How much longer until this "technical experiment" becomes a full fledged port? Just say it Square

How much longer until this "technical experiment" becomes a full fledged port? Just say it Square.

Other urls found in this thread: fantasy

>Open World
I don't want it. Bring on Final Fantasy XVI

never ever pcuck. keep begging


>anyone begging for FFXV
Keep dreaming.
And I'm a PS4tard

Not sure if the game is good enough to warrant a replay
It'll certainly be nice to see it at 60+ fps though

>We dedicated money and resources to this
>What no, we're totally not going to sell it to people who want to buy it!

Only people who do this shit are car companies.

Why would you want to play a shit game with better graphics though?

>What, true 4K resolution with better post processing and actual AA implementation? Who the hell would want to buy our working build of the game on PC?

It doesn't make sense.

>those last two images

DLC looks good

Everyone who didn't think XV was coming to PC ever since they finished putting the XIII trilogy on there is an idiot.
Square is now porting all mainline FF to PC and XII's re-release is gonna be on there too.
They just get the console versions out first to maximize sales.

It'll still be a kusoge no matter how much they fluff up the graphics.

>Want red dead
>Get gay ass weeb ports from shit companies like square


you think it won't be open world after how successful XV was?

Who cares, do you really want to play this shit?

The game is less of an "open world" that VII was you fucking idiot.

>>What no, we're totally not going to sell it to people who want to pirate it!


That's really not all that clever. You can't decide to sell it to people who wont buy it. 2/10 greentext.

Red Dead will come. Even the most golden faced of the never-ever posters know this by now, myelf included. RDR will get a PS4/Xbone port to hype the release of RDR2, at whch point there's literally no excuse to not release it on PC as well. And RDR2 is already confirmed for PC isn't it?

XV on PC screenshots

they are gonna do the double dip.
reales for consoles, then for pc later to make people buy it twice


New Cerberus monster, this was in kingsglaive but not the game so maybe they're adding cerberus to the game.



>XV on 1080ti*

+Nothing impressive here. Crysis 3 already had this graphics.

This looks like the area from the battle at the start of kingsglaive so maybe they're also adding this to the game too

Is this at GDC?

Who's doing this and where do I follow(twitter perhaps)

Confirmed to be in an upcoming patch the other week, retard

Crysis 3 is not open world with dynamic lighting, action combat with 4 party members and giant monsters roaming

Yes. These pics are from dualshockers.

allegedly porting rdr would be a huge pain in the ass due to how they coded the thing on consoles. supposedly the engine is almost always at 99.9% probability of shiting itself and they found some bizare way to solve it on console which would make porting too hard,

it'll be out on PC after they complete the game on consoles. probably early to mid 2018

thos was featured in 1080ti announcement

hopefully someone recorded this video instead of just pics

But why? What is the event about?

oh shiiiiz

Probably after all the DLC is done so they can sell a GotY version on PC and PS4.

It's showcasing luminous stuff and XV assets, you can see the cars from the game in that desert screenshot

Once all the expansions are out, only then will we hear a PC version is in development. 1 year after that it'll be out.

That way SE can get as much money as possible from console owners, and not have to worry/care about piracy as much

he never said it wasn't?

About tech experiments that they're trying with XV on PC in regards to stuff they're gonna add.


ANNNNND into the trash it goes :^)

All that does is make me want more games where you play as an animal. Shelter was fun, but I want a real fucking Watership Down RPG, or a fucking Beasts of Burden game.

The only thing wrong with the game is the story pacing and chapter 13. New update completely fixes that, game is a 8.5/10 now.

Fucking cancer

He's exclaiming and posting a screenshot like this is brand new information, when they announced and showed footage of it the other week

kys yourself

When they're done with DLC/patches

Is this some kinda meme?

>he doesn't have a degree in memes

I haven't played in a while since I was just doing post game dungeons. What did the story dlc change?

Proprietary bullshit that binds technological utilization and therefore progress under nvidia's intrusive hypercock that no person with any self-respect should tolerate.

ehhh... You can keep this one Sonybros.

Post game dungeons were the most fun I've ever had with a FF game. I hope this gets ported soon because it runs like shit on the PS4.
7.5/10 game, I hope that future updates fix the story pacing so that I have a reason to start NG+

Fuck off Linux, not everything should be open source, is a man not entitled to the sweat of his own brow?

>He's exclaiming and posting a screenshot like this is brand new information
All he did was post a screenshot. I think you're overreacting, user.

kys yourself

Freesync vs Gsync
TressFx vs Hairworks
etc, etc, etc.

Squeenixx is such a bad company. not as bad as Scamco, but they sincerely deserve some comeuppance for being so terrible.

The rotting bones of Eidos deserves punishment too. How you going to load your game down with a bunch of liberal bullshit, then blame the consumers? Yet still, How you going to split your game into 3 parts, then blame the consumer for not buying it?

