Horizon Zero Dawn

Can someone explain to me what was wrong with this game?
>ads looked amazing
>oh fuck i wanna shoot robot dinosaurs
Suddenly all this hate for the game. What went wrong?

Just like always.

What did they do to the game? Was it a bad story? Or bad character interactions?

Native American appropriation.

No, I'm not making that up.

How do you appropriate Native Americans?

both, plus "white males are evil" btw im not white, and this propaganda is just disgusting

People are upset because the game uses words like "tribal", "primitive" and "Braves" when referring to characters/factions/technological development.

It's "cultural appropriation". Now suddenly the game is super boring and you shouldn't play it.

Seriously, look it up.

Gotcha thank you lol. It looked like such a promising game if they didn't take the SJW detour

Is that data entry thingy from the game? It seems too political for what the trailers showed

The game actually has some pretty critical things to say about the concept of matriarchy.

Most of their rules are portrayed as retarded and shit only gets done when someone intentionally violates them.

Also only 1 of the 3 women in charge has any backbone and common sense. The other one passively follows whoever spoke last and the third one always hates everyone for not following their dipshit rules.

The matriarchal society is also substantially less developed than the others and is possessed by religious extremism.

It's a playstation exclusive and this board is a nintendrone/pcuck playground.

It sounds like the greek play Assemblywomen

it is, trailers are tailored to make you buy the game

It's surprising to say the least. The game spends the first 2 hours deliberately trying to get you to hate the tribe. The only 3 characters to ever show compassion to the protagonist as a child are your adopted father, the one competent female priestess, and what is essentially the tribe's arms dealer, who violates the rules to talk to you.

The only other character to show compassion is another man whose life you save and is eternally grateful.

At the same time, several women from school teachers to other religious authorities openly hate you for literally no reason. Men and women from other factions express disgust towards their treatment of the protagonist and are generally compassionate.

This is also probably why a lot of SJWs are turning on it.

main character is a bland mary sue and was made purposefully unattractive (check out the concept art for aloy, much better)

story is about how the white male patriarchy ruined the world; muh brown people matriarchy

gameplay is pretty bog standard and the robot fights are spread pretty thin, mostly you fight tribal people with the shittiest ai

terrible animations and VA

If the game wasn't pushing an agenda so hard it would be doing better, but it still wouldn't be amazing

The game clearly shows the matriarchal society as inept. They're behind other factions and pretty much every other society thinks they're retarded.

Their leadership is never shown to be particularly effective at anything.

>yfw Bast died

Its more boring than far cry besides being a skin of it.
Story is bad as you saw i coming all along.

Good graphics, but the game is as beautifull as generic

Side quest are fed ex

So it actually is /our game/ after all?

>it's a playstation exclusive and Sonyggers will hold onto it no matter how bland it is and hold it up as some masterpiece, simply because it's easier to convince themselves that everyone else secretly wants to play 'their' '''''''masterpiece'''''''

fixed that for you

How is the concept art of Aloy better if you also believe the game is about brown people? Aloy is literally brown in the concept art.

They made the hero of the game as white as possible. She's a ginger woman with extremely pale skin.

The MC is ugly, and I don't want to look at and listen to her for 30 hours. That's my biggest problem.

Are some of you literally letting some satire get the best of you?

No, it just by no means whatsoever tries to imply a matriarchy is any better than a patriarchal society. They'd both be equally shit with equally retarded rules and a fixation on religious extremism.

The matriarchal society the protagonist belongs to gets obliterated by another tribe in the first 2 hours and they lose like half their land overnight.

They were also enslaved before and only recently established positive relations with the faction that did it.

And the faction that did it only stopped because a man, not a woman, took the throne from his father by force.

game got leak, we saw its shit western quality, repetitive gameplay and dumb cheap plot

this is all true of course but naturally Sup Forums will just ignore this post and keep decrying the game as SJW simply because it has a female lead and a single reference to refugees that isn't even relevant to the actual gameplay/story

Thanks for proving my point.

this is literally shitting on Sup Forums

why'd you take so long to respond, with just that?

trying to think of a counterargument? you're a real genius, huh?

