Why do I get memed into buying these new characters and never playing with them
She's too difficult for a scrub like me mane
Why do I get memed into buying these new characters and never playing with them
She's too difficult for a scrub like me mane
Other urls found in this thread:
fighting games are truly finished
>Too difficult
>Have the easiest combos so far
Her projectiles and double jump are weird as fuck but other than that I like her. I'll probably make her my side chick since my main is best girl Pic related
>1 fight story mode
That'll be 30 bucks pls
>wanting to play against the dumbest ai in fighting games
By defending this shit you're saying it's literally OK for Capcom to screw you in the ass and give you a lack of content.
Yeah the story mode is shit, yeah no one even bothers with it, but at least put some bloody effort into it regardless. People like you are in the minority though thankfully, as the dwindling sales have shown.
It's just like Arcade mode, no one really loves it to the point of playing it exclusively, but its omission led to quite a backlash.
I play arcade modes exclusively. I hate online and like the feeling of setting it to easy and steamrolling the AI
Whelp. What are you doing in an SFV thread then?
Someone pls tell me MVC infinite and tekken 7 won't be barren wastelands content wise and will actually offer decent single player modes and that half the characters won't be hidden behind paywalls
I just want some sexy Kolin pics.
I heard that her back-story was decent though
Who cares if theres only one shitty CPU fight
why does capcom give shit like double jump to literal who characters with movesets that dont even really make use of the fact that she has one
its like they realized shes boring as hell both visually and gameplay wise so they threw some extra gimmicks onto her to try to trick people into thinking this is a good character
>I heard that her back-story was decent though
SFV's story is pretty ass for one, and for another, who gives a shit about her backstory when you're buying her in a fighting game?
Her punches all link upwards into each other from light to medium to heavy.
You can link any of those punches into her quarter circle forward punch attack of corresponding or lesser strength.
You can also link into the super version of it, which will give you time to follow up with a V Skill, or a light dragon punch which will throw a projectile out that forces them to block on wakeup.
Her medium quarter circle back kick will allow you to evade an attack, then return while allowing you to attack. For an easy follow up, just do the punch link combo into something. She's got a lot of room to combo and shit, but she has some pretty lenient and easy to do combos too, she's not that bad.
low, mid, high parries are not easy but Kolin's combos are damn easy to confirm into stuff, i think i'll keep playing her once in a while
>playing fighting game story modes
the punch links you're talking about are actually a chain, there's no timing involved you just dial st.lp > st.mp > st.hp.
Her crouching punches don't link into each other except for a few counter hits (cr.lp > ch cr.mp) or target combos from her medium vanity step (cr.mp > st.hp)
here you go
I just don't have that combo mind.
I'm doing her trials at the moment, on the 6th one and I reckon I'll do them all, but when it comes to an actual fight it's all out the window. The main reason I'm semi decent with Karin is because someone on here helped me and told me some good pointers and combos.
That and extended time playing with her.
>Watching Cobelcog trying to play Kolin
>Does non of her setup specials
>Don't do setups at all
>Just back HK and dash up throw all day
Cammy mains everyone
It's weird having target combos that actually lead into stuff.
It's kinda fun, i think i get GG fags a little better now
I just bought street fighter 5 and don't really know shit about fighting games, what are some tips, or good websites to help me learn.
Jump kick into sweep is the best combo, but don't tell anyone I told you. The pros would get mad.
Play story mode then hop online
Uninstall and buy a better game
I am 95% sure Kolin was made based on Millia from GG.
>Russian ethnicity, mysterious assassin character archetype
>Rushdown/Mixup with slides and mashing special
>Woshige, the battle director for SFV is a GG player who mains Millia
>Story costume color 10 looks like Xrd Millia
>Capcom said she was going to be a Zoner with rekkas
>she's another fucking Rushdown with gouken counters
Fucking kill me. And I'm already sick of the voice line from her command backdash.
Please. The dude plays one of the easiest characters to play in a game that caters to the rushdown archetype. When Capcom tones the game down and it evolves into a more footsie game, Cobelcog will vanish as a nobody. Granted he is already a nobody. He hasn't done anything in tournament, yet.
