It is time for games to grow up and deliver a more progressive attitude towards incestuous relationships

It is time for games to grow up and deliver a more progressive attitude towards incestuous relationships.

Fire Emblem Heroes General, then?

My wife, Erika, is cute and does not have a sexual relationship with her brother.


Nice thinking Ephraim. She can't be your sister if she's your wife

I bet you this will become the next civil rights movement.

Sup Forums hates trans people but claims to be progressive because they enjoy jacking it to incest
fucking degenerates

I like the way you think, OP.

Everyone hates trannys, even trannys, have you ever looked at /lgbt/

Porn is currently in the process of normalizing brother/sister

You are free to think what you will, but why did you post that picture? You don't mean to imply, Ephraim, the greatest Fire Emblem lord, likes to rub his hands all over his dear sister's thighs, slowly working his fingers to her soft, pink genitalia? It is absolutely absurd you suggest that Ephraim, the strongest Fire Emblem spear user, lie on top of his dear sister's petite frame, and fondle her breasts while kissing her small, smooth lips with his thick, wet tongue. If you are going to suggest, that Ephraim, the most alpha male lord in video game history, thrusts his thick, 9 inch penis into his sister's tight, flawless vagina, and ejaculates inside her until it flows all over her royal bedding, on a nightly basis, you better be ready to say it to his face!

All this talk of Erika now has me worried, I must tend to her. I'll be getting off now.

>All this sibling incest? pushing in heroes
What are they trying to say?

Ephraim is my favorite FE character now because of this shit.



Nintendo wants you to fuck your siblings

>most alpha lord
>fucks his sister every night

pick one

Pick two*

>tfw no sister to practice Intelligent Systems teachings with

having a sister is overrated.

it's strange to see the rapid increase of incest videos on porn streaming sites

As everything else, but those who do not have it, dreams of the best, and thus wants it.

>implying going against social conventions and plowing your 10/10 cutie pie sis isn't alpha as fuck

Why do you go to porn streaming sites? Can't you just read ero-manga like everyone else?

incest is only hot on paper

>implying fucking your twin sister is somehow more alpha than fucking a women who has a choice in how she feels about you

All they're REALLY going to do is pat each other on the head for a couple of hours.

Does anyone have the image from the magazine of the guy saying he's being raped by his sister and doesn't know how to stop it, to which the magazine replies that it's hard for people to come out as gay

>Implying Eirika doesn't love Ephraim of her own choice
She pretty much cucks Lyon you know, hence the madness, if you play her route.

I do that too. I'm pretty much addicted to porn at this point so I use a wide scala of porn during any of my 6 hour sessions

>Tfw I have healthy mental libido but my physical body is sub-par and cannot keep up
It's a pain only a few people know.

>Sup Forums hates trans people
but that's wrong

Bioware keeps fucking up by making the only semi-attractive/likable chick in their games your sister.

It happened in Dragon Age 2 and it looks like Andromeda will be a repeat.

once again 2d > 3d

>having a sister is overrated.

That's true.

Little sisters are terrible.

>Tfw I just got hooked on incest porn when I started playing Dragon Age 2
>Got legitimately suprised and mad that you can't romance your sister/brother
Japanese media are just superior I guess.

>invades grado kicking ass and killing shit left and right while eirika is moping around a desert with the gay prince

He's too good for her

He deserves only the best myrmidon cock

Loving your sister is wrong and Bioware knows that. You should too.

I mean look at Baldur's Gate. You wouldn't want to romance Imoen.

Little sisters are Ephraim's ONE WEAKNESS

well, she's ugly and have a pixar ironic face. i wouldn't want to fuck Imoen

I still want to fuck Eirika.

Only if both parties are sexually attractive.

>Japanese script says he won't lose when it comes to Sibling Love

I agree.

>You wouldn't want to romance Imoen.

You haven't been in a Baldur's gate thread recently.

>In the original script for FF4 Ares was going to be the secret child of Lachesis and Eldigan

So the whore has been impregnated by fin, beowulf and eldigan?

