Mass Effect Andromeda

What are these expressions trying to convey?

Reminds me of how my dog greets me.

Lukas Kristjanson the person who wrote Sera is fully writing Liam, the black in ME:A and also assisted in PeeBee's writing as well as her romance sex scenes

>user sfm porn makers are better at making 3D models than an AAA funded game

Imagine if 50 anons got together and made a game.


Even the saps at NeoGAF are flinging shit at Bioware since they've canned the multiplayer beta for ME:A

Couple that with IGN's comments about bugs in the playthrough, I think they're pushing all hands on deck to salvage the single player from being so broken that reviewers finally call their ass out.

They can't save the shit animation/writing unfortunately

Hold up, they canned multiplayer as a whole, or just the beta of it? If the later I wonder if that implies its really fucking broken?
Also I still can't believe they let these animations go, even in that 15min Preview it was horrible



*glomps u* ^^

Gotta filter out the trash first.

>Even the saps at NeoGAF are flinging shit at Bioware

Even goddamn Tumblr of all places is trashing the game. Seems they won't be able to get away with it with time.

Will play when incest mod arrives

>canned multiplayer beta

shit that sucks. I was really hoping to see if it ran ok on my rig

Pure autism.

It's so they only have very few animations to make for emotions.

>they've canned the multiplayer beta

i would bet that the % of vn fans that are socially awkward is closer to 90%


I'll make the logo.

Are you really? I'm getting excited!

We can start with making a doom wad--then work our way up to making a stand alone vidya.

>nu-male looking faggot - concussion from hitting his head on hard surface
>shrek - happiness at being able to tell an onion analogy

>3D modeling is the same as Photoshop

t. bioshill

>implying that the 3d modlers who made the original couldn't easily edit their models to look like the photo shop

We've been over this.

>reduce width of jawline and nose
>make eyes not ping pong balls
Wow so hard, I can see now why those fellas at Bioware get paid the big bucks

Can we just talk about the bonus situation?


fuck off parker you useless piece of shit

Mr. Parker and I feel that the bonus situation has never been on an equitable level.