This should have been her default costume 2bh
Learn to block.
Prepare to get your ass kick.
Learn what you're doing wrong and fix it.
Playing with a friend helps.
I think it's more they had to figure out ways to improve their blandest design yet so they looked at GG and said ok give her a scarf
How do I learn combos with Kolin?
Trial mode is bollocks, no one uses those. Just by playing I'm not going to pick up anything new. Watfching videos is good and all but not exactly easy to go and replicate.
What's a good just above BnB combo people are using? Any cross ups?
here's some links that covers basic fighting game concepts
Try to look for a few short tutorials for your character, just search sfv character tutorial and sit through em, try to replicate what you saw in the video in training mode, try it in a few ai matches then eventually in online matches. You will get destroyed a lot at first but treat it as a learning experience.
Also avoid /fgg/ at all costs
Wow Kolin's trials are easy af, they didn't even try.
She has a double jump? How?
Kolin only has one cross up, jump lk. I guess you could count her double jump icicle thing but it's not practical outside of specific setups. So far starters jump lk, cr.lk,cr.lp, light or ex parabellum is a simple light conversion
Your main link is going to be crouching medium punch into standing medium kick, you can special cancel her st.mk or go into her target combo ending in v-skill
cr.lp also links into cr.mp on counter hit so there's your counter hit string
main crush counter punish is st.hk, dash forward into target combo of your choice
ex parabellum is your main combo tool, leads into a lot of setups
best follow up after ex parabellum seems to be mk vanity step into sweep, cancel the first hit of sweep into light or medium hailstorm for a setup
Made a new account to get fight money to buy her
Surprised I can actually play online
Thanks, I'll have a go at some of these
Generally don't get along with light attacks 2bh
As you might guess I'm not great
Different user, but thanks for the advice. Just started playing her tonight. Nice to have another character That's actually fun to play for me besides Vega. Urien's alright but he doesn't quite do it.
Jump in With hard kick. Mp, Hp, vskill. Rinse and repeat.
It's phenomenal. Broken Tier Gill when?
You people astound me. There is not one thing satisfying about fighting AI.
>It's just like Arcade mode, no one really loves it to the point of playing it exclusively, but its omission led to quite a backlash.
How is survival mode not arcade mode?
How is survival mode not arcade mode?
You fight a series of challenges leading up to a boss, how is survival mode NOT arcade mode?
Color 06 is best.
youre looking in the wrong place for single player content.
>tfw exhausted all my FM and stuck at 70k
I bought too many story outfits FUCK
There's no story
There's little reason to play it, you might think it makes no difference but the game wouldn't be receiving the flak that it did if it was the same. Survival mode is a completely different mode to arcade in all fighting games for a reason, it's not the same shit
I can't believe you people who defend the lack of content. I bought this game at launch too, but with shitty sales, people crying out for more single player stuff and an online that despite multiple beta tests couldn't even work properly at launch and hasn't been great thereafter how can you honestly sit there and defend this shit.
Survival mode is not like Arcade mode. You get put back to the beginning as soon as you lose too.
You'll keep arguing your case though probably since "oh you're just facing AI it's exactly the same!". If that were true no one would be complaining ffs
Story mode exists, you fucking little shit. Arcade mode exists, you fucking little shit.
Quit making up excuses to hate the game.
>ragequitting a casual match
>ragequitting at all
I seriously hope none of you guys do this
If I can remember their name I add them and try to invite them to a lobby later with the title "beginners welcome!" nobody has actually accepted yet though
Your fault numb nut.
Missing all the flashiness people like in arcade mode like the cinematic, rival fights and possible secret bosses. SFIV had a great arcade mode with cinematic's for everyone and secret bosses. SFV story mode and survival mode feels like arcade mode split in half and each half made way less fun.
Survival is shit and too much shit is tied to it.
I know but I'm tired of default costumes. Oh well she didn't look my type but I wanted to actually try the character.