Why is everyone involved in videogames such a bumbling idiot when it comes to consumer relations?


So it's bad that Nvidia are beating the competition? AMD have alternatives, they are just either marketed worse, or perform worse, or whatever the issue may be, either way developers don't want to use it.

How did they get a 1080 Ti already? Wasn't it just announced?

>Brought it on PS4 assuming the PC port would be shit
>It actually looks good

Whelp, time to trade FFXV in then for Nier

RDR2 is pretty much confirmed due to the Denuvo leaks

But no doubt delayed 6 months to get people to double dip

>believing the double dip meme

Rockstar doesn't make niche weebshit to depend on the exact same customers to buy a game two or three times. Rockstar is in bed with Sony and MS, who pay them millions to use their game as pack-in titles for their consoles. Double dipping doesn't work at all.

Industry connections I'd imagine. Same way Nomura/the Kingdom Hearts devs are allowed to screen certain Disney movies before they release.

You're fucking dumb as shit.
Gameworks being proprietary means no one except NVIDIA can touch the code, which means no one can optimize it or improve it, even the game developers.
It even adds crippling effects to NVIDIA's old cards.

Maybe Nvidia is funding the PC port & in return they will show it off on Nvidia hardware & shit

The fur on the cats seems to be Nvidia hairworks

They've pretty much confirmed that a PC version is going to happen due to the showcase and the director saying outright that he would definitely like to do a PC port that would be relatively enhanced compared to the console versions and there's no real reason why it's not going to happen as the Final Fantasy games do relatively well on PC despite no marketing and being a late port.

Outside of console fanboys getting butthurt I don't see why Square Enix would say no to money. Since fantasy

>FF7, 1,134,756 ± 33,040 sales
>FF8, 661,436 ± 25,241 sales
>FF9, 281,419 ± 16,472 sales
>FF10, 429,694 ± 20,350 sales
>FF13, 701,531 ± 25,993 sales
>FF13-2, 413,555 ± 19,965 sales
>FF13-3, 317,984 ± 17,509 sales

>running on GTX 1080 Ti looks amazing
>looks exactly the same as the fucking console versions

Poorly optimized Nip shit port inbound, complete with PC-exclusive 30FPS lock.

>looks exactly the same as the fucking console versions
>looks exactly the same
>the same

The grass puts PS4 Pro to utter shame

For the most part the crippling comes from driver updates deliberately gimping features, which has been proven by people getting better performances across the board on older cards by downgrading the firmware.

Gameworks isn't inherently the problem, at least not for Nvidia, it gimps AMD cards all the time, but that's the process of competition, not caring if your opponent can't cope with your strategies, AMD tried to compete and lost.

I'm not saying Nvidia is some saint, but bitching because companies want to keep a hold of their work is dumb.

Also FYI game engines that are widely used such as unreal are proprietary and can't be modified without consent.

Final Mix when? Next year? I want the finished game on a disk.

SOmething bothering you, user? wanna talk about it? I'm here for you.

I hope that doesn't mean it will run like shit on my 480

nVidia is pretty much responsible for PC ports existing at all. Have you ever wondered why so many western multiplats use GameWorks? Because nVidia pays them to use them and push their new cards. Or have you ever wondered why MGSV has a "The Way It's Meant To Be Played" splash screen? Or why Tekken 7 was demonstrated with nVidia hardware?

Money. nVidia wants to sell cards, and realizes that the Japanese would gladly take money to throw a barebones port on PC. After all, the PC money was "made" with nVidia footing the bill, not from the game actually being on PC.

>Brought it
Where did you bring it?

It will run & look better than PS4 on a 480

But all that Grass is gonna tank any card outside of RX Vega & 1080/Ti & a lot of dummies are gonna max it out & complain it's unoptimized

God bless Nvidia, a true American company. Not like those chink AMD fuckers.

>Also FYI game engines that are widely used such as unreal are proprietary and can't be modified without consent.
FYI Unreal Engine 4 is free to use with access to the source code.
Something not being completely closed off doesn't mean you can't monetize it.
Gameworks is simply cancer-ware that impairs progress and shouldn't exist.

>nVidia is pretty much responsible for PC ports existing at all.
No, they just pay developers to use their shitty software. The japanese just realized the PC market is profitable.

So Unreal 1, Unreal 2, and Unreal 3 are complete utter shit that should never exist, but Unreal 4 is mana from the heavens?

>The japanese just realized the PC market is profitable.


>to all of 300 sales on release
No way dude. PC and ports is like oil and water.

You do realize developers had access to the code after paying the license right? UE4 just has a different model. That doesn't happen with Gameworks.

Valve making billions off Steam is so funny!

That's nice but I'm not even interested in FF. Most PC users probably aren't either.