Because I've got better things to do than to champion some random nobody on Sup Forums, besides, it looks like I didn't even need to say anything at all seeing as how buttblasted you are already.

how am I upset? are you pretending I'm secretly fuming behind my computer?

Keep digging.

into what? this imaginary hole?

>So it actually is /our game/ after all?

Fuck no. The game tries to play both sides of the fence. It says, "oh man, those fuckin' SJWs sure are pieces of shit, aren't they?" then immediately turns around, takes off its fake mustache, and tells the SJWs "oh man, those white cishet men sure are pieces of shit, aren't they?"

Like some kind of boring but mildly attractive Sylvester McBean trying to fleece the Sneetches.

The game itself doesn't look bad, but the characters, the dialogue and the story are shit.

That's why I can't recommend it to anyone, it is a decent game that is ruined by SJW and feminist propaganda.

SJW boogyman.

Shitlords gonna shitlord.

>Presents a world that's neither black or white, but grey, just like any decent story should
>Get mad about it

You kids just wanna get mad about anything, don't you

Sorry that the Switch is getting shit on, btw

Why is it that those datalogs are all so poorly written? Its as if they were written by a 15 years old. And those logs were supposed to be official documents right? How come they are written like they were internet blog entries?

well to be fair that one is a personal log, but its so cringey since its the what normies think what Sup Forums is like

The point flew right over your head man. Right the fuck over it and onto your neighbor's roof.

I can't believe cringy shit like this makes it into AAA games. Does no one read this crap before the game is released?

Thats actually kind of funny

This. It captures what Sup Forums is really about: nothing.

>turd baron

>our nation totally needs this

Who thinks a politician would take like that?

There's nothing wrong with it, it's a good game.

Politicians talk like that now. Trump and Hilary were both mere steps from just calling each other cuck and shill.

I loved it until human combat was introduced. Knocks off like 4 points, it's so extremely bad and unfun. Should've sticked to machines.

The western market needs to crash

Nothing happened, game is decent. There's just overlap between Sup Forums and triggered Sup Forumstards who can't touch anything that contradicts with their moral philosophy.

Stop being a Turd Baron


took me too long to realize it was supposed to be shit lord.

can't say if they are being serious or believed it was funny.

I'm glad Warwick Davis finally gets to star in a video game

It ended up being exactly what it was marketed as. Western open-world game with dialog wheel and crafting in which you shoot robot dinosaurs.


>yfw you didn't buy HZD

Is this forced on you or can I skip this?

>Play's both side's of the fence
>this is bad
I mean NO inclusion of any sort of politics would be ideal but isn't it better to play both sides then lean to one?

Dont be like that

So what's the point of deleting a thread with 516 replies that already was on page 8?

It's a new video game and Sup Forums hates video games

The game looks generic as hell and the only thing going for it are the graphics, its 2017 Crysis

>chinese rice paper forum not about making new memes to appease its dwellers

what people thought was going to be an environmental based monster hunter game with transhumanist themes turned out to be a bioware style SJW "evil white man, religion is bad" storyline that largely avoids the transhumanist nature. In fact, it turns out more polarizing, as it almost seems to imply that technology is it's own thing and that we should remove ourselves from it (ironic, for vidya)

How many survivors should there be, roundabouts?

It's not sjw. Don't listen to that dumb fuck. The game did nothing to be sjw at all. That's all falseflag by salty nintendrones.

It's boring. There is nothing original in the game.

No it's not you tucking fool



I'm actually surprised at how fun it is. Watching gameplay of it made it look boring as fuck but the ACG review made me want to try it out.

Everything he said rings true so far, everywhere you go it feels tense because you're not sure if you're prepared or not. Even low levels enemies can murder your ass if you don't react fast enough.
All the open world elements copied from other games are actually well implemented and the pacing of the games story makes doing these side activities feel somewhat interesting without feeling like its part of a checklist you need to finish before you get to the next zone.

So far at 10 or so hours in I can say the gameplay loop is not as repetitive as you may think. It is challenging and varied enough for me to enjoy. There are many different enemy types and the world is massive. The story is interesting enough that you feel engaged but it's not even close to being as well written as titles like the Witcher.

