Where the hell is Cuphead?

It's been THREE (3) years and this game still hasn't seen the light of day. What does Sup Forums think about this?

Other urls found in this thread:


interested but it could end up sucking

When they first showed it, it was just bosses, just a boss-rush game. They got feedback that people wanted a full action-platformer experience, so they took the time to develop it into that.

As long as the game is a lot less boss rush than implied, I'm still interested.

I think they should've just made a a cartoon instead of a video game. I like the style and animation. Gameplay looks mediocre.

Carlos please stop.

>What does Sup Forums think about this?
I don't. What good does it do you to hype or pine for games that don't yet exist?

t. reddit

Looks like reddit the game

I've about given up for indie games

A hat in time and exogensis are two games I backed 3 years ago that both have yet to see any news.

This sentence you've typed means nothing

It got delayed because people found out it was just boss battles and wanted more. So they caved and added levels.

>the game is reddit
>ha reddit
>it's reddit the game
>t. reddit

neo Sup Forums

Not everyone is clinically retarded like you though.

They wanted to make a mega man inspired boss rush.

Then people wanted platform stages that lead to boss rush.

Frankly I'm surprised it's taken this long because they could have easily shat out a couple of platforming stages and called it a day. Maybe they might actually care about their game.

Something something Google Chrome apparition.

You are reddit

Try not to see the cup half empty, rather try and see it as half full.

Being completely honest though the gameplay before people suggested they changed it look extremely repetitive.
The game would have sucked if they just stuck with their original vision.


I know I know, hard lesson learned. They sucked me in with false hopes. A hat in time at least has a release date for this year, I'm interested to see an original collect-a-thon concept. Exogenesis though? I feel most burned by this, they claimed it would be a hybrid of ace attorney and zero escape. Little to no news and several missed potential release dates.

I think it's mostly the hand drawn animations that take so long. Shit looks gorgeous but it takes a fuck ton of time to do it.

Bad quality, here's a better link:

Honestly I forgot about this game until recently. I hope it isn't vaporware becuse the original concept looked really promising. Once the devs added "i want to be the guy"-hard platforming stages I stopped caring.

Why don't you buy games that exist instead of buying games that don't?

Wasn't it announced at a MS E3 show?

I feel like at this point doing so is a curse


As far as I know this is the only info they released last week.


Rule 34 yet?