I thought your pic looked like bannerlord with the arch.

Yakuza series on the PC would be awesome though.

Tell me how Valve making billions off microtransactions benefits Square Enix, nay, Japanese devs in general. They won't even see a fraction of what Valve and Riot are making.

Too bad Sega is dedicated on trolling PC users forever.

According to the GameWorks contract they get the source code after buying the GameWorks license and lets be honest here; How in the world would someone implement any GameWork library ingame without access to the code?

It's not like they can just drop .dll files in the folder with the executable and it will work.

Even implementations of the same GameWork library(like Flex) must vary from game to game and not be a 1:1 identical copy.

I think you're confusing source code with open source.

>Tell me how Valve making billions off microtransactions benefits Square Enix, nay, Japanese devs in general. They won't even see a fraction of what Valve and Riot are making.
No one said they would make be making the same that Valve is making. The argument is that PC is profitable. And the fact that Japanese devs continue to port games to PC just solidifies the fact. If it wasn't profitable they simply wouldn't port games. This isn't rocket science.

>The argument is that PC is profitable.

With sales being significantly lower than on consoles and with the average sale netting far less than on console, there isn't a whole lot of profit, especially compared to consoles, which run the entire show.

>And the fact that Japanese devs continue to port games to PC just solidifies the fact.

Is that why Nier 2 isn't on PC? Is that why FFXV isn't on PC? Is that why both keep dodging the PC question?

>If it wasn't profitable they simply wouldn't port games.

Case in point; Sega. PC isn't profitable enough for them to consider anything that isn't some irrelevant trash literally no one wanted, let alone games people want like Yakuza, Vanquish, or for fuck's sake, Sonic Unleashed.

Or maybe PC is completely irrelevant in Japan.

They get access to the development tools to implement it, they do not get access to the source code.

Yea pc is such a dead platform that Japanese developers are braining more and more games to steam each year for mysterious reason.
It cant possibly be that paying someone 10000$ to port a game to pc and then selling 20000 copies for 1 million$ minimum can be profitable.

>Is that why Nier 2 isn't on PC?
You know, besides the fact that it's confirmed for PC.
>Is that why FFXV isn't on PC?
You know, besides the fact that the director said "yeah I want it on PC but we'd have to start from scratch, we really had to cut down the game to run on the PS4, we really overestimated sony's hardware it's kind of shitty lol"

Development tools? You mean Nsight?

GameWorks really must work on magic to work like you think it does.

Japanese developers still think PC piracy can affect game sales and they are worried that if the game gets pirated on pc people wont buy it on consoles.
Although this was proven wrong.
Especially by Dark souls.
They also learned that PC gamers don't tolerate shit ports.

>With sales being significantly lower than on consoles and with the average sale netting far less than on console, there isn't a whole lot of profit, especially compared to consoles, which run the entire show.
Citation fucking required. Are you just making up shit as you go? I'm pretty sure sales on plaforms like Steam have give more of a cut to developers than retail sales or PSN sales.
>Is that why Nier 2 isn't on PC?
It is? It's releasing on March 10 if you aren't aware.
>Is that why FFXV isn't on PC?
Clearly they intend to port it, just all those FF games that are on Steam.
>Case in point; Sega. PC isn't profitable enough for them to consider anything that isn't some irrelevant trash literally no one wanted, let alone games people want like Yakuza, Vanquish, or for fuck's sake, Sonic Unleashed.

>Too bad Sega is dedicated on trolling PC users forever.

They're going to milk the Total War Series now that they've made Warhammer.

Doesn't help that the Warhammer fanboys greedily devour all the DLCs and encourage this shit.

I'd rather Square port World of FF or Kingdom Hearts games honestly. FFXV doesn't look very fun. XV does look better in these pictures though.

How do you think it works?

>confirmed for pc
It's confirmed but that's as far as it gets. There's no release date in existence, the trailer that said 3/10 for the PC version was shortly taken down.

>muh director
Just because someone said they want to see the game on PC doesn't mean they will put it on PC. Is this seriously the very first time you see people talk positively of PC, yet don't actually port any games to it?

>more cut
70% of 5 dollars (the usual selling price for PC games) is still less than 30% of 60 dollars (the usual selling price for consoles).

>release date
They've taken down the 3/10 video, leaving the PC release ambiguous as they're reconsidering the platform.

>ff games on PC
Like WoFF, or Dissidia, or Zodiac Age?

>proof of sega supporting pc
>Sega's list is a bunch of western trash and old games

Yup, that sure proves that Sega actually cares about PC and doesn't have Sony's cock skewered through their entire body. Where's Project Diva? Where's Yakuza? Where's all the other Sonic games? Where's the other two VC games?

>Sega says "PC is their most profiable platform"
>only rehash western strategy "games" and focus development exclusively on consoles

What did they mean by this?