Does this trigger you, Sup Forums?

Does this trigger you, Sup Forums?

and I also I own a mid high rig

Other urls found in this thread:

>tangled ass mess of wires

What a fag.

Not using a console has nothing to do with dust collection

>no wii u

i sold my xbox because of nogaems.

got a ps4pro and don't regret it at all. xbox's fucking menu design is even bad, thank god we have sony to save us this gen.

ever cleaned before?

Nah I use my xbone alot actually. I just haven't dusted it in a while

Why should it?
You only showed us how you live in the dirt.

>xbox so irrelevant no one gives a shit to even shitpost

Nice tv faggot hahahahaha HA!

>tangled mess of wires
>bothers me but too lazy to deal with it
I am my own worst enemy.


>that nasty ass room

Nigga, what's wring with you?

Yes. That is fucking disgusting.

>uncharted instead of bloodborne or nier


>poor mans Dork Souls

>brick wall

It'd trigger my mother, she hates anything dirty. So, good job triggering an old woman by proxy user.

Now do yourself a favour and clean up a little, you might feel better not living in squalor.

>shit budget tv that probably has a fuckton of input latency
>messy, dangling wires

Yeah, I'm triggered. Dumb, messy fuck.

Your mom sounds like a good lady.

Have you looked at that fucking TV? OP IS a poor man.


You are way too poor to be posting here user

Hey OP, Hisense you need a job that doesn't pay in dick water.

Why does your PS4 look weird, is that the slim?

Dude clean your shit regardless of you often you use it lol.

>brick wall

You're in a basement aren't you?

Yeah it is

Yes it does you fucking cheap china coc sucking fggot

It's a closed off fireplace. We use it to hide the billion cords in it (it's not actually functional)

>basement dweller
enjoy your lung cancer op

you having wasted £300 / $300 or whatever the fuck an XB1 costs?

Doesn't really trigger me at all, no.

You dust your ps4 more than you dust your xbone?

this is surely bait

the UI is one of the few things Xbox does better than the atrocious PS4 UI

Which game pad do you like better?

It triggers me that you don't clean dust

But every wall is made of bricks, user

Jesus Christ I haven't touched my 360 in years and it doesn't have even close to the amount of dust on it that that thing does.

Do you do cocaine while gaming?

Mand do you live in a fucking desert and leave the windows open all the time?

And btw: why does the xbone have a huge hdmi label and an even bigger warning label on the front. Are the fuckers who designed that retarded.

Used XB1s are surprisingly cheap, like $150 cheap. I've seriously considered getting one just for the backwards compatibility that fixes the screen tearing issues that plagued 360 games. If they add just a few more of the must play 360 games I might just go through with it.

fucking this. i haven't seen an Xbox shitposter since 2014. where tf did they go?

They bought ps4s

>XB1 has huge vents on the right half of the console
>directly on top, perfect for dust to fall in and get trapped
What were they thinking?

I bet your tv is "hd ready" lmao you dont actually use that as your television do you op? Its a joke set up for the picture right? Where is your real tv that you actually use

What is it?

kek good point

No, it disgusts me that you let dust build up that much on something in your home or worse it's soot from cigarettes.

Nah, Xbox has shit for exclusives, not surprised that It has dust on it.

Okay okay fags, I listened.

It's infront of an old closed off fireplace (nonfunctional). We keep all our cables back there cause my daughter can't get to them .

Tv is a smart tv and I was poor at the time I bought it.

It triggers me that you have such low standards for living.

Please fix those cables so I can sleep tonight.

>Super Everdrive

Yes. It triggers me that you don't clean your fucking room you subhuman piece of trash.

Does this trigger you OP?

In pic
>55 inch LG OLED 4k
>Denon AV Receiver with 7.1 soundsystem and subwoffer

My Xbox 1 isn't in the pic because I'm letting my roommate play it

My xbox is like that but less dust because pic related

You need to clean your shit up you subhuman piece of garbage. I hope your daughter dies and you become impotent because filthy degenerates like you don't deserve to have their messy DNA dilute the gene pool.