Basically, this game is well polished and makes any Ubisoft open world game look like generic shovelware garbage. Also I didn't really notice any political SJW bullshit other than a few liberal sounding lines but not anything to be pissed about. There are other factions not ruled by women and the main villain is a sand-nigger so it seems pretty equal to me. 8/10 so far.

Y'all know this is just my opinion, right?

Horizon Zero Dawn is a good game with good graphi-

frame cut and picture stretched in 3rd picture. Nice cherry pick.

>People saying it was shit because SJW
Literally confirmed for not playing it and memeing on it.

The game was shit because the gameplay was dogshit. It was SJW as shit but thats not why it was garbage.

Nice buzzwords, shill. What did you mean by this?

Not only is it bad... they reviewed it and thought it was probably clever and hilarious and was unanimously approved. So let that sink in.

>The game was shit because the gameplay was dogshit.

Well do tell what exactly was wrong with the gameplay?

> It was SJW as shit

What exactly was sjw about it?

Of all the threads about this game I've never seen one mention the hair. I can't play this because dreadlocks are fucking disgusting, and looking at the MC's hair makes me want to gag.

I guess it makes sense in a world where people can't wash themselves properly. Doesn't mean I have to like it.

Don't forget that the big bad is a dead ringer for Trump.

all of those pictures are cut that way, you cannot complain

>Nice buzzwords

What the fuck? I used no such thing in my last post. It was the truth. You faggots resized the picture, cropped it, then pasted it into your stupid ugly comparison.

>Crysis is 10 years old
>still looks fucking amazing

The game is shit, it isn't a difficult concept to understand

The graphics are really good and they did a good job of not making the UI clunky and unresponsive. The story though is super mediocre so far and some of the animations in dialog are a little iffy. That said, it's not like The Witcher 3's animations stand up to other games like Uncharted 4 or Rise of the Tomb Raider so the complaints are a little dumb.

>MFW the line between genuine comment and pasta has been distorted this much

So do you have to side with the shit-eating tribals or can you join the glorious robot master race?

just because it's ugly and untextured doesn't mean you have to get angry, kid. PC alway wins.

>what exactly was wrong with the gameplay
AI was busted to stand still when you filled it with arrows from stealth
Your bow was a fucking sniper rifle, zero weight to it, zero arcs on the arrows
Retarded ammo constraints so you have to craft arrows mid combat
Melee weapon might as well not exist, bombs were also useless
Dialogue wheel but it does not matter since no options changed anything

>What was SJW about it
The plot was numale Donald Trump made the dinobots go insane because DUDE GENOCIDE XDXDXD
To counter this female muslim scientists created GAIA to make robots friendly.
MC was a turbo mary sue with people sucking her dick within 2 minutes of meeting her.

That's all the arguments I ever see from people defending this monstrosity... that it's all cherry picking.

I've seen dozens of webms and images show in how bad the game is and it's all nothing but cherry picking according to you. Just a game so full of cherry picked shit that it fills up a thread

honestly, anyone who says crysis looks great compared to the shit we get today are delusional and desperate retards.

And I believe the only idiots who think crysis looks better than shit we get today are mostly nintendrones who aren't spoiled by how good graphics have become.

I shouldn't have entered this thread. I just finished the intro.

>zero weight
There are heavy bows in the game you ducking fool

And no it's not there was a glitch that made the robots go crazy you stupid fucker

False. This could not run on PS4.

Looks like PS4 BTFO. Pc always win.

Fuck it, I'm just reporting you for advertising

Yeah I realized after I typed it that it sounded like it could be a copy pasta but no it's actually my opinion.

In that case, how are upgrades and stat progression handled? I see this game is being marketed as an open world RPG but from the little I've seen I haven't seen much of the RPG side of it.

Nigger weight does not mean how heavy the bow is, its how it fires.

Someone post a webm of shooting the bow, its a fucking joke. I click my mouse with more force than the bow fires.

Are you retarded

> That's all the arguments I ever see from people defending this monstrosity...

Then you've clearly never bothered reading those who debulked lies after lies in every thread.

You're missing out because you only seen the cherrypicked webms and images taken just to shit on the game. And all you've listened to were lies by shitposters.