Stop buying Nintendo games

Stop buying Nintendo games.

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>Stop buying good high quality games

Why would I do that?

give me 5 reasons why

>implying varg would support sony

he hates capitalism dude

>literally nothing but mario and zelda for 30 years
>high quality games

I wish I was delusional, life would be so much easier.

>it's a Varg tells you how to live your life episode

Id buy ps4 games if there were any

>30 years means they're not high quality

Okay, I laughed.

He hates (((capitalism))). He also hates Marxism. But people like him are economically illiterate, their ideology always boils down to wanting a white utopia with a lot of band-aids on capitalism.

Can you guys stop using the best black metal musician as a meme please?

Stop using Ubuntu.
Stop hating pedophiles.
Stop throwing away perfectly good toenail clippings.

I'm currently playing Nioh with persona 5 coming next month.

You have Zelda.. and... umm... Mario I guess at the end of the year.

>Mario Kart

You forgot some games idiot.

wish PS4 had games so the sonyggers on this site had something to do rather than shitpost and make the board worse

You have to go back

t. Switch user waiting for his console and one game


I came to this.

The thing is I don't care about nioh or persona. I'll probably get a ps4 when it gets games I care about but as of right now, it has none