Game gets remade

>game gets remade
>remake is vastly different from the original game

what are some examples of GOOD remakes?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Game gets remake
>It's the same thing with updated graphics
>Fans complain


What's that from. On the right. Did they remake the entire episode or it it just a flashback.

.... why dose this make me so angry? seriously wtf Japan

What am I looking at?

That is a remaster dumbass.

Mega man powered up and Maverick Hunter x were alright

>Last Picture bottom left
>Mythical bird flies towards the heavens
>Scene incites mystery, a sense of awe and wonder

>Last Picture bottom right
>Huge generic meme anime bird flies around
>Oh okay.jpeg

Why break what isn't broken? Why try to rewrite history with nu-art when the old art is literally perfect?

20th anniversary movie
a story about ash, pikachu and ho-oh that begins with a remake of the first episode

Did they retcon the Pokemon League logo?

>Hand drawn art vs modern digital art

they changed his hat's logo for some reason
now his backpack has his old hat's logo

Because everyone who fucking knows pokemon knows that bird is Ho-oh. It was just back then when in the fucking first episode when there was no gen 2 pokemon available that it was a mystery...

are you retarded?


>same pokemon in both pictures
>somehow one is a mythical awesome creature and the other is just a shitty meme

The autism holy shit and OP's image shows that literally everything is the same. Vastly changing shit isn't making a slight change or using a different camera angle you fucking retarded losers

Left looks better

The Ho-Oh scene only worked in the first episode because the pokemon hadn't been revealed yet. No one knew what it was called, no one knew its typing, it was a complete mystery

Now everyone knows it's Ho-Oh so there's no point in making it look mysterious

Oh shit that sounds dope

Right definitely looks better / higher quality but left has that nostalgic 90's cartoon look so it's understandable if you prefer it.

This looks good, what's with all the whining?

I doesn't matter, that isn't a reason to stray so far away from the original and if you apply that logic why even remake it in the first place since everybody knows what happens to ash on that bike? Why not throw in a slowpoke in there to spice things up?

I don't know why u plebs think this is okay and justified when it's not and an insult to the original


That's what I got from all the retarded bullshit you just spat.

I think it's a good homage to the original and so far they've only shown the first bits, maybe they will change or add stuff and make it more interesting.

And seriously, if you want it to be exactly the same as the original, just watch the fucking original.

Pokefags are huge nostalgiafags

REmake will always be the quintessential remake in the industry although it's probably because the team was essentially the same.

The instant a "remake" become essentially different than the original, it stops being a remake. Nomura's Final Fantasy 7 already looks like shit.


I agree the ho-oh scene in the original is better but only because of how it was framed. With it being far away it appears more mysterious, it getting so close to Ash in the remake is just ludocris and to appeal to ADHD children.

>to appeal to ADHD children
It's pokemon... that's the fucking targeted audience

I really do miss pikachu's chubby design it was cuter

Your just being a dumbass. He is pointing out the bird is supposed to be mysterious.

And the counter argument that we already know what the bird is if we know the story. But that is fucking stupid, because you aren't retelling the story at this point you are just pandering to people who already know what the bird is.

It was supposed to be mysterious to the viewer in the original, since the Pokemon hadn't been revealed yet.
In the remake, it's instead meant to be mysterious to Ash, and helps inspire him to continue his journey across the lands.
It serves the exact same purpose

>no Fatchu
>no rubber gloves
>Pikachu crying long before Ash has had his act of heroism
>Completely failing at portraying Ho-Oh's awe and distance, which does serve a symbolic purpose
It's shit

He saw Ho-Oh by sheer chance in the sky and thus he became the luckiest kid alive, because that's what Ho-Oh does.

This trailer just makes it seem like Ho-Oh decided to stop by Ash's head because whatever, fuck it, am I right?

>Jeans tucked in to shoes.

Yes and children have gotten harder to grab the attention of.

original has more charm.

>The instant a "remake" become essentially different than the original, it stops being a remake.
Except that's wrong, shithead.
A remake doesn't have to be 1:1. Often times it's actually better for it to change things.
It sounds like all you want are ports.

the backgrounds on the right look gorgeous, but there's something to the original character artstyle that makes it more appealing, could be just nostalgia speaking though

fatfuck Pikachu is objectively better though