This is a class of video game development graduates in 2017

>this is a class of video game development graduates in 2017

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>majoring in video game development

What's the problem

fat mustache man the only straight male in the class, probably slayed tons of puss

There are some ugly sjw types in it and the one of the few white guys looks like a fucboi.

I choose pajeet, seems like a good person to develop an ero VN.

>all those womyn
>not a single attractive one

The indian with the glorious mustache on the background

without any doubt

Are you sure these arent Bioware or Ubisoft future hires?

the girl with the green hair looks hot as fuck

although chicks with insect hair colors are generally bad

Since when did video game devs become this cute look at the girls in the middle for example.

would let green hair dev patch my game

I hope pajeet goes on an makes a good game

why do white women think they are a minority?

You just know Pajeet has Loo'd over 2/3 of that class.


>majoring in anything labeled "VIDYA DEV"
>not just base computer science
These retards deserved to be swindled

The Latina next to the gook looks glorious.

>studying for something you can learn online
>getting a degree where a degree isn't what matters, but rather the content you produce
>spending 3 years of your life to be a code monkey
There are millions of resources online on how to make games. Go to school for something like computer science instead.

You have to be a sad, fucking low life to ever want to major and contribute to the man-child mental illness.

Seconded. He might reek of curry sweat but at least he will make a good game.

the guy in the back left, next to the linebacker. Not even a hard choice.

Lesbian dyed hair puss? Yeah no.

I'm in base software engineering, its basically computer science but with extra math classes and is a bachelor of engineering. There is also game design software engineering which is the same but 1 less math class a year and 1 more design class. That said, in this case I think its ok because its not some shitty community college.

>white cuck
>two dozen translesbianfuilds
>Snoop Dog

Panjeet in the back is gonna get hired to do the job of three people for half the market cost of a comparable hiree and not give a single fuck about quality.

Most of the rest of them are gonna be unemployed and writing game dev blogs and thinkpieces.

They'll be out of the industry in a few years or put into marketing positons

The only one that looks normal is Pajeet


I'll never understand these stupid as fuck middle class retards who have mommy and daddy pay to send them to college for something like this. If you are GOOD at programming you will get a job without a degree. If you are GOOD at art you will get a job without a degree. If you are GOOD at something that is based solely off personal talent you will get a job. You don't need to go to college to develop a game, yet these retards will, and they have no idea what they're doing yet will still get hired by some Western libtard developer.

They copy and paste good.

The sole entry requirement is to have dyed hair.

A respectable CC is only good for getting the general ed done and you barely have to worry if universities will take the credits since they always want more money flowing in.

I also go to college for a stupid useless liberal arts degree. Why? Because my parents pay for it and life is pretty comfy when you effectively don't have to study for 5 years +. Same with those bitches in the pic of OP I bet

All the sweaty white dudes are in computer science, actually planning on making scrilla. lol @ video game development

He was trying to find the computer science classroom and felt awkward leaving in the middle of a picture being taken

Chinese lady in the middle looks like she's a nice person.

Everyone else is rotten and insecure.

>I am garbage
Fixed up your sentence structure a tad

>not partnering with Pajeet on the back who is definitely the maximum bro in that room, clearly sick of everyone else's poo_

Oh from a knowledge perspective for sure. Here in Canada though our CC's are like pretty much purely trade focused. I always laugh at people who tell me they are in social science at a CC though. Like thats an even more guaranteed no job than college.

university has a few things in between signing up and getting a degree. like the bit where they have 'experts' teach you how to do the thing you signed up to learn. im sure at least 1 person in the world has enrolled in university to learn things rather than just get a degree.

>I don't need to be taught anything, I was born with natural talent!

You're an idiot.

Choose your team and game:
>the token nigger
>nice looking chinese lady in the middle


I want that maybe native american looking cutie wearing a bike lock in the middle left.

Nah, this is great though. I'm sure all of these kids are going to love getting hired on, worked like a fucking slave for two years and then fired when their game ships as they begin their next decade of crunch time followed by joblessness until they have enough experience to command a salary that means they can't find work because the new batch of retarded fools that thought a degree like this would be a good life choice will take em all.

indian man has a glorious moustache

Girl on the left in the tan ain't bad. Looks wholesome at least.

