What is the worst vidya fandom in 2017?
What is the worst vidya fandom in 2017?
Sup Forums
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
Dark Souls
first post best post
Horizon Zero Dawn because it's made up of the worst kind of scum.
Game journalists.
Nintoddlers and Sonyggers
The Legend of Zelda
I don't really like cdpr shills.
smash fans
minecraft children
blizzard fans(overcuck, wow)
survival crafting walking simulator fans
anyone that plays fps on console or using a controller
Falseflaggers and pol baiters
So a small part of all of them
>Sup Forums is flooding with weebs
>never met even one fucker irl
t. phoneposter
A or C
That's called being an "ironic weeb" faggot OP.
I am used to batoto but whats wrong with mangareader?
G. Too many buttons improve Sup Forums in slight ways. G is temporary but I still think it's the best option.
You can smell the persecution complex in that image
>all that shit
>starter pack
nigga that's endgame gear
Nintendo fanboys because they legitimately defend Nintendo trying to take down fan games and fucking ROMhacks
>I'm a true weeb!!
This. Though I would be concerned whether I would ditch Sup Forums within those 4 years (thus its eventual return to shit not my problem) or if it being good would keep me here forever.
B or H
Nintendo and PS4 owners are neck-in-neck.
The Vita fanbase is relatively relaxed but gets pulled into shit due to shitposters from both the Nintendo fanbases and the PS4 fanbase.
>3DS vs Vita shitposting
>"Is the Vita holding PS4 games back?"
>"Vita has no games! (t-those games don't count!)"
>"Can we leave the Vita port and use the money to get better audio?"
The black sheep of the gaming industry by this point.
Nintoddlers can be bad but sonyggers take the cake
Man, pick a stereotype and stick to it. Are PC gamers autists, hipsters, SJWs, normies, fedoras, casuals, pirates, corporate whores, or what? Most of those are exclusive to all the rest.
Sony. Just to see the tears tbqh
H, I could finally know peace while taking every other cunt with me. Fuck Normie Island
Sony is worse only because sony is a fucked up company that I would almost consider evil when you really look into the shit they pull and how much propaganda they pump out through their movie departments.
Nintendo just rehashes everything. Sony is the devil.
B, it's like D and G in one, indefinitely.
C, no contest.
I hate anime fans the most. So sonyggers i guess. Never had any beef against xbots or nintendrones. PCucks do get a bit rowdy at times and have a terrible superiority complex but thats about it
B, I can't stand those cancerous boards.
I play only on pc and can confirm.
What a bunch of faggot crybaby nerds.
A arguably covers B and C so it's the best option.
A or D
F or E
I live in Australia
Sonic is king. There's never been a fandom quite as bad as that, and it's unlikely there ever will be.
>that pic
mizuruyu kei is the best
>What is the worst vidya fandom
That's like asking which dirt is the dirtiest
they're all equally shit
sonyggers, nintendrones, and the "pc community" are all equally retarded.
>implying xbots exist
>le self aware gamer face
>Besides me
This nigga.
Anyone who thinks games should be about anything but gameplay. You know, the artistic hipsters who think games like Bayonetta and Metal gear Solid and Uncharted are good.
>b-but there's some gameplay! that justifies the 10+ hours of quick time events, cutscenes, and mandatory hallways you walk down
i mean come on. Go read a book if you want story.
I was going to wonder how getting rid of mobileposting is supposed to solve the Sup Forums problem, but then I saw
>(Includes frogposting and excessive buzzwords)
And now I'm warming up more towards A.
Ironic considering AC has garbage gameplay.
>playing videogames automatically puts you in a fandom
oh fuck guess it's time to start making my sonic OC
Bakemonogatari is a genuinely good show, Neptunia games are fun, the Vita is a pretty gud handheld, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a pretty gud anime, Exhentai has a large selection of good doujins, and Crunchyroll is still good for having at least a modicum amount of help in supporting the anime industry.
And no one cares about shitty vidya fandoms. The people who hate something are ALWAYS more annoying than the people who like something.
good image
Wew. I was with you there until you started shit talking Bayonetta
Why does MLP still trigger people?
I don't see any quick time events or sex fanservice in AC. No crutches = better game by default.
>le retard face
Sex fanservice only adds to a game and removes absolutely nothing from a game
Just because a game lacks qte doesn't mean it's automatically good kek. Armored Core is garbage.
get some originality fatass
They're autistic. I had a guy walk up to me and try to start shit because I had Rarity on the back of my minivan. It never once crossed his mind that one of my three daughters happened to be a MLP fan, he just had to have an autistic spurg.
I'll never understand why GR2 gets shilled so hard.
It sucks dick, and this is coming from someone who got the plat for the original on the Vita.
This whole image is a creation of a strawman. Ever since I built my PC I've found that I can't stop finding fun games to play and adore the fact that I can run them all at top quality without issue. The person who made that post was probably projecting
>time and money that could've been spent on more gameplay
>"removes nothing from the game"
You only hate it because no women to fap to. Isn't that right?
>more gameplay
Like gameplay is quantifiable. You're clearly a retard.
They're going to create character models for the characters anyways. May as well make the characters sexy. They're going to make animations for the characters movements and attacks. May as well make them sexy. That doesn't take away money from the game
No, I hate it because it plays like fucking garbage but whatever I don't care enough about convincing you to keep arguing with a blind fanboy so I'll just encourage you to stay retarded. At least that way you can provide me with a laugh if I ever see someone defending AC's gameplay.
Die you degenerate Barneyfag
B because everything went further down to shit when gamergate happened
Go away Lee
nintendo fans have been full sperging out with their reddit tier humour and memes the past week not saying sony is better.
i never got sonic and dont want to
>site made for anime fans is flooding with weebs
don't rustle my jimmies like that
Previous years had fandoms such as
> mustardrace
> underfags
This year is year of:
> sonyggers: PS4 won the market, autists are excited that chads have console capable of running Senren Kagure in their room. They go batshit crazy.
> nintoddlers: well, Switch was released. Honestly dunno, maybe hype has a reason - but there are some cases of mild autism among the fanbase.
> Sup Forums detectives: EVERYTHING is SJW and is against memePresident. While in many cases yeah, games get liberal - these guys will prove you that you got spoonfed with cuck propaganda when you were playing Mario in your basement.
Guys. Staph. It's march.
>may as well make the characters sexy
OR! you could make a more simplistic design that doesn't rely on tits and asses. Not everything needs a realistic 6 million polygon count with realistic jiggle physics.
B or C
E is tempting but what's the point of erasing a company when all of the other shitty ones remain?
>console war baiter
Like pot
D. Won't miss you Boco
A, wheres the button that kills generals and waifu threads?
pee cuk detected
A is like half those buttons in one. Remove newfaggotry, receive golden age.
>mild autism
Back to your containment discord you fat ugly disgusting NEET.
>Not everything needs a realistic 6 million polygon count with realistic jiggle physics.
Yeah. 6 million polygons were used to make these characters and have realistic jiggle physics.
At least I'm enjoying video games
F I only really want the affection. Plus I'll find a way to nut without a dick
Look at overpriced, overhyped games like FFXV and Uncharted 4 and tell me with a straight face that they didn't spend billions on unnecessary graphics budgets.
If they didn't waste money like crazy, the game wouldn't need to sell as much just to make their money back, and therefore they wouldn't have to water the games down for a wider audience.
If you don't have a dick you literally lose your sex drive.
Yeah so am I, just not panty quest games ported from ps3. Instead I play quality games because I'm not a pee cuk
Not every game with sexy character designs go for those kinds of graphics. This game surely went for realism for it's sexy designs. 6 million polygons, and realistic physics.
After booting up SMT: Nocturne on emulator I gotta admit that games can look good and stylish even without sunflares & shit.
Simple cel-shading, interesting design and clear vision are really good at preserving the old classics.
>and therefore they wouldn't have to water the games down for a wider audience
We both know they still would.