You're such a retard. I literally bought it at launch and I'm playing it as we speak. I don't hate the game, plenty others clearly didn't like it enough to buy it though and this is one of the reasons.
>Arcade mode exists
You're literally factually wrong yet keep arguing. It's actually impressive, or at least it would be if you weren't doing this for free you vapid chucklefuck
But why bother for the characters you don't play?
>Anime avatar
Fucking shitposters, I swear to God.
Make a new account
Character Story mode for an easy 100k and buy her. It's what I did
damn son, always keep 100k on your bank, when you buy a character you get at least 30k back just from playing trials, survival easy, story mode and the levelups.
>muh mindgames
go play rock, paper, scissors or something
If capcom doesn't put Sakura and/or Makoto in this fucking game I'm not buying it
Crossplatform messege system fucking when capcom?
In fact
Why can't i even see the people i last played on steam in this fucking game?
Why is everything so fucked in this game?
Is it just me, or are her counter attacks almost useless? Their active frames seem really small, you have a 1/3 chance to pick the wrong one, and they're just an invitation for crush counters any time you screw up.
On the plus side: butts.
Sometimes the proper parry height doesn't even make sense. Spiral Arrow needs to be parried high, for example.
I'm on pc
I still can't use my kb the way I want I think
>that back walk animation
Don't forget the nostalgia costume I got memed into too.
>jump lk, cr.lk,cr.lp, light or ex parabellum is a simple light conversion
Is it possible to do this with mediums or heavies? And after the light parabellum, what should be the next point of attack? Seems I'm just standing next to the opponent at that point being a bit lost
after an ex parabellum, as soon as the launching hit connects, do her heavy backdash which jumps and you can get them with her air to air grab
Damn that's good.
Seems like Kolin has potential but would require a lot of time for someone like me to begin nailing down.
Does her light parabellum not have anything that can lead after it?
>can't tell time
>takes shitty screenshots
>decide to play Bison to try and farm the last bit of FM i need to buy Kolin
>activating Vtrigger for the first time
>crossplatform messaging
>Implying want to talk to you peasants
you should be able to link into mediums and heavies from jumping light kick, you may have to land a deeper hit though.
You don't get much after a light parabellum as it leaves the opponent standing. You are however at +2 after it and should be just in range for a st.lk into another light or ex parabellum.
This only works if you expect them to jump or press a button, and it will trade with other 3 frame buttons.
If you want a better meterless combo ender that leads into a setup try ending your combos with light or medium hailstorm instead, less damage but you at least get a knockdown and they have to deal with a falling projectile on their wakeup.
Remainder she can get OTGs off her V Trigger from throws and Crush Counter sweep.
It's all gonna come down to muscle memory, which is why practice is key. Take it to the lab and make that shit work for you user. I believe in you.
yeah it's still dropping frames/slowing down regardless of the vsync
raedon says the game is no problem to run on my system so I think the optimization is just bad
wow its like I'm really playing skullgirls again
vesper arcade on youtube for guides and stuff
kolin is fun but weird. Like you use standing LK a lot unlike most characters
>Genzoman "art"
Get that shit off your PC, you pleb.
I'd never thought I'd see the day you have to buy single characters one by one in fighting games. Why are you giving them money ? It's not like there aren't other games you can play.
You can make enough fight money to get them for free pretty easily as long as you do weekly challenges.
>Her throw is stronger than Zangief's super
because HP parry is for airborne attacks only
special parry is 2f startup, 1f for ex
Don't spam her counter, only use it when you have a good understanding of what your opponent is going to use next.
Like when they are doing a jump-in and you expect a button and not an empty jump, or when people do dash up cr mk, balrogs do that a lot for example.
She can also ex counter in between Urien's ex-tackle hits, its guaranteed. block the first hit, counter the second one.
Its a powerful tool because it does heavy damage and a hard knockdown, so you need to pick your opportunities to use those.
By the way, the normal versions have slightly longer start-ups but little recovery, while the ex version has almost instantaneous start-up but long recovery, keep that in mind.
>as you do weekly challenges.
>waiting 14 weeks for one character.
Anybody found any pokes or cross ups for Kolin?