Do you also cover your eyes when you see something inappropriate in games?

Do you also cover your eyes when you see something inappropriate in games?

To be fair, vaginas are repulsive orifices. Dicks are so much fairer to gaze upon.

Yes, because I'm an adult, and I don't digest porn.

>To be fair, vaginas are repulsive orifices.

Only adult vaginas.

No, I'm not a walking vagina.

I cover my eyes whenever I see anything I don't agree with, much like any responsible adult.

>you will never be patrick topkek

A woman? YUCK!

I will never get over this webm. I can't fathom how this beta functions on a daily basis

what a fucking faggot

He's not even naked, i wonder how this guy would act on the beach

To be fair the majority of Sup Forums hates women and only accept traps and bara.

Of course I do.
I'm pure.

>spaghetti o's
Sounds like art to me.

Is that Patrick Klepek?

to be fair the majority of women would be fucking repulsed upon seeing the majority of Sup Forums

man he's really gained some weight since then hasn't he

I keep them covered for anything appropriate and uncover them for content like OP's webm.

Fuck off, the first thing that comes to mind when I see a little girl's vagina is the smell of diapers and piss.

Everyone lives happily ever after.

To be fair women are the physical manifestation of Hitler's philosophy and we must barricade our minds against their seductions and transgressions

Fucking deviant, keep your fetishes away from lolis.

This isn't gay, this is pathetic. Why.

>being so beta that you're unable to appreciate the female body

i closed my eyes because I came so hard.

It's pretty scary and I really don't like to objectify women like that. I sometimes even leave the room or turn off the system all together. I'm really glad that nowadays I don't have to do this as often as I used to. Yay for progress!


I read the article and I'm pretty sure this was a joke.

3D Women are gross, can't blame him though

I will not defile Widow's beauty with my gaze. I am unworthy.

Sounds like something I would do when I was 13 and super indoctrinated into Christian fundamentalism, but I doubt this guy even has the excuse of being a puritan fundie.

Like Jesus, nigga, it's just boobs.

I can't look at women's ankles or shoulders. If I see ankles I have to set the game on fire. Digital distribution has made this really difficult.


Why do you have pictures of my wife on your hard drive? Shit man, delete them or else

>Dicks are so much fairer to gaze upon.
they also feel better

I don't really care if it's a woman but if theres a man in the scene I turn away and giggle like a faggot. I don't know why.
I'm definitely not a homosexual.

Had to bulk for enough gains to carry the nation on his back

reminder that porn is really bad for you so the guy in the webm actually has the right idea

Wh why is she wearing a bikini?

To be honest when your wife or girlfriend walks in on you seeing that , they usually get angry at you

I remember my girlfriend got pissed off at me for playing bayonetta because it was so sexual and she got angry that I was looking at bayonettas ass and not flinching or covering my eyes, I told her it's just a game but she told me it's the same as looking at another woman in real life

the question on my mind is why do women get angry when you look at other women but then they have the gal to say something like brad pitt is hot right in front of your face

This is my favorite new meme. What will they think of next?

>American reviewers

This is true. Porn destroys the male mind.

Fuck off porn-defender go back to sweaty hours long edging sessions you DISGUSTING fuck

>why do women get angry when you look at other women but then they have the gal to say something like brad pitt is hot
they fear competition
women are attention whores

Unless you teach the woman otherwise she will always get jealous over perceived threats to her meal ticket i.e. you. You're a walking wallet. Women who act like this do so because you are not in charge of the relationship.

So is this what Sup Forums means by "manchild"?

What a pathetic beta male


women are irrational? who knew

It's not a meme. Pornography is a cultural marxist conspiracy to undermine western morals and lead white men to the path of ruin by making them give into degeneracy and no longer desire to to form a relationship with a woman and make a family.

Umm... How about you fucking kill yourself shitlord?
You don't fucking own her you filthy manchild. How about you let her be who she is, encourage her, and stop oppressing her?

No wonder women cheated on me so much

just kidding. But thanks for the tip user I will try to teach them it's not a problem

>she told me it's the same as looking at another woman in real life
>your girlfriend feels threatened by a video game character
Good. Tell her to step it up.

Those breasts are simply too big.

He's hamming it up for the camera.

Is this Yakuza?

Nice tits but the face looks weird

Men of all races love watching porn. No one needs to conspire to trick them into watching it.

You are simply too gay

They are VERY, VERY insecure, they can see their flaws in other women, and they can't accept that you are attracted to other girls, they know you have to but they can't swallow the idea.

Thanks for this webm user, i've been looking for it for awhile

>when I see a little girl's vagina

Only degenerates watch porn.

you know it

Only degenerates read porn.

There is no such thing

my sister saw me playing bayonetta and she wanted to play this, she´s a full normie and her last gaming experience was castlevania and tennis on the snes. so yeah your gf´s just crazy, nothing special i guess

looks like he's just joking but idk I haven't seen the actual video

Only degenerates use Sup Forums.

>my sister saw me playing bayonetta and she wanted to play this

that's not even remotely comparable to having a girlfriend

I hope this is a repost from neogaf

>Rated M for: Blood, Intense Violence, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Alcohol
>Gets shocked when there's sexual content.

Because they have to maintain authority over you.

>believing the 3d meme


Seriously is being afraid of breasts a numale red flag?

I was watching PreRec playing Berserk.

They were making fun of how "infantile" anime is and when naked Casca showed up they went all eeeewww. What the fuck? Aren't they adults?

topkek is automatically doing what his mom used to do while watching pg13 movies

>know girlfriend is full fujoshi and reads BL doujins
>i'm still terrified of the idea of her knowing i look at porn/what porn i'm into

This is incorrect. Women fear men forming Feelings for other women, thus threatening the security and support they desire from their man.
On the other side, men fear women having sex with other men, threatening his genetic destiny to create babys in her tummy

No, I smash the TV screen.

congrats on going to the beach or any public pool

men don't fear women, men fear other men

To be fair, I would've been pissed that you were playing a cinematic button masher too. I would've recommended Ninja Gaiden at least.


Depends on how deep in the South you are.

Which your girlfriend hate more, to see you not flinching at the sight of lewdity in vidya, or to see you covering your eyes with your arm when you see boobs, like a child?

Also 3DPG.

Pretty sure most men are inherently pussywhipped.


when did you realize that liberals became the new puritans?

when did you realize that conservatives are the new punk rock?

They're complete fags, but then again, so are """"people"""" who like anime.

because you a pussy bitch and they will always try to emasculate you and see what you'll do about it

Can this person not handle the human figure? Can he not act like a mature adult and see it through the characters point of view? What the fuck does he doe in movies? Whenever a sex scene pops up does he throw his hands over his face? I can't fathom the immaturity of some of these people. I wonder if these people accept museum pieces like pic related.

my gf and I watch porn together and masturbate each other
step up your game son. Shes into western drawn art and stuff


>Seriously is being afraid of breasts a numale red flag?
Honestly, the only people I knew who gave a fuck about it were hardcore fundies and shit. They aren't typically what I consider "numales", but they usually were fucking weird.

Who the fuck keep chopping off these bitches hands? That's some prolific human butcherer.

this - the weak should fear the strong

>ACfag pretending to be a woman.

>being a titsfag past the age of 15


Ancients were way into guro/bodymod/amputee fetishes

>He doesn't browse Sup Forums with his eyes closed
Shiffy diggy, etc.

not the answer i was expecting but you made me kek

Porn shrinks the brain

Nofap masterrace + Sex is the thing