Alright then, let's have it

Alright then, let's have it.

Other urls found in this thread:

Your mom.

I wonder how quickly mods will delete this one

Pay the $5 cheapskate.

>"But I don't want to support Ian's faggotry!"

Every company you've ever given money to has employees that you would hate if you knew them.


Thank you for the link, my main man.

thx ben

Thanks Ultima

>Ian's lesbian "speak to your min" elf is dying next week

Feels good


when does this happen?

You mean, when did the GIF take place? Some Frame Trap where Brad talked about I am Setsuna.

i give them $1 because i'm poor

honestly i don't even need the podcast early i just like these threads for a once a week discussion thread

Thank you ben

beta cuck mods think they can silence the Ultima

think again

This. Mods should give us at least some joy once a week.

We don't deserve joy in this cursed place

where would eza threads even go on Sup Forums if not Sup Forums since they're apparently not video games related

We need /eza/

I guess /wsg/ could be a reasonable place for fun, if people were willing to go to a thread there. There's plenty of webm worthy allies moments to keep the thread in the rules.

If there can be a permanent fucking creepy Dodger thread there, there can be an Allies one.

thanks ben

Anyone got that gif of huber in complete darkness

why did kyle lose his shit?

Fuck off redditors

Kyle has weird sense of humor, I seriously don't know why he lost it. But here's the time:

>normally dislike solo streams
>mfw Kyle's Pokemon TCG streams
I think the random element has a lot to do with it.
>that fucking Sandslash
>that fucking CATERPIE

The idea of a vinyl of an NES game is apparently hilarious to him

Oh i see, thanks

Damiani is gonna ruin the Switch stream

Nah, damiani is most of the time in the background. The wiiu group stream was fun.

it wouldn't be the first thing he's ruined and it won't be the last.

>you will never love something as much as Huber loves Shenmue

Or video games in general

Because that's

A) A vinyl record, and
B) A vinyl record of the soundtrack to an NES game

His options are for me to not take him seriously, but love his joy. Or for me to take him seriously and not respect any of his opinions.

That is the fate you choose when you give in to the hype completely.

that fucking stream got me addicted to the card game I swear.

Also look up Bosman v Wozniak, the bits make that stream absolutely worth it every week.

>Everyone absolutely shitting on the Wii U at the end

I wouldn't say he's given in to hype completely. If he did he wouldn't shit on RE6 or Dead Space 3 any chance he gets. I also think he didn't like The Last Guardian but I might be confusing him with someone else.

Gametrailers died for a reason...this is just sad... easy allies and their fans are pleb farmers stop shitting up my v with adverts for your shit ass videos lol easybuttfarts rarely get 20k+ views if ever on their videos top kek they have like five fans

>mfw Damiani is on the podcast

I'll empty your swamp bud if you don't beat it.

He gives into the hype, not necessarily gives games a free pass. Hype comes before the game releases, when it's unproven.

He's actually pretty fair about games he's experienced for the most part. Although if he loves it, he sings the praises a little too strong.

Steve Lichman confirmed for best sponsor

>mfw he sent that fucking spider

I love Ben but fuck me that was hilarious






>$40 shipping to the UK.

Sorry Lichman I'm not paying nearly double to get it a thousand years late, then pay import fees.

Best podcast weeks are with Blood and Huber.

kek. Those are pretty great.

>Live with youtube gaming is ded for good

When will kyle suck it up and put his not-final bosman videos on the EZA channel

Thanks, Ultima

Who /MANGO/ here?

That WiiU eulogy last night by Brad

>Stay Dead

The jojo podcast was better than I expected. they improved the format from the berserk one, and surprisingly had little part 2 circle jerk.
To bad brad hadn't finished part 4 so they didn't talk about my favorite psycho killer.

they said they would talk about part 4 more later and that the jojo podcast was being split into two parts


Do tell

It was complete garbage. Why even talk about it if they have no clue whatsoever about the series and can't even remember names like Stroheim? This was like having a Metal Gear series discussion hosted by people who've played MG1, 2 and MGS1 but not the entire rest of the series.

In part 2 they said they'd bring brandon and kyle, unless these two also watch part 4 I don't think they'll talk anything new about it. But I hope they do, just want some sweet bite the dust discussions.

Also, is there any patreonfags here that can tell me which are the anime voting options for the next podcast?

It's OP and a bunch of shit that isn't going to win

It's shit

Yeah Nichijou is pretty shit

Hellsing is great, too bad One Piece is going to win.

He ruined the switch unboxing and switch os video already. Keep that autist behind the scenes

Keijo!!!!!!!! podcast when????

>gameinformer is a shill publication

top kek damiani
