Good platonic relationships between girls and boys in vidya

Good platonic relationships between girls and boys in vidya.

Dude, if she throws you the ball she's DTF. It's a rule.

They just friends man

Im pretty damn sure one drink would have had gotten lulu and tidus in bed together.

Meryl and Old Snake

Final Fantasy XIII > Final Fantasy X

>Final Fantasy XIII
Did this game even had straight relationships?

>LightningXHope is canon in Japan
>SnowXSerah is in your face all of the time
>FangXVanille is gay as shit but they're both hot so no one cares
>all that shit in -2 with Yuel, Caius, and Noel


More like SerahXNoel cuck fest. Snow gets fucking destroyed throughout the XIII trilogy until he's basically a husk of a man.

What do you mean Lightning x Hope is canon in Japan?

Pretty sure that the only thing stopping her from making him her bitch was the thought of breaking Yuna's heart.

I will never not be mad that Lulu wasn't in the party in X-2 so you could play dress-up with her. Or that there are no good doujins of her.

justification for the ending in LR was that she was looking for Hope when she gets off of the train

All FFs don't have good doujins, and honestly Lulu would have been weird as fuck in X-2. Paine was sort of a loner, but easily meshed well when they did the cheesy ass girl band thing. Lulu never would have worked.

>She ends up with Wakka "Better dead than al bhed"

>man this guy is fucking annoying
>man this guy is a fucking bro
>man this guy got the fucking raw end of the deal
Punished Snow was pretty cool though

Every resident evil

Snow was so unimportant in XIII-2 I don't even get why they added him in the game. He's stuck in one place in one time, away from everyone, failing to hold back flan (and maybe purposefully so...?). I don't know where you got the bro thing from, he's okay at best in 2.

He becomes a bro in XIII after he saves Hope even though the little shit tried to kill him
I can't speak for -2

Kinda 50/50 on this one

Wish Snow was the protagonist. He got more personality in one game than Lightning in three.

All the cast were annoying, Brain dead clowns aside from Sazh.

Sazh unironicallly would have been better if he were white
maybe then SE wouldn't have tokenized him to hell and back