The only better way they could have told us the game is going to be shit is if they literally said "our game is going...

The only better way they could have told us the game is going to be shit is if they literally said "our game is going to be shit".

Other urls found in this thread:


How much of a fucking state does your game have to be in to cancel a beta

I'm very cautious about bioware games these days

why didnt they just cancel the whole game instead

>multiplayer being important in a single-player cRPG

It's really embarrassing to bioware that ME3 was hailed as shit in regards to everything that bioware is supposed to be good at, with only the aimless online rooty tooty biotic shooty being praised as good--which was a component that had been outsourced to a different developer.

I'm not sure what would be more hilarious-

>Game gets an 80some-90some metascore despite any actual human being able to tell that it's total shit, journalists say the haters just show that gamers are entitled bigots

>Game is such a trainwreck that even journalists, hipsters, fujos, and SJWs hate it

>Game pulls a DOOM 4 and winds up being great despite looking like it was going to be total shit all the way up until launch, Sup Forums throws a shitfit because they wanted it to bomb

>game went gold
>cancel the beta



Thanks for the bump.

people actually play and care about MULTIPLAYER in a MASS EFFECT game?

wait what? really? holy shit i am laffin


Apparently it was the best part about ME3.

i bet this picture was fun making...

Yeah, ME3 multiplayer was great. It was so great that it resulted in a copycat game (warframe).

The problem is women

Bioware and Ubisoft have over the last decade or so utterly cucked their dev team with diversity quotas, but the simple fact is women are shit engineers, and shit coders, and have no true susceptibility to art, the perfect combination for the most mundane, generic, uninspired tripe ever to be shat out by the industry.

Wave after wave of the same game, with the same gameplay and same bugs and shit optimisation.

>all being financial blockbusters
>all receiving critical acclaim
You got nothing.

It was the only okay part of 3 outside of Tuchanka

It was the only good part of the mess that was ME3.

yadda yadda mass effect 3

I played that shit way after the shit aftertaste of SP faded.

It's not that women are worse coders 100% of the time. It's that diversity quotas pressure employers to choose their workers based on sex or race instead of skill. And since there are less women getting computer science degrees there's a smaller pool of qualified candidates.

>All being shells of the games they used to be

Fuck off GamerGate

still defending women as equals to men where there is countless amounts of evidence concerning every sport, art, industry, and hobby in the world, all completely dominated by men, mental or physical.

What does your bullshit agenda get you dude? Do you just want to appear tolerant to your fellow cuck?

>Doom 4

when can i pirate andromeda to see if bioware made a good game since dragon age origins?

>EA product
>Surprised that's it's gonna be broken, casualized, half-ass shit

>dragon age origins?

Origins was meh at best

ME2 was the last good Bioware game.

I remember when single player games didn't give much of a fuck about having a multiplayer mode.

If all you want to do is try it out, then just buy it and refund if you dont like it. Origin has the 24 hour trial period thing

I don't think it's so much that women are the problem. It's that hiring someone based on their gender or skin color instead of their skill set seems like a bad idea.


>even considering using known malware from the TWO-TIME 2-TIME WORST COMPANY IN AMERICA

The most accurate cancer test.

>all that normie buttmad Bank of America lost to fucking EA
>all those fat salty tears of Amerifats that got fucked by their banks in 2008
top fucking kek

We both hate diversity quotas.

Why must you divide a movement with your bitter virginity?

As usual the cuck loses his argument and resorts to straw-manning.

>a movement

I'd rather they just cancel the multiplayer all together

Will the media grow a spine and actually give this turd the kind of reviews it deserves?

It was the only good part of 3, though.

DOOM 4 was more a case of horribly mismanaged advertising. The campaign was the meat of the whole package, but they were showing off nothing but the MP mode that was outsourced to some no-name studio who's portfolio was comprised of COD map packs.

If you really care about malware then you won't be able to play videogames on PC.

>Will the media start burning bridges and alienating its contacts by shitting on this game?

What do you think?

Hope not.
Sup Forums is only entertaining when people here are angry.

Sup Forums sold me on this game
I used to not give a fuck but after webms i'm buying it just for the cringe




t. Biodrone defense force

It's not women, it's the consumers who buy these shitty games.

lmao what a disaster.

This is the one time I'm actually going to be cheering Papa EA on when he drags a game company out back and shoots it in the head.

Cancelled multiplayer weeks before the release is already a disaster

>the media in question is the gaming press
>female character models are 'real women'
No, user. No they will not.

we have no content to make fun of though

they must know that the even the beta multiplayer is bad

usually the "but its in beta!" excuse is enough for them to dismiss the critique

How is this a disaster? There will still be mp in Andromeda, or won't there now? I don't get, are the players at home too good or what?

>we have no content to make fun of though

>we have no content to make fun of though

Where the hell have you been?

Look at those dislikes. Is not just Sup Forums being contrarian as always. This game looks worse than the previous games.

>Pushing herself on a male.
This is literal sexual harassment.

well thats not multiplayer content

people here actually believe that bioware wont fuck up the content they only bothered with in me3

Because EA has a profit margin to maintain. They will burn some good will and double down on their 'true fans' farming them for extra cash.

Like seriously who the fuck is excited by bioware shit these days? After ME3 and DAI shouldn't it be evident that bioware is a B-grade studio that employs hacks (in addition to the blatantly racist devs and incompetent idiots like hepler).

The fact that the two big boys from bioware that founded the fucking company got bought out or bowled entirely should have been the big red flag that signalled to the community that their actual soul as a business was about to implode.

