What will be the next one, and when?


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I hope the next one takes place in a realistic city.

Odyssey, and late this year (or more likely mid 2018)

I hope they give the hat eyes.

lol wouldn't it be cool if they made a 3d mario game like sonic adventure but with mario and his hat was alive

Are you retarded, or clueless about Odyssey?

How is anyone this out of the loop

I love how people are mad that Nintendo said Galaxy is not an open ended Mario like 64 and Sunshine and grouped it with 3D World/Land

I hope the next Mario looks like a rom hack.

Oops, my bad. I tried Googling it but nothing but "a new 3d Mario game will come to the Switch" showed up, so I thought nothing was revealed about it yet.

is this bait? or just blissful ignorance?

>blissful ignorance
Nah, I'm glad that's it's coming sooner than I thought.

What did you try googling user

What was your exact phrase

"what will the next 3d mario game be"
They didn't give it a name or anything, so I didn't expect a release date within any article


They're not even trying anymore. Just slap a bunch of random shit together that doesn't go together and insert Mario.

Kind of reminds me of xgenstudios.com/play/stickrpg

Where the fuck have you been

What about this is random and how is it any different from what they've always done?

mario games have always has a mish-mash of unrelated locales

>People complain that the newer games are playing it too safe lately.
>Try to go nuts with the series in the next main game.
>"This is too different!"

>intent that has been expressed is "mario going to very unfamiliar and weird locations"
>lol why does it all look weird

Its already almost finished

galaxy is though, galaxy 2 however isn't since it features 2d segments

galaxy also has 2d sections though