Why do people keep calling Horizon Zero Dawn a SJW ga-

>Why do people keep calling Horizon Zero Dawn a SJW ga-

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LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO Holy fuck this has to be fake right?

I wish they had made a new Killzone instead of this trash, I can never give money to this game.

Remember the game was worked on for years, so if you think it's bad now, just imagine what Horizon 2 is going to be like now with Trump in office.

That's like really bad. I'm totally serious. They're literally released this?

I don't get it. This just reads as a person wanting to open a museum for refugees of a flood. Where's the SJW bullcrap? All I see is an article that ends in disingenuous journalism.

Turn on the news channel for once? Its obvious what they are digging at.
Good guys: pro-refugee
Bad guys: anti-refugee

Horizon Zero Dawn has good graphi-

aren't the devs swedes?

Oh no, a Western-developed game making topical reference to current socio-economic politics in a way that won't date itself. How horrible.

>it's a Sup Forums believes political retards and sycophants instead of scientists thread

Video games are not political tools. Get this shit out of my games.

The Azores are white. What's the problem with taking in white refugees?

>Great Die-Off
>Second Chance Party

Is this supposed to be taken seriously?

It makes sense that climate refugees would be an issue in a video game set in the future, though.

As climate change fucks up the planet, people who live in the places that get fucked up first will flee to less fucked-up places.

Yes. This is a "low key feminist" game


>Our nation totally needs this
>literally stand in their remembrance
Did a 12 year old write this?
>Fair-Chance-UK party
Real subtle guys.

>"Our nation totally needs this. What climate refugees endured was really bad."

My main takeaway from this is that they have no idea how to write a politician making a public statement.

Then I guess you don't need this game to exist anymore, do you?

That doesnt make sense. The game is 95% people of color. If they took in white refugees, then the game should have more white representation.

I truly can't believe they pushed it this far.............Nigel? Fuck Sony.

No, Climate change isn't real and it's a lie by (((them))) to line their pockets and push a cultural marxist agenda to destroy the white race. Luckily Trump is fighting tooth over nail to stop them.

>Great Die-off


That's conspiracy theory stuff though, not YAAAAAASSSSSS SLAY QUEEN SLAYYYYY propaganda.

Plus its a good game on its own, HZD would be a 5/10 if they didnt pander to SJW

Read it. It talks about England treating him and his family like Germans treated the jews

Shame on you for even trying moron

>the Great Die-Off

>tfw this is exactly what your president's statements sound like

>a large and growing class of parasites living off those who produce

You mean the bourgeoisie?


>"Our nation totally needs this. What climate refugees endured was really bad. It completely deserves a real-space museum so we can literally stand in their remembrance"

Politics aside this is awful writing


Climate change gets you hard

So politics in video games are OK as long as it's the "right" kind of politics, then.

haha white males BTFO! good job fellow gaffer ;) got them nazis good

He talks about a refugee camp being suffering for him.

...Actually, now it's starting to sound like a dated Katrina reference. I'm reminded of a comic that I don't think I'm allowed to mention on Sup Forums because of its association with Thatguywiththeglasses.

If only he could be so focused.

Climate change is real, Sup Forums

For me it's the dogshit writing that's most offensive, even if the sjw stuff is annoying I could deal with it if the writing wasn't so bad. Reminds me of the awful snippets of writing you could unlock in Arkham Knight, only worse.

You mean the same scientists who've been pushing some variant of global X every decade or so to try and justify '''necessary government regulation''? No thanks!

not him but yes I agree with that sentiment. politics are only a problem if someone is pushing something obviously stupid/destructive. that is what the "accept refugee" culture is, and so I dislike it when devs shove it into popular games or games I want to play.

t.alberto barbosa

>our nation totally needs this

is the would be prime minister a 16 year old girl?

holy fuck guerrilla

DE wasn't too biased though, you got a multiple choice ending and some of the characters have good arguments against the main characters actions at times.

Trump supporters will laugh at this without a shred of self-awareness

>this is the man Sup Forums has chosen to put on a pedestal


>People getting upset that even referencing climate change and possibilities about it is politics.

This is why we're all fucked. Let the world burn.

This is what happens when pretty much anyone can get a degree and thinking this is what qualifies them to be actually GOOD

Quick, before I forget, somebody make a comparison of Trump and Hitler's inauguration rallies. I've always wanted to hear what people meant when they said he's "the world's best public speaker".



fuck you leave killzone alone. shadowfall was bad enough.

What if I am in neither camp and laugh at it?

Well, yeah, but now since we didn't do any of that climate change is on an unstoppable path now and there's not much we can do about it now.

