Call Best Buy to see if they have any walk in Switches

>Call Best Buy to see if they have any walk in Switches
>They do
>Ask how many
>They get nervous
>"I'm not allowed to say that over the phone!"
Why the fuck do they do this.

because they want as many people to go to their store as possible

I was at walmart earlier today and the employee told me that they had 33 extra. I can imagine that I'll be able to get one.

Wow, where do you live?

Suburban Detroit

There are still functioning stores there?

>tfw nobody in Canada has any

>Lives in third-world niggerlandia and wonder why retailers don't want to say how much of a popular product they're gonna get.


Except they told him and OP doesn't live there. Retard.

Perhaps I shouldn't have mentioned Detroit. I live in a very white area. Practically everyone here voted Trump

OP here. I live in Boston lol

Still amazing you're getting that many.

Any Wal Marts around here are just a constant supplier of disappointment and sorrow.

PS3 stabbings

>Call Gamestop
>Ask if they are doing anything tomorrow
>Yeah sure!
>Ask if they will have any for non-preorders
>"Sorry, only preorder participants are invited"

Going to roll into Wal-Mart at 11:45 and pray I get one. If I do im going to call of work Friday, buy a 6 pack of Coke, some Popcorn Chips (Slightly healthy but no grease or anything) and be a kid again.

As an employee we're not allowed to give out stock information. I don't know why, but probably due to the fact that we don't want to say we have "x" many and then suddenly we run out due to people placing them on old, so people would then complain "you guys said you had 'x' many left".

because they are very limited. and will be gone before the line outside the store even gets inside.

>Mentions health impact of chips
>Doesn't care about health impact of soda
Soda is literally the worst thing you could possibly put into your body. Chips are fucking nothing compared to it.

It's possible he lied or I just didn't understand him, he did have a mild accent. The one the I visited today is usually pretty decent when it comes to their electronics, though. I can only remember one time when they just took a long time to get a game in stock. I made sure to ask that they would have Zelda available as well as it would be pointless for me to pick up a Switch if I don't get my zelda.

>tfw living in the UK and my store has 100 or more stacked out back ready for walk ups

Poor poor Amerifags

Livonia, Novi, Grosse Ile, Auburn Hills? Am I close, used to live in the Detroit metro area, but moved for work a decade ago.

And for people thinking "niggers" the Detroit Metro area is the most racially segregated area of the country.

>people who live in a city destroyed by outsourcing jobs and increased foreign trade voted for Trump
wow what a shocker. Did you know privileged white faggots from California voted for Hillary?

Liability. They'd get in trouble because it's a high demand item and numerous people flooding them for an item they may or may not have in stock is bad.

I don't give a fuck about the health impact, I meant more that I would be eating them even though I wanted to be a kid again.

I don't drink soda or snacks often enough to care

I have mine preorderd from gamestop and its been paid completely but after constant reading of how much its failing i wonder if its still worth getting it.

>can't fucking read or comprehend a post at all

Fucking idiot.

>amazon still hasn't shipped my order

Hold me

Honestly, between some of the reviews today and potential scarcity of this thing my hype is almost all but gone. Anyone else feel this way?

>Literally counting down the hours until I can go to my local Gamestop's midnight launch.

Debating picking up another game since Binding of Isaac got delayed two weeks. 1 2 Switch seems like it would be good for showing off the system, but Snipperclips might be more fun.

There's a lot of reason to withold that information.

>Avoid customers claiming "so and so said there'd be X many here and I want mine!" if they get there late.

It just avoids problems.

What you should have asked was

>Is it a decent amount of them, or should I try to get there extra early?

And he would have played ball with you.

Use your brain, ask them vague questions. "If I walked in on Friday to pick up a switch, do you think I would have any trouble finding one?"
They can answer the question and you don't sound like a retarded little brat when you do the get your way.

im feeling it thats why im worried about picking up the system this friday

It has to do with LP OP. When i worked at gamestop i was never allowed to give any type of stock information. I am only allowed to say if i had a item in stock or not.

I've been told Meijer and Kmart will be getting supplies, so I plan on calling them tomorrow to see if they will have walk ins

When do people expect lines to start?

If you are talking about IGN then you need to reconsