And the Award for Zelda game with the Worst Soundtrack goes tooo

And the Award for Zelda game with the Worst Soundtrack goes tooo.....

Other urls found in this thread:!qJ9XyZKB!0x8GzMhh62Rl4VEX2g4n5D59fRzfC72_mAnNKrHuBcM[MusicExtensions]
I like it

Posting becausa i fell pity for your bad taste.

nah, 2nd worst battle theme in the series thus far.

its definitely not what i was expecting. a couple of the themes are pretty legit though, hyrule castle especially.

Dat Lon Lon tho.

It's all some trash fucking techno remix culture trash. It sounds like zelda being played by some shit DJ at an autistic nightclub

>born in le wrong generation

it sounds pretty good but needs something more to capture the open-world feel better - perhaps more reverb?

I don't think it could possibly get as bad as Phantom Hourglass did.

Somebody upload the entire fucking soundtrack.


im sorry what the fuck is this

>less than 365 days until people born in 2000 are allowed to post on Sup Forums


zelda II the adventure of link

How the fuck did this end up actually being okay in context? I think it was because it was low volume and the fucked up atmosphere allowed for it.

see thats the thing, all of its GOOD music is stuff remixed from a past zelda (also see dragon roost theme). Its got nothin good on its own.

>i fell pity
Nintoddler intelligence, ladies and gentlemen. Can't elucidate why it's good, it's just "ur bad taste men if u don like it"

>tfw read this as "Zelda game with the Best Soundtrack"

Am I delusional?

Each game ends up with some good original ones though.

It's bad for my tastes, but not bad for people who have good taste for music.

I mean fuck, it's like listening to a contemporary music concerto. Critics gonna love that part.

this is N O T the actual File Select LMAO

No, you just have dyslexia.

>triggered by a piano

Here's something funny, if you get the bad ending it plays the SS ending theme.

I actually think you're right holy shit

Sit the fuck down.

Haven't listened to any other tracks because I don't want to spoil myself but this track alone is one of the greatest in the series.!qJ9XyZKB!0x8GzMhh62Rl4VEX2g4n5D59fRzfC72_mAnNKrHuBcM
all the music audio files in the game, a lot of it is 10 second-long clips and there some apparently repeated stuff
was posted some days ago in a /vg/ thread

This is good considering battle themes generally aren't Zelda's battle themes usually aren't its strong suit which is dungeon themes. Oot's battle theme got old and boring quick. There are more varied notes in composition.

This is a funky-ass beat.

People that unironically use this term should be executed. Same with all console war shit. Find something meaningful to do with your fucking life.

>listening to video game music outside of video games
>not muting in-game music and listening to actual music

I'll bet you guys stand around in elevators listening to the music in them for fun too

Because masturbating over video games and making 30 different BotW/HZD/Nier2 threads every hour on the hour is productive? Fuck off.

Supposedly the dungeons and villages have amazing as fuck music. The talent is all there, it's just that the music is used sparingly.

Getting some Ligeti vibes from this.

>S-stop making these video game threads on this video game board you nintoddlers!!! >:(

remixes dont count dumbshit

Nier:automata is the true OST of the year


The worst offender is definitely the staff roll music, it feels very artificial and stitched together. Honestly listen to Twilight's Staff Roll

Pretty good right? Brings up familiar rift's you're heard throughout the game, while flowing into one and another seamlessly. Ok now let's hear BotW

>5 songs newbie composers mashed together lol

>not realizing that its more impressionistic style symbolizes the series' first major evolution since oot, which (along with the majority of the series) has primarily romantic music

We've known this since the E3 trailer, get with it user.
While the music is much more minimalistic in presentation--especially after ALBW--I really love what I've heard so far and how they remix old themes to the point they're not even recognizable at first, like the temple of time.

I don't wanna spoil myself so I'm not clicking, but does BOTW at all have a "theme" going for it? Obviously TP had a huge one in many songs.

I like when games do that. They all kinda did. The fanfare for completing temples or other major parts of the game was always a piece of Hyrule Field in every game since OoT.

Ah, it's the Moonlight Sonata!

the song played during the e3 trailer is the main theme
so far it doesnt sound like it plays as much as tp's did though.

nope no main grand theme, very much just pieces and rendition that sound "epic" or fit the zelda quota. The only consistent thing in the music is the piano, everything else feels, like i said earlier stitched together...

Well at least some of the village music sounds good, even if they're just remixes.

if you don't like the music you can just switch it off

Strange thing about this game is the OST is very minimalist but the sound design is great.

Zelda music has never been anything special.

What a shitty medley. They didn't even bother make a good transition between themes.

wind waker.

fuck the 3 good songs on it.

abysmal soundtrack.

All of them.


it's the animal crossing composer

what were they thinking?

>"say, you know who would make a good fit for this epic sprawling action adventure series? the broad who did the songs for that silly animal sims game."

Man I love the TP soundtrack, it was the last Koji Kondo composed one too so that means we'll only be getting more and more remixes in future game

>not listening to lounge elevator music

I'll bet you listen to music with lyrics too, pleb.

botw dev room, final days
>hey, we're missing one song
>for which area?
>Hyrule Castle Dungeon, B1-B3
>ikr. What should we do? The sound composer, designers, engineers, everyone composing for this game already left
>what should we do? Make a song ourselves?
>it shouldn't be difficult
>sorry to rush, but we don't have much time, the game is releasing next week
>okay, let's do this, let's go to the piano room, take the recorder

he didn't compose it.

Jesus Christ. Sounds like its just throwing in random sounds at certain points.

>it's the animal crossing composer
so is the totaka's song in there somwhere?

Everybody shut the fuck up for a second

Should have done this instead

I hope you all are baiting, I instantly recognized it


>someone got paid currency to make this

I'm trying too hard in life.

SS theme was better than this.


This is one of the worst pieces of shit I've ever heard
What were they thinking?

>when a random fan makes better music than a professional composer hired for the game


Personal favorite thus far[MusicExtensions]


>Last soundtrack was Majora's Mask
>Has said he wanted to score another game
>Too busy running Nintendo's music department
>We will never get another Kondo soundtrack

This is literally a worse version of the song, are you fucking retarded?

Is the trailer theme from the Zelda trailer at the Switch presentation anywhere in the game?

It's at the end of the credits!

what is with this huge movement to shit on this game for random, disproved, things recently?

Its like they are being paid...

>those things that sound like cymbal crashes in reverse
That's pretty good

>People are seriously shitposting about this soundtrack

Stop being a bunch of autists and listen to the entire OST here:

I wondered how they would handle the battle music in a more impressionist style

Oh Sup Forums will do it for free. Why the fuck do I even come back here.

Why is just about everything broken up?

Because you love us

>Sup Forums actually thinks this music is bad
its made for combat. without combat, of course it sounds awkward. also i guess i forgot that Sup Forums's music taste is probably not much outside of /r/music

Please buy Horizon: Zero Dawn instead, user! It has real graphics and is on the Sony PlayStation 4, which you already own, right?

i'm sure you're an expert in music taste on the reddit.

>subtle ambient music

Oh wow Sup Forums has bad taste, what a surprise.

I love this one, don't know why

This sounds like a Michiru Yamane's compisition HOLY FUCKING SHIT 10/10

dragon roost, ganon, puppet ganon, wind temple boss, navigation is pretty neat, forsaken fortress is cool, windfall island fits perfectly. overall, it's pretty neat. thematicly perfect.

not knowing attonal music. freaking amateurs.

Listen to stravinsky and tell me he isn't a mad genius. develop your ear

Whenever the main theme is part of a song in a game, I tend to love it