Objective: Escape

>Objective: Escape

>Objective: Survive

Name 3 games not named halo reach that do this

>Objective: RUN

>Objective: Die

>Objective: ???

>Objective: fight

>Objective: AAAAAAA

>No objective

Objective: Swallow

i love this meme

>Information: Use reflect to deflect the lasers

>Objective: Enjoy relaxing tea

Name 8 games and a movie with this

>Objective: Investigate cucumber

Titanfall 2 does it.

Tip: Pay for your Crimes

That MDK2 part when i was a kid... Holy shit i was overeacting whit the scene and the soundtrack

>Objective: Finish it

>Objective: You don't have any objectives.

>objective: Source

>Objective: Kill Yourself

Objective: Let go

Objective: [title of game]

Alien: Isolation

>Objective: Wait

I know the artist is rocket monkey, and it's probably from his idol series.

>Objective: Tail some dude

Mass Effect 3

Objective: Talk to every NPC in town hoping one of them triggers plot progression.

>he walks slow af too

Ew. That show makes me want to fucking watch it even more because this is the last good TV show in the past decade. Cartoons have seen a decline of nothing but round eyes and fat cheeks, Anime has seen a decline of nothing but cutesy girls, Live action has seen a decline of nothing but mystery and sex. Gumball gives me hope for TV because of how brilliant this show is. Just look at the OP, Love live is as bland as a bowl of boring cheerios.
Thanks for posting this, user.

hi thracia 776

>objective: escort ______

>Objective: ...Good Luck

>Objective: SAVE EARTH