Anyone else think this game is overrated? Most of the early maps are great...

Anyone else think this game is overrated? Most of the early maps are great, but the game tries too hard to add a new gimmick every chapter that makes it feel more tedious and annoying rather than actually fun. Fuga's Wild Ride and the Ninja Rape Cave in particular stand out.


>Anyone else think this game is overrated?
>FE Conquest

i doubt it

This game wouldn't be nearly as frustrating if it at least had Restore Staves. Debuffs and ailments being more common is a nice idea to add challenge, but Conquest got retarded about it at some point.

it probably only gets shilled since it sold worse than the other two and got rekt the hardest by censorship

better than revelations and birthright, at least

That's just saying a 6/10 is better than a 4/10 and a 2/10.

In the sense that you think it deserves all the praise it gets or that no one really thinks that highly of it to begin with?

well yeah i said it was better, not actually great or anything. 7/10 for me but I enjoyed it.

JoJo reference?

>that no one really thinks that highly of it to begin with?
this one
it might be slightly overrated in the specific area of the maps/gameplay, but I'm pretty sure it's considered one of the worst FEs overall in general


>harbor rape chapter
>wind chapter
>pegasus rape chapter

>in the specific area of the maps/gameplay
And this is exactly where it is overrated. it does have some of the better maps in the whole franchise, to the point where people say the gameplay alone holds up the entire game(and such a statement does make sense at face value) but the not so good maps in Conquest are really REALLY fucking bad and still drag down the overall gameplay quality. I don't think it's worth suffering through everything else about the game just for those select few great maps.

>new gimmicks every chapter
The gimmick chapters were tedious but I don't recall an overbearing amount of them. The foxes and rugs come to mind right away, but most of the tough latter chapters come from bottleneck maps that the enemies can abuse and not gimmicks

Revelations is an example of a gimmick heavy game

Played it with moon runes on lunatic when it came out. Seeing the reception was bizarre. It was a saving grace, yes, to see IS not stray too far from classic FE after 13. But, Conquest turned out to be more of the same as expected from difficulties such as FE13 Lunatic, FE9 Maniac, etc. So, for older fans, the buzz wore off and it was just another FE with animu dialed up.

I don't think newer fans really appreciate Conquest the same way. they just really like chapters like wild ride and rape cave, i guess. they feel more hardcore.

I thought those maps were fun in good way. Fuga's wild ride was the most nerve wracking map I've played and Hinoka's map had you making good use of your flying platoon to save the rest of your party's no-move ass.

Revelations had the shitty gimmick maps.

It depends on what you mean by overrated. It really only appeals to a certain part of FE fans. Perhaps it was a bit overrated for what it was; some people act as if it were a return to form when it really is more of a small step in the right direction while leaving a lot of other issues of the modern games be. (issues being purely subjective here)

The gimmick thing was sort of an issue though, those two maps being the biggest example I'd agree with. That and the kitsune hell was just obnoxious. But it had a lot of decent maps too; chapter 10 shot its way into my top 10 favourite maps in the series.

>Most of the early maps are great
I've been saying this for a while now. Conquest 10 is honestly one of the best chapters I've ever played in Fire Emblem history, but Conquest as a whole blows it's load of good-great maps way too early, and by the endgame it's just more tedious than anything.
So yes, overrated in the sense that it's not the most god-tier game to have ever existed, but it's still a decently solid game (gameplay-wise at least) and easily the best one out of the shitshow that was Fates.

Considering the amount of people that will say that the story ruins the game completely, in an FE game of all things, no I wouldn't say it's overrated.

Honestly great wall of Takumi wasn't that hard, the only reason why it took me so many tries is because I really wanted that rallyman and my Niles was underleveled as hell so I had to try and find the right combination of debuffs and attacks to put him at like 3 health because he would only do 3 damage at some 60 percent hit chance.

Lago's bullshit though, that was the real hell because those god damned sorcerers are like suicide bombers and then you need to fight through staff spam hell with berserkers/generals carrying weapons to destroy your chokepoint units like beast slayer and hammer.

However I would not say overrated because any time someone gives it praise there's almost immediately someone who greentexts one-liners.

One of the most irritating things about Fates is poison, or any other skill that deals % damage. Fucking obnoxious.

>Ninja rape cave
>Invulnerable foxes with Pass
>Mr. Fuga's Wild Ride explains itself briefly and proceeds to leave you to figure out how all the empty space affects wind move range for ground units
>Any map that involves group(s) of Archers with Counter
>Pray to the RNG that Takumi doesn't fuck you in the ass with Vengeance and Rend Heaven once you get to the top of the Great Wall
>Ryoma waits 25 turns while Lunge/Grisly Wound ninjas debuff and fuck up anyone who dares to try doing anything
>everything about Iago and Hans map
>Slime Garon map then endgame map without saving

I never want to play this game again.

I swear most of the later stages I just focused my efforts on avoiding playing the map entirely. Foxes? I just gave my tankiest unit a beastkiller lance and sent them ahead to solo it because fuck that nonsense. Ryoma battle? I waited the 25 turns and had Corrin bait Ryoma to the bottom wall so my other units could kill him at range through it. The map with all the golems swarming you, I just had Corrin pair up with Camilla and flew to safe points along the way until I reached the end. Stuff like that.

A shame, because like many others, I found the first bit of the game to be pretty decent.

>Rend Heaven
>Sakura's chapter where you try to bait out Hana without getting the baiter absolutely decimated by her.

>Invulnerable foxes with Pass

That chapter seems almost impossible to do legitimately. I've only been able to beat it by having Effie do all of the work by herself.

Oh yeah, and that chapter, adding to my post here I just flew my units along the left side over the cliff then swarmed the end goal.

It wasn't bad with Boo Camp and the Gold DLC map. Git gud.

Lodestar or Hero Xander also does well on that map.
It's not that hard if you can predict when and where the foxes come out of invulnerability then gank the shit out of them when it's your turn.

No not really. If you want the game where the gimmicks truly kill the experience, play the Revelation route because it sounds like you haven't. Most of Conquest's maps are perfectly fine and a few bad ones won't make it bad. Most FE games always have a few bad apple maps anyway like shitty desert maps.

>Ninja rape cave
All the ninjas on the south side can be cheesed with Xander paired up with someone like Gunther or Effie for enough defence to take hits with 0 damage, then activate a dragon vein to trap them in there with him.
It'll take a while because of the ninja's avoidance stat but Xander can slay them all eventually.