Yes it does.

Get a duster you fucking faggot.

Nah, small time lad

I have all the systems, even Vita

meant to say Wii U

No, but apparently this does. My idort thread got deleted, didn't even get to die on page 10.

At least it got more than 10 replies though.

>sprinkle dusk and debri on a console to shit post online
>implying console use has an impact on dust collection
>the only way that is feasible is if he only kept swapping game cases on top of the playstation dozens of tomes per day, even then the lower lip portion that protrudes would have dust
>implying if he takes the time to dust his ps4 because he uses it he wouldn't clean his fucking xbox and shelf in his Shitty basement

I primarily play pc but I have a ps4 I never use and it has no dust.

>yellow SNES
how does this even happen? Mines grey

Different models were made with different material. A majority of models were made, top half, with anti-flame retardant materials mixed in to keep the systems from becoming too hot or catching fire, so the material changes color over time.

fuckton of input latency and it looks like he plays his SNES on it

might as well emulate at that point, the flashcart was a waste of money if you can't play it properly


Finding a good HD TV is rough, snagged this Phillips during black friday sale, works great with all my older consoles.

>mid/high rig
i'm guessing that it's actually low tier, hence why you didn't specify

Oh sweet I guess because Canada doesn't get hot enough they didn't have to do that to mine

it's just a sticker, you're meant to take it off

No, just no

Just as I was about to sign off The Chan thinking I had picked out the true fag of the day, you showed up and claimed the title. Congrats!

jelly, how old are you?

A little bit. My shit is dusty too, but I at least try and clean it every once and awhile.

>not keeping his house clean
Fuck off Sonyckbeard

4k screen when there are no consoles out there which really benefit of them. 4k TVs have terrible input lag compared to 1080p ones. And if the console doesn't support output at 4k the TV has to upscale and gives you even mor input lag. Enjoy playing with your input lag.

>Nice glass TV stand.
>Covered in dust.

Good god son, clean that shit.

WTF is that aspect ratio? The one of the TV, not the one of the game. Man can you even watch any movie without getting black bars?

>ps4 only, no ps3 for the west

>ps vita and ps4

4k tvs have lower input lag nowadays
It's not 2014 anymore

I'm impressed. Why is your sister on Facebook on your setup, though?

>All that dust
Trash confirmed. Have some fucking decency for your kid's sake.

do some fucking cleaning jesus you fucking animal

>shit flatscreen AND wireless controller adapter

Still not comparable to 1080ps and upscaling still fucks you up regarding input lag so forget playing WiiU/PS3/X360/Standard PS4 on that with additional input lag. Man I was visiting a friend the other day and we played some rounds of BF1 and I couldn't adjust to that input lag and can't understand how anyone can play with that disadvantage.

Confirmed faggot.

What's your tvs input lag?

The xbox does, don't know why anyone would get one.


>all that gear wasted on country music



40 ms. But I only use it to watch tv and play jrpgs. For every other type of game I connect my console to my monitor, which has half a frame of input lag.

why do you even come to this shithole

Here's the series of TV it is. It does everything perfectly fine.

Hi, idorts.
I'm about to buy a PS4 in the next couple of days and go full idort.
What PS4 games do you recommend? I'm already getting the weeb trash I cannot play on Xbox such as Miku, Fate/Extella or CyberSlut.

Here's my tv

>Buying the ugliest PS4 model.

im currently playing on my xbox instead of shit posting.

must suck to hate games so much youd rather not play them

in game mode the input lag seems decent, but without it you get a tenth of a sec. input lag. Still for competitive gaming I would always go with a monitor.

is the PRO still shit ?

have heard it is not worth upgrading and it is noisy as fuck

I don't play multiplayer at all so it works for me

I shitpost Forza Horizon 3 every day