Video games have not benefited society in any way. Prove me wrong

Video games have not benefited society in any way. Prove me wrong.

Your opinion doesn't concern me.

Well, you might be able to argue that any entertainment is beneficial to society.

No shit, they're purely a form of entertainment.


DooM kinda caused the columbine shooting eliminating chads, staceys and their future normie families.
*teleports away*

>entertainment has not been beneficial to society

So? You could be doing more productive things than playing video games.

I don't really care about being productive to society. I've got my 9 to 5 selling electronics but past that I like to kick back and play video games.

Like watching TV or reading books?

like shitposting on Sup Forums?

wasnt there some study a few years ago that linked GTA with an actual decrease in violent crime?

Don't really care about society, but video games and lifting at home are pretty much the only things that keep me from offing myself

>what is paralel learning

>Write me an essay on this
That's not how it works. How about you actually make a point in the first place, dumbfuck?

Entertainment is the sole prize of life. Nothing has meaning without it. Nobody would participate in society if they weren't seizing entertainment for themselves, even if they're stuck chasing some distant glimmer of it. How shallow can you guys get?

"Productivity" is only important as far as it nets you more entertainment in general. Anyone who is just "productive" doesn't have a reality of their own.

twitch streams that donate to charities

Burden of proof you little shit.
Prove it hasn't.

It created a new business industry that gives thousands, if not millions, of people jobs.

neither has tv or the internet.

what's your point?

Gaming creates more profit for hardware companies who can invest in deep learning, AI and server shit. Sure, business and industry tech would advance without the gaming market, but it would be slower.

>The Internet has not benefited society

But that's wrong, fucktard. With the Internet, it's easier than ever to get information.

so many spooked people ITT

"productive" lmao what a spook

Actually both have been pretty good about that.

TV brought news to the masses

Internet brought speed to business. Also cat videos to the masses so we wouldn't have to watch the news anymore.

You really think they haven't benefited society? You might as well go on to say that they haven't hindered it either, but then it's like they have no connection at all (which is obviously wrong).

uhhmmm nope
cant think of any

but then again they're just videogames, and I'd like to stay that way

I'd much rather look for information in a library for hours rather than giving subhuman idiots the opportunity to voice their opinions as loud as possible, possibly influencing other people.

Getting information by Internet is much faster.

>i only get my information from Sup Forums and other social media sites
Unironically kill yourself.

>Not once have I ever googled something to learn more about it

What ever you say, shitmop.

They give many, a voice