>make a manly, not cringy or emo good character for once
>ruin him with incest shit

fucking hell japan


The trauma of not being able to marry her brother messed her up bad.


so much this. Ike is pretty good tho

Well Eirika is the one that really has feelings for her brother. Ephraim just wants to be a good brother.

Kill yourselves.

Ike's just a boring version of Hector and Ephraim.


Hey, that Imoen Romance mod is great even if you don't want to have sex with your sister.


no u

ain't that ponytail princess and the grado blonde all over ephraims cock too

why the hell did he had to pick eirika, the blandest girl in all fire emblem

hell bang lute or myrrh instead they're cuter


I got you user.

Ike is gay like Raven, though.

God I hope so, but I think it is a long ways off. "Paedorights" will probably be first.

It will happen, but it might not be in our lifetime.

Throughout human history, incest has remained one of the most popular fetishes

This was a good fap.

The sequel where the brother and sister pretend to be into it and love each other to make it more enjoyable and then actually do fall in love is better.

Any mobile games like Fire Emblem? That's not Heroes obviously.

I wonder how they would butcher FE4 when they eventually update it and release it to the west.

Well that does help clean up the mess afterward, but it's still pretty hot if you're just doing it on the bed.

this is a better degenerate ship desu

I-is it okay that this gave me a boner?

You don't choose the headpat
The headpat chooses you

Easily stimulated.

>Rather than lowering the incest, Fates actually double down by having the most possible 'incest' S-supports in the series
>Azura, the closest thing to a 'canon' love interest, is even partly related to the player character

Some at IS is super into it

Well, I think you can't beat FE4 for incest but it's nice to see that they're reintroducing it.

>well drawn inc art

She'd be a hot mom...

Awakening had it too.

>game heavily inspired by medieval times is full of incest

I don't know why this is a surprise or shock to anyone. People boned their families all over europe during the 1200s-1400s

Not as much as Fates though.

I don't think Gaiden had any though. Damn shame.

Ye, bloodlines held power then. Not so much today.

How is letting mental degeneracy run rampant progressive?

>it makes sense because medieval

Yeah and they had wyverns and dragonfolk and shamans back then too am i right?

>Because the setting incorporates elements of fantasy, any element drawn from reality is somehow wrong

I suppose you'll argue against them using swords next, or wearing shoes?

Mental illness is not a joke user.

I never said it wasn't a form of wish fulfillment. It is fiction, after all. It isn't limited by history.

I mean, I've seen some drawings user.

People wouldn't draw things that aren't real, right?

>weaken/remove the white man, single ethnic group majority net-positive regarding jews
>vastly improve spread/influence of groups indifferent/hate of jews, primarily muslims
>world domination somehow

How's this shit supposed to work?

I'm really glad she still wants to fuck her brother in heroes.

Don't ask, Jews just want to watch the world burn, or something.

> Dark Souls Zero

Purest form of love is unending.

the more atomized is the western society through multi culti, the less capacity it has to act, the easier is for an organized minority to influence key decisions.

Did someone say "sisterfucker"? Cause i don't know nothing about it, no sir

>have two accounts with a +spd nino and +atk tharja
>Oh boy, I NEED Eirika
>Spend all free orbs, no Eirika on either account
>Next day, 4 star Eirika is on the roll


>not just morphing a shitter into a 5 star eirika

And what of the perfectly "atomized" muslim world that consistently hates them throughout the various tribes and would act given a "no whitey" power vacuum?

Incidents of antisemitism (not campus bullshit, think "wear jew-hat and get burned alive") are skyrocketing with the import of muslims.

Are some 15 mil jews (an increasing number of which are aggregating in Israel due to above) going to nuke the 1.6 bil muslims out of existence somewhere down the line once "key influence decisions" are possible?

We had a perfectly good thread going and now it's ruined. I hope you're happy.

I bet you're great at parties.

This cannot possibly be real.

It's the purest form of love, user.

>Makes thread about incest
>Posts picture of two characters not even remotely related until they are married

Ok, I'll bite. Where are you going with this?