I have no opinion because you don't fall under the group specified

Imagine if Donald Trump described the deaths of millions as "really bad".

Actually even the right edgielord said that they save the people that they could save. German didn't save any jews. The writing is bad, the "SJW bullshit" is only on the eyes of the paranoids.

Yea, this game seriously looks like it was written by a 15 year old valley girl.

Also, reminder that Sup Forums is a board filled with people from Russian troll houses.

>feminist globalist propaganda

>traps and cucks

That fucking narrative, man.

By then, it was only a problem when non-whites were being killed off.

Up until then, it was known as 'Exactly as planned."

The person I responded to said "politics don't belong in games". May as well just start namefagging as "Willfully ignorant intellectual cloister that proves SJWs and Anti-Gamergaters right".

Donald wants to kill families of enemies and steal other country's resources, he probably thinks the deaths of millions is good. As would most of this board now.

"Millions of people died. Very tragic. Many such cases. Sad!"

Did he say just that about slavery?

The climate change aspect doesn't bother me, it's the weird gynocentrism that gets paraded around.

This. Can't see anything SJW about that, it's just that the writing is shamefully clunky either way. It looks like something a 15-year old would write, fanfic tier.

The globalists have got to be stopped. They're allowing consumers to get goods and services that would normally be inaccessible, allowing for a higher quality of life all around, and ushering in unprecedented peace through international cooperation. It's downright despicable!

I dunno what you guys want. I was gg all day and I'm actually intrigued by a story of a bunch of mudslime coozes getting together to plan to reseed the earth and a ebil white dude killing them all and programming a reaper cycle if there're too many darkies in society. I mean, shit, that's fucking unique at least. The whole point was for devs to be able to make the fucking games they want too and this is what guerrilla wanted so quit bitching.

>russian troll houses

That would imply Sup Forums is white. Its just brown people pretending to be nazis, which makes it way more funnier

>in zelda

What? Also traps are just fetish stuff. Nintendo isnt pushing that link is non-gender or anything degenerate. Japan knows how to handle this stuff, like Kaine in nier. One of the only good trannies in gaming.

reminder that someone got booed by the crowd at a libertarian convention for saying it should be illegal to sell 5 year olds heroin

You didn't even read your own post before you sent it.

>large class of bourgeoisie

kaine is not a tranny.

>Climate change

No one even cares about that part. Read the actual text.

Hes an antivaxxer
An antivaxxer is running your country america
wtf were you guys thinking

This reads like a Samuel Beckett novel.

>twitter user can't be as verbose with arbitrary 140-character limit
So what's the excuse for ?

The part that triggers me is I'm supposed to believe that the fucking Azores are underwater but England is okay.

>nigel tells it like it is and is a villain for it

What's SJW about the actual text, then?

Trump sounds like a moron even when he's not tweeting too. See


>M-MUH Sup Forums!!!!!!!

>Based conservative opposition member with great bants is named Nigel

>want to believe Sup Forums is just being satirical about everything
>more and more evidence every day points to them being serious about the stupid shit they say


It was him or Hillary "The Future is Female" Clinton.

>We'll say that we aren't from Sup Forums!

Can you blame him? Sure it's stupid and wrong but his son is literally autistic so he easily bought into it.

>can't use the word refugee in a game anymore because le germany sandnigger problem, even when it isn't even remotely related
fuck's sake, you people are too sensitive

>The president has an important announcement for the country.
>Millions tune in.
>Trump's face appears on screen.
>"Vaccines cause autism. I've heard this from the best people, which we have the best people. Kids by the millions are becoming autistic from vaccines!"
>Millions of his followers stop vaccinating their children.
>Red states start succumbing to horrific long gone illnesses, children start dying in large numbers.
>They empty their savings funds in one trip to the hospital and have no backup insurance.
>Trump on twitter blames Obama for not securing our borders and allowing these illnesses to get to us.

Can't wait!

They're allowing millions of immigrants to increase crime and take services from natives, allowing a lower quality of life than what natives had, and ushering in the same low quality of life and crime for everyone. All whilst being mostly unelected and never experiencing any of the hardships they create.

If you think "we" have to suffer because of third world and religious shit holes, then good job.

Making everything shit isn't an improvement.



not even going to read
get the fuck off our website SRS

Read the thread man, chill out

>implying people trying to astroturf the rest of the website are going to admit they're from that board who has that agenda

>It was him or an actual good option.

Not really making things clearer.

trump even keeps it family friendly, so the kids can understand him, i love this guy. he keeps our children in mind.

Any type of media can be political. Saying otherwise is insane. People have ideas, ideas become politics.

>more and more evidence every day points to them being right about the stupid shit they say