for the console

but why?

Wash your hands, you disgusting piece of shit

he must be canadian

Welcome to Australia. We have a thing called minimum wage Mr cuckold muricans.

Enjoy yours dumbass.


>Asking strangers online whether or not you should be excited for a console

How insecure are you?

I'd like you to return the money you stole from the nice white man.

>pays 2x for the same shit
>calls me a cuck


Op here, 11/10

You could have just burned $500 in a trash can if you hate money that much.

>Pro controller $10

We also earn 4x your minimum wage :)

That's just the deposit.

I have a girlfriend that I really want you to sleep with.

>bragging about minimum wage

It's like bragging about having a 2 inch dick because someone else has a 1 inch dick... it's still shit desu senpai

>Have a 4 inch dick compared to someone else's 1 inch dick

>Vaginas are 6 inches deep

Who's more fucked, faggot?


Why is everyone here a sonynigger? What's going on

user, if this is the best or worst decision of your life, you haven't had very many important decisions.

Both of the whitebois

Eb? Mine is having a midnight launch. 13hrs to go.

>has literal shit skin
>lives in australia
aboriginal or pooinloo?

Make a guess.

The dudes on minimum wage lmao

No he said that Canada has 4x the minimum wage of the US at the expensive of double the prices. He's implying that Canadians not only earn more minimum wage, but better wages in general.