I feel bad for Ganondorf


He became such an abomination that he just wants to die now.

>He has kind of an ugly mane while in his first form. But when he turns into the boar, Zelda says he's given up on ever reincarnating and is using his full power and the power of malice...then he just stands there and let's you kill him

So this is the last Ganon of the child timeline then

Which would put it somewhere between TP and Four Swords, since Four Swords had Vaati but no Ganon?

No, this has to be the farthest down its timeline because FSA exists

Well maybe he shouldn't have started all that shit in first place then

Breath of the wild? More like Breath of the Gay

Ganondorf had a hard life, and it wasn't even his fault now that Skyward Sword has retconned him into being fated to be this way

It's not child timeline it's downfall timeline.

It references Ruto and Nabooru as sages which they never became in the child timeline because Ganondorf was stopped and executed before he could put his plans in action.

>It's not child timeline it's downfall timeline
They straight up mention TP Link saving Hyrule from Twilight

post proof

He really should've just stayed in the desert and fucked his harem of sexy women who are all starved for cock. He had everything laid out before him.

But he got greedy, he sought more power than he needed, he sought the power of the gods and then became the vessel of the demon king. His own people turned on him, he will forever live in infamy in the annals of history.

Ganondorf's is a story of ambition and tragedy.

Theey mention the Mastersword travelling through twilight but they don't straight up mention TP link, right?

All I've been told so far is that it's in the Downfall Timeline, King Rhoam describes the sealing war from ALttP and Ruto and Nabooru were sages.

Only thing that hints at Child Timeline is the reference to Twilight when Zelda describes the Mastersword, but the Twilight Realm isn't TP timeline specific, things can exist in multiple timelines but just not used in the games that were in those timelines due to differences in events.

I don't have the game though I'm just going off what I've seen and heard.

The ruins of the Arbirter Grounds are in the Gerudo Desert with shards of the Twilight Mirror, this is definitely after TP

Wait is this not 100 years Post-OOT? They said Link failed fighting Gannondorf and they revived him 100 years later which, is what the King told Link

How do Gerudos survive as a race without getting bred out of existence if all their boyfriends are Hylian?

I did hear that in a video but I've been told it's not true.

I know that the Arbiter Grounds are in the game because of the pastebin leak, but it's just a gerudo prison used to execute people, it's not TP specific.

If there are infact shards of the Twilight Mirror there then it's definitely way late into the adult timeline.

It's the main reason I'm going straight to the desert the moment I get the game, I loved the arbiter grounds in TP and knowing that they're there is exciting to me.

One of the Sacred Beast was named after Princess Ruto, who is specifically stated as having awakened as a Sage, which means the Beasts and the Guardians were built an unspecified amount of time AFTER OoT, and were unearthed 100 years before the events of the game, so the game takes place way more than 100 years after OoT

They're cursed to only pump sexy brown women from their wombs.

There was a removed thread implying that Ganon was experimented on in secret by the Sheikah and the Royal family during those 10,000 years and that's why he became the abomination known as Calamity Ganon.

Also that you fight his half-zombie/half Gerudo cyborg-first form in a secret laboratory basement under Hyrule Castle. Is any of this actually true?

I've seen several screenshots and a few webms of his first form, so i'm assuming that it is.

This incarnation of Ganon appeared atleast 10,000 years after the last one, this link just happened to die when he confronted Ganon and was resurrected 100 years later.

It is a bit disappointing that it isn't OoT link in the downfall timeline but it would really fit in with the world being so different in just 100 years I think.

It mentions a magitech Hyrule being a thing some arbitrarily long ago date like 10000 years at one point so It's just last and stupidly far disconnected from the rest of the entries in whatever timeline its in

they are like Argonians. Anything they fuck becomes Gerudo

Anybody got the webms?

I want to believe the stuff that is being said in this thread but there is a lot of stuff that is contradictory. Talking specifically about lore implications and stuff not backed up by pics.

I fucking called it. This is Zelda 3 niggz

Yeah it's hard to accurately discuss things at the moment.

We know it's definitely at the end of a timeline that isn't the Adult Timeline anyway.

Yeah, instead he chose to get himself sealed in the Sacred Realm and be cucked forever.

He deserved it desu

So from a story point of view Nintendo could be like that is it Zelda is now officially finished. But it's a game franchise so they have to keep going to make money. But honestly after this I don't know how they can keep it fresh. I don't think they should make the next game open world or like the old games. They might actually have to reinvent Zelda again and again now.

He could've chosen a future where he stayed at home and fucked seven foot tall amazons with abs chiseled out of granite and who worshiped him like a god
He could've chosen a future where he simply swore fealty to the good king of Hyrule and migrated if conditions in the desert were too harsh
He could've chosen a future where he isn't perpetually getting his ass beat by the same two children / teenagers
But he didn't, he wouldn't, and now it's time to pay the price for all eternity motherfucker you're gonna keep devolving into a fucking mish mush blob for the rest of the known universe

Well this is clearly the final entry on just one of the 3 timelines, so there's at least 2 other timelines to work from.

And even then, BoTW timeskips 10,000 years into the future of the downfall timeline, so you could fit plenty of new games in-between that.

And let's not forget the 3 endings. Apparently you don't actually defeant Ganon in one of them, from what I've heard.

or they could do something completely original again like Majora's Mask.

Even IF that was the final game of the child timeline, that's the potential end point of one of the timelines, there's still two more we don't know the end of AND there's plentiful opportunities to make games taking place inbetween other instalments, like a RTS spinoff about the creation of the Guardian army. Hell, they could even easily make a game taking place before the now-earliest-point-in-the-timeline Squidward Sword about the first war between the demon Demise, the Goddess and her knight. They could even finally go full scifi like Miyamoto thought about in concept art for the first Zelda and reveals the Goddesses are just Chozo-like ascended beings, or make a game far off in the future of BotW where Sheikah tech has become commonplace and the world is now fantasy-techno-punk with a new villain.

He was chosen and corrupted by Demise's curse though, he didn't really have a choice in the matter.

Still mad that they didn't use the new engine for the 3DS remakes to make a new fucking 3D Zelda game

And I'm still mad that they were able to port a game of Xenoblade's scope and length to the N3DS and yet never bothered making an original RPG or Xeno- game of similar depth for it.

They could fucking do something with Vaati again
He seems like he would be much more fun to fight in 3D

ACHHTUALLY he's bound to the triforce by destiny because of Demise.
He could do any of that even if he wanted to.

Just bring back Majora.

It seemed significantly more evil, powerful and choatic than both Demise and Ganon/dorf combined.

What if the goddesses are the evil ones?

That theory made a lot of sense, but it's completely false now that the game has come out. This is a completely new Link.

I've read BOTW tries to retcon the downfall timeline and bridges the games there with the child timeline, post TP.