>when even normies dislike your games
Holy fuck

Mass Effect Andromeda is going to be the best game of all time, we're really going back to our roots.
What do you mean the animations seem stiff and the expressions seem dead? They're still being polished, silly!
Huh? The Loyalty Mission felt like a tutorial with how much hand-holding there was? Well we put all that in there just for this video! We wanted the player to know what was happening!
About the multiplayer beta - We deemed it wasn't necessary to have any "home testing" for it. Really, it's fine, we promise!
Andromeda's already gone gold! GOLD! You better pre-order now before we run out!

I cant get over how shit the cast looks. Bland and boring. They have a whole new universe to explore and they bring back a few of the old species and fill the rest with humans.

>All the top voted comments are negative


This just means the multiplayer is shit.

I mean the single player is probably shit too, but you know, just like previous Mass Effect games.

So how long until EA scraps bioware?

>Loyalty Missions
I wonder how many daddy issues we'll have to solve this time.

I played the RS2: Vietnam beta recently. It's about as broken as you'd expect the beta for a Tripwire game to be- people sliding around all over, falling through the world, hit detection issues, etc. It was a big mess all around- but that's okay, because that's the point of a beta test. You give players an early build of your game, they find problems, they report problems, problems get (hopefully) fixed before launch. Everybody's happy.

Bioware, meanwhile, has cancelled their MP beta entirely because the build of the game they're on now is broken enough that a beta test would, allegedly, negatively impact customer confidence in the game.

RS2 comes out sometime in the next few months. Mass Effect: Andromeda comes out in less than three weeks. That's not even a red flag at that point, it's like a fucking red tarp. A giant red tarp.

If any of you preordered this game, for whatever reason- if it's because you have money to burn, or faith in Bioware (???), or ESPECIALLY if you're just buying it for the multiplayer because ME3's was, admittedly, enjoyable- do yourself a huge favor and cancel it immediately. ASAP. Get on Amazon, Best Buy, Gamestop, Target, whatever you have to, and cancel it right now. This game's going to be an unmitigated disaster.

>top comment is someone asking if they can kill poopee

Wonder if this is to try and push that EA Access bullshit.

Pay for early access instead of getting it for free.


Typical Sup Forums shit taste.

>it's not even about how she looks they jist think she's an awful character

>cancelling the demo weeks before it launches

This is such a huge red flag.

I'm actually rooting fore this game to fail now. I hope no one buys it and I hope that the few honest game review around will give this game an accurate review

I remember hearing offhand last fall that some alleged ex-BioWare person was saying that the studio was still on the very earliest stages of multiplayer development because they spent the better part of a year going back and rehauling the planetary exploration stuff from the ground up to be like No Man's Sky. Apparently they saw the gameplay footage and demos and thought that NMS was going to be the next huge game, like the next Minecraft or something, and they wanted ME:A to get in on that action. He said that they were so far behind that there probably wouldn't be functional MP at launch, or quite possibly ever.

I thought it was all my-uncle-works-at-Nintendo bullshit, but after the VGAs exploration gameplay reveal, and now this, it really seems to fit. Jesus.

Remember, on Sup Forums everyone's taste is bad and all games suck

Except maybe Battlefront 2 and New Vegas I gues

Dollars to donuts the animations during gameplay are as awful as the rest of it and they don't want anyone to see this.

SWBF2 was a downgrade in classes, maps and gunplay compared to the first and I hated NV because I don't like having my save files corrupted.

You are all still gonna buy it anyway.

both of those are shit

I'm still waiting to see biodrones to count on more than one hand.

>What's sage.

This pile of garbage is not even worth pirating.

Hope for option 3

In order of likelihood

No way sjws don't spooge over mass effect androgynous.

>planetary exploration stuff from the ground up to be like No Man's Sky
That's exactly what I thought when I saw that stuff, that during development they decided to copy NMS because of the hype around it and its going to have fucked them in the ass.

Not that the general incompetence they've shown wouldn't have done that already.

>Lets copy NMS you guys! what could possibly go wrong?

This is a train wreck.

The only reason I cared about Andromeda was because ME3's MP was good.

My interest is rapidly declining with this announcement.

It upsets me that a piece of shit like Warframe is the only thing that tried to capitalize on the formula Mass Effect 3 stumbled upon.

>current year +2
>people still give a shit about mass effect.
>A one trick pony series

I learned my lesson from "it looks like shit, but maybe it'll be hilariously stupid fun like DA2" DA:I.

This game doesn't look like a fun dumb B-movie. It looks like lazy, uninspired shit.

Its pretty amazing how much better Mass Effect is when bioware isnt involved.

Thanks for the bump

>resulted in a copycat game (warframe)
How did I not realize this until now

Well, why have a free beta when you can get people to pay to beta test?

No user. This is sadly still the timeline where I bought DA2 at launch and was back in my car to return it for a loss 15 minutes after getting home with it.

Not a single warframe competitor in 4 years. Everyone is going after the Heartstone crowd cus its much easier. It sucks man.

yall jelly

>saging with an image
Hello, newfag.


Well, I mean NMS would have been alright if they'd actually copied their own E3 video though.

I fucking low how her face expression never changes. She always has that retarded smile.

They enabled sage with an image something like 3 or 4 years ago, user.

A lot of shitty, privileged white people in this thread I think. Did you stop to consider that maybe multiplayer betas weren't friendly enough to non-whites and that they deserve to be cancelled? You can still pre-order the rest of the game, stop being so entitled.

t. "The Man, the Myth, the Legend" Curry Thunder