Berniecucks everybody

i would partner up with the two latinas and the chick w. green hair

steampunk shooter in mexico city where you fight off reborn undead conquistadors

You are drastically underestimating how much credientialism culture and unqualified human resource sprawl affects hiring practices.

Saying "if you're good at programming you'll get a job without a degree" is like saying "if you're good at cutting hair you'll get a haircutting job without certification." That's just now how the world works.

Large companies swallow up small companies. Those large companies are chock full of people who know fuck all about the business they run. A brilliant job on a game project with a serious budget come along, and you're a great programmer, well tough shit. Because if you don't have the qualifications that some bimbo in human resource plugged into her keyword search, then your application is getting auto rejected LONG before any human eyes see it.

So without qualifications, you're down to self-employment, which is fine so long as you have the social skills to market your product and good enough health to not need health insurance...

His point is all the resources to teach yourself are all available. In fact university is almost a hindrance to the learning process I find as they force you to learn the material the prof will test you on instead of just improving yourself in general. Paying for school is literally paying for the examinations because you could just go to the lectures if you really wanted to.

Proof this is a video game development grad class please.

this absolute madman lived through the entire course having to deal with his mentally ill tumblr-using classmates
and yet he has the expression of utmost peace and confidence

mark my fucking words, the future will see this guy developing the single greatest game humanity has ever witnessed

That qt to the left of blue hair girl is fine, also the one next to her.

You're either underaged or a basement-dwelling permavirgin clueless about how life works. Either way, you're fucking retarded. Please do the world a favour and kill yourself.

>decade of crunch time followed by joblessness until they have enough experience to command a salary that means they can't find work because the new batch of retarded fools that thought a degree like this would be a good life choice will take em all

And then they can't move to another area of programming because those companies want Comp Sci majors not "video game design"

take a fucking break until you figure out what you want to do you fucking retard.

My team would be
>blue hair
>green hair
>poindexter at the table on the right
The game would be watching his descent into madness as they destroy his reputation and chance of a career with team politicking and possibly prison on false charges.

second from the left is wife material

I wish I was the one good looking male in that class

He has the expression of a man who knows he's the first one in that room getting hired.



only thing they are developing, is an extra chromosome

protip: the indian guy CAME FROM COMPUTER SCIENCE

How many trannies can you count?

I can count 5.

>people making games now grew up with shit like bioshock and borderlands


What do you think the people in this group will be working on in 5 years?

lol i wonder what happened to this guy.

That guy on the bottom right is a qt I want to rape his butt

I wonder how many of those are trannys? Pink hair in the grey sweat shirt in the front has to be one.

Im pretty sure five of those 'women' are trannies.

I'll stick to my japanese games, thanks.

I think they're just sociology majors who want to talk about video games rather than devs.

tumblr blogs.

It is fucking sad, do your part and pirate anything and everything. Don't donate a dime of your money to industry

Also, unique man to wear a button shirt and not a tshirt

okay that's it I'll never buy a fucking western game again
I mean the only normal looking ppl in that pic are marlon wayans and sharukh kahn tho

>being too dumb for CS

As a first year computer science major with a concentration in game development I wish them luck.

>Your stomach extends out 2 breast lengths

How do you even reach this point?

I WASN'T born with natural talent, retard. Which is why I can see how asinine this is.
You can go kill yourself, retardo. If you can program well, a game dev studio will hire you. If you've made your own game which demonstrates your understanding of game design and development mechanics, a game dev studio will hire you. If you are exceptional at something and have created something of value using those skills, you are a fuck of a lot more impressive than some fat bitch with dyed blue hair who paid for a "game developer" degree yet has only made a 20 minute "artistic" game using Ren'Py.

>adopt feminist methodologies of teaching
>e.g shifting out of expert/student

What could this possibly mean, we pretend the student already knows everything and we sit around and do noting for 50 minutes?

what is Aarush Mohammad doing making video games with a bunch of dykes and why does he look so old

dude imagine that
>wanting to create vidya games like the comfy ones you would find in the bazaar
>find out the nu-american dev's have no spine and only think nonsensically
>trudge through the shitty lessons in hope of becoming a beacon of good game design