FF7 Remake Worries

What are your biggest worries for the FF7 Remake?

> ATB will be kinda there but not really
> hack-and-slash happy and Materia get a terrible backseat
> Not all Summons will make it in the game
> Gold Saucer minigames will be Microtransaction hell (especially battle arena)
> Crossdressing and Corneo censorship
> Episodic release will fuck up with the potential open world and make the game flow more linear and summarized (even worse episodes will only highlight major events)
> Shimomura in charge of the soundtrack
> Mukki in glorious full HD
> Genesis shoved in the plot during the Nibelheim incident
> New content might not be faithful to the original lore and style
> Devtime getting too long to complete between episodes

>it's FFXV on top of a layer of shameless nostalgia bait

I will never play this game.
There is zero reason to play this if you played the original.

> Crossdressing and Corneo censorship

If fucking Nintendo can put crossdressing in Zelda of all things in 2017 I really don't think we have to worry about it.

Only spectacle perhaps?

>Tifa's tits shrunk
>Yet faggot shit in honeybee in emphasized(because it's okay when its gay...fucking fags)
>Over 100GB
>input lag shitfest because S.E. is incapable of making a decent action RPG
>The combat will be garbage on top of it
>No PC release for 10 years
>Denuvo when it is


>They don't remove those dumb sunglasses from barret before release

>They shoe horn in extended universe shit

thats it

>right now the remake holds little continuity to crisis core, advent children, and cerberus
That's all you need to worry about right there.

My biggest worry is that it will use XV's shitty combat

>Tifa's tits
>Yuffie's ass
>Nomura will make this V13 instead of a proper remake of FF7 because he was still ass blast about FF15.

But I want to see cloud in a dress


They change a bunch of designs for no reason.

zelda is not a manly series, user

>implying FF is any manlier

>public hair on Shiva

I'm afraid that Nomura will went full retard with Bahamut design again, I hate robotic Bahamut in CC.

If it were like XV it'd actually be good but it won't be so it's shit.

I'm not worried.
If I want to play FF7 again but with better graphics, I CAN. I'm excited to see what they change.

>Changing the graphics
>Changing the gameplay
>New cinematic, voice acting, etc.

Just make FF16 already?
Why are they so insecured?
If i wanna play FF7, i can play it right now.

>people will mod the game to be exactly the same as the ff7 version but with 2017 graphics

Hard to believe ony two characters there are women

There is actually one thing from XV i want to see in VII remake
>Team attack

not when they can use it as an excuse to throw out character switching the fucking bastards

That would suck.
But it's less likelly to happen, because this time there is no plot excuse for main character falling to cause game over (well, in XIII also weren't any).
Also original plot forced player in boots of different characters, so it's more likelly for team to develop mechanics to control every character. That at least give some hope.