3 > 2 > 1

3 > 2 > 1
what games do this?

Fable series.


just the witcher i suppose

Metal Gear Solid.


Modern Warfare


>being better than 1 or especially 2

Assassin's Creed

2 > 1 > 3

3 > 1 > 2



Despite what people say 3 is better than 2 and 2 is still better than 1.
1 is great but having reused levels in reverse and little variety is what kills it compared to the sequels that expanded greatly in narrative, gameplay elements, enemies and weapons and the lack of repeating levels.




Ratchet and Clank
Ape Escape? maybe?

only good answer so far

Sonic the Hedgehog
Metal Gear

Banjo Kazooie

Mario, if you want to say that Super Mario World > Super Mario Brothers 2 USA (&/or Lost Levels) > Super Mario Brothers

Megaman battle network

Dark Souls.

Not even trolling.

Duke 3D > Duke 2 > Duke 1

Digimon world

>3 is better than 2 and 1


Take that back...
How is 2 at all better than 1 in any way?



Super Smash Bros.

>b-b-but muh tripping!

More stages, an actual story mode, more collectables, an online mode that worked with friends (not defending with randoms that was shit), more variety of music, diversification of clones such as Falco and Ganondorf, I could go on but I won't because this isn't a smash bros thread and I don't want to hijack.

I think in the Neverhood you squeezed trough a windows.


shinier graphics

The story mode sucked though. I could really appreciate that they didn't bother with it in Sm4sh.

Not even the cutscene were that good and that was pretty much the main draw of the entire mode since the gameplay was mediocre at best.


>shinier graphics
>DS2 looking better than DS1

Literally gas yourself.

3 is by far the worst

Rock Band if you add 3 > 2 > 1 > 4




Zelda if you consider LTTP to be Zelda 3

If I ever find a genie in a lamp I'll use two wishes to make sure you're dead

3 is the worst one though.

It's 1 > 2 > 3.

LTTP is the only good Zelda game.



The time bomb which will detonate right und

3>2>1 is kinda rare... 2>1>3 is so much more common

Of the 2D ones it's the worst one by far.

Megaman Legends 3

isn't it coming out later this year?

Only after the updates, Diablo 3 on release was not better than 2

Warcraft rts

Syphon Filter

Half-life 3

This meme has gone on too far and I'm here to stop it.

The Megaman Legends series was never good and it was a smart move of capcom to put it finally to rest.

I don't know why they stopped making any Megaman games at all though since obviously the series has merit. They just completely overextended it and lead it into the wrong direction.

Had they used Megaman sparingly he would have been more successful in the long term.

Megaman battle network

Having this much shit taste should be illegal.
A Story-driven megaman game with emphasis on exploration was great. and Megaman Legends 2 was a great game.

both mainline Shin Megami Tensei and Persona
also agree with


>5 > 4 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 0

If we are already here why not put an end to the "wishing people death" meme too.

Two dumb memes out of the way in a single day. This was a very productive day. I can already feel the flowers growing after we removed the weeds.

Actually the most common is 1 > 3 > 2
Mass Effect
Dead Space

It's better than the Tailing simulator that was 4.

Wild Arms

>playing ME3 for longer than 10 minutes before throwing it in the trash

If you didn't hate the game by the time you first met that bitch Ashely again then there's no hope for you.

Nobody said Devil May Cry yet?


It's still hot garbage.

Silent Hill



for dead space I rate

2 > 1 > 3

Last reply wasn't me. But he actually makes a good point, because for DS1 the textures were so good that they actually looked much worse when they downscaled them for consoles, and they look just as good as DS2 with DSFix. Anyways, I'm nit going to pretend that my subjective opinion is objectively better than yours, but Dark Souls 2 has worse, and less memorable world design, due to things like the lack of an interconnected world, interesting shortcuts, and allowing you to warp from the beginning of the game. And it also of course has unfair enemy encounters, and less creativity in world and enemy design, some bosses are copy and pasted from DS1.

at the same resolution ds1 is the best looking game in the series.

except maybe bloodborne, but thats because they both go all-in on an art style. fuck, without the art direction from bloodborne the engine they reused for ds3 looks fucking plain and ugly. only good images from it are zoomed-out views of a city. honestly, even scholar on pc looks better than ds3, or at least theyre so evenly matched that you get the point of how bad ds3 looks.

I don't think most people find 2 better than 1

2 is fucking awful, what.
I see what you're saying, but Zelda 2 is in no way better than the OG.


I agree

God of war.

Monster Hunter

3 is fucking fantastic

Probably the best response in the thread

Donkey Kong Country

Metal Gear

And this is the correct choice, disregard 3