I've run this fucker 30+ times now and still have yet to clear, I want my party to stop wiping to the Binah phase at 30% FFXIV thread

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>the little lady glamours are actually decent

There should be a minimum time to wait before you can readjust the price of an item.

who odin here

>butt capes

deal with it

How the hell do you make money as a crafter. Nothing seems worth selling

Anyone that didn't vote for Harumi has no soul.
Also fuck Hiroshimoot for culling non-unicode characters. Now I can't キラぼし-post.

you could make the * items
primal replica weapons sell pretty well I think

yeah, more slut glams for the degenerates, yayyy

what game do you think you're playing

I voted for the cat because she's cute in Japanese, much more than in English for some reason.
The potato can go fuck herself though.

also testan

I'm a boy :^)

What is his name again?

Where do you think you are?

>Am I japaness yet? So kawaii ^____^ uguu~
Harumi in a greentext.

It's not like there's much choice. You can vote for the cute dragon, or the mooncat. The other option is in true lalafell fashion a piece of shit.

The mooncat is also Nashu's sister.

I hate people who go all autistic on the localization like Zhloe (funnily enough I've never seen anyone complain about the Griffin), but I'd be interested to see if there's a difference between what English/JP players chose as the center and why

Normal (Hard or whatever the standar difficulty is)
or in Extreme?

Because sometimes, if someone is NEW sorry but it's better not to risk it and give everyone a crash course at the beggning, also, many bosses are bulshit and have so many mechanics that if you even play the game normally and get this on roullette and you even forget ONE thing you can get fucked.

I think, other than "watch a video guide lol" square should put some sort of "training" mode for the bosses where you can go with a party or with NPC's that teach you how to beat these guys, noobies will learn the mechanics a lot better this way and not get some other players angry and not fuck up so much in the real thing (Of course, no reward would come of clearing it on training mode).

Khloe and Zhloe are fine. Koji wasn't even told by anyone that Khloe had a sister, and Kuro>Khloe to fit with the lore on Miqo'te names is a perfectly acceptable localization. The Griffin is also because griffins are the national symbol of Ala Mhigo. What meaning does Iron Mask have?


I've been trying to clear it for days now but I keep having to join those "first time :)" parties cause everyone else is "NO BONUS OR KICK" and god help these brain dead fucks who can't learn the mechanics

>I think, other than "watch a video guide lol" square should put some sort of "training" mode for the bosses where you can go with a party or with NPC's that teach you how to beat these guys, noobies will learn the mechanics a lot better this way and not get some other players angry and not fuck up so much in the real thing (Of course, no reward would come of clearing it on training mode).
Or they could just make the bosses less retarded

Make them watch this guide for Sephirot, it's concise and covers the whole fight.


maybe if you do it multiple times in a certain timeframe

I've put the wrong price on items before. Maybe make it a lockout like df if you undercut too many times

How long until 3.56 or whenever the next story section is bring added?

>Samurai was not fun in ffxi
I never played XI, are the classes that it shares with XIV comparable?
I thought the battle system was completely different.

Later this month, probably the last week of March.

The only thing they share in common are ability names. You can't compare the two at all. SAM was also super fun in FFXI. That shitter probably just wasn't good enough to self skillchain.

its just dancerfags in denial so hard, they forgot that dancer is actually not pretty good as its the rng class

>wasn't good enough to self skillchain.
isn't the game macro based?

It's their fault for even assuming the monk was a dancer. None of Yoshida's shirts even hinted at Dancer either.

If you were even the slightest bit competent, yeah.

Bleh, alright. Thanks.
And of course there's another 3 fucking months of waiting after that as well.

Will we ever return to Dawn Vigil?

>wipe at binah phase

You don't need the rest of Coerthas, user. Don't you like Idyllshire? :^)

>wanting another snowy dungeon filled with dragons and heretics

It'd be another thing entirely if for some reason it's still like 1.0 coerthas' climate

What datacenter are you on? I can help you out.

I picked the lizard because Au'ras fuckin' crack me up with their crazy rite of passage rituals.

Lalafells and cats suck dick.

She's a Raen, though. The crazy savages are Xaela.

Well either way, I sure as fuck wasn't picking a potato or a catslut

>look in PF for some WT primal parties
>see ifrit ex with a 270 ilvl limit

Primal, Milky Mcabo

well, not much I can do there
good luck


>about half a rune left

I was thinking about doing more anima weapons

not after this step
light farming is shiiiiit

why aren't you ready for stormblood?

Remember Umbrite.

Tank here

I haven't done any savage and I don't know what I should do with my rings.
The recommend BiS uses a slaying ring but I don't trust random healers anymore, should I use augmented shire + ultima tank rings until I get savage left side to be safe ?


Because logging in when there's nothing I want to actively do takes too much effort.

I can get lore for doing almost anything though on any job
for lights I have to go do specific shit with a specific job

>timed node
>there's another botanist nearby with his secondary tool out
>c@tboi with full melded ironworks
>nowhere near the timed node
>yet he still is on that very node doing collectables
That's a new one.
Let me guess. Bot?

you havent tried 9s?
its easy
my fcs new static is a bunch of literal newfags can clear it fine

you have to be autistic to do gathering without a bot
not like square enix cares anyways

Use your ultima token to get the tank accessory that is CRT/SS. The Shire and Ultima tank rings are almost complete garbage, so just work until you've got both Alex rings. If you have extra lore/tokens to spend though, that's fine.

I used the prototype 250 and a 240 ring for like 8 weeks until I got all my fucking drops.

i am autistic

>year of our savior Yoshi-P. Owers
>not respecting content

>have 4 a9s clears because im a shitter who cant get into a static
>6 of 8 drops have been fending
>i play bard
end this suffering

>Expert roulette
>examine tank
>Proto Ultima fending ring

Will Stormblood be as good as ARR?

I haven't been really active lately, got my Zurvan weapon but I have shitty rings.

Alright, thank you.

Which DPS feels the least rotational?

summoner and machinist

so i can turn off GB if im just casting split, slug, and clean right

ARR had some novelty to its mechanics. Not much but it was there.
This is Heavensward 2: Electric Boogaloo - "Somehow there's even less content this time" edition
Please look forward to it.

I'm interested in getting into FFXIV, is Black Mage fun? I'd want to pick a class that requires skill while in combat

BLM requires you to know your shit at endgame fights

I play Paladin tanking and I am currently having zero fun. I'm level 41. When does this get fun?

when you change to warrior/dark knight


Have they announced any new classes in the upcoming expansion?

Black Mage probably has the easiest "rotation" of the game, but it's the among the hardest to play in end game content due to being the least mobile class in the universe.

all dps

PLD is easily the most boring of all the tanks.

What class has the most brain-intensive rotation?

>Get to 50 on miner
This isn't fun at all, fuck collectables

How the fuck am I supposed to reliably get materials to make scrip turn ins, cause buying all of it is pricey as shit

Mch, Smn, possibly Nin since you're balancing a lot of crap and have to remember mudras every 20 secs.

It's technically better than the Shire 260 ring. If you don't do Alexander, it's decent.

None of the classes have especially difficult rotations to memorize, but if you were to just look at that, then DRG has the most complex.

Overall though, this isn't like RPG content, it's better if you treat fights as you would a brawler like Vindictus. Every class has specific nuances to specific fights that you will only know by playing the role in the fight. Once you get used to things, specific optimizations will be known naturally to you, but this is a game where its rare that you can say that you're excellent at more than ~3 roles. You can have the basics and fundamentals down easily but raid optimization is different for every role.

>remember mudras
I see people complaining about this sometimes and I can't help but think you are retarded. Mudra is second nature after a short time of playing the class, just like your keybindings are second nature to you. At least they should be, or you are either more stupid then I imagined.

The real difficulty of ninja is playing far away from the server, such as Australia.

None of the rotations in the game would really quallify was "brain-intensive," they're all fairly simple priorty lists or moveset rotations.

Buy them or send retainers out to gather materials if you're that lazy

You picked objectively the worst tank in every single way

May just be that i don't play ninja much then, I tend to dip and dive between classes without many problems but mudras keep tripping me up every time I try.

That is, remembering to use them, not the pattern if that's what you're on about.

By rotation size: dragoon

By things to keep track of: summoner

I never understood the "Au Ras fuck horses and bath in blood" thing,where did it come from? Is it mentionned in the game or in an artbook?

A dev post on the forums about the customs of a bunch of different Xaela tribes.
Those lizards do some weird shit.

As a NIN main, it's not that hard really but it's become muscle memory to me I guess.

Most NIN players are shit though. I've yet to see another one besides myself actually use shadewalker/smokescreen. Then there's the idiots that use doton on single targets, use trick attack but don't hit the positional, drop huton, etc.

>he didn't join A1S parties

literally the easiest step

or second easiest now

literally grinding A1S right now
refer to

What is the first now? Thinking on going for a second relic.

If you pick Ulala, she tells you that it was all a front and she has no intention of ever going solo because she likes being with the other two.

>not killing him right after first set of pingball phase

EN players, everyone

There's a big list of au ra tribes in the lore book, one tribe marries horses but fucks other au ra

She's an arrogant bitch, though.

>picking Ulala

They have to draw reproductive mates by lots because they find it so distasteful. That means they aren't fucking each other normally.

Is there any way to transfer items to my alt?

It's on another account if it matters.

just open up ffxiv twice and log on to both accounts then trade?

unless you're on ps4 then idk

If it's not untradable equipment, sure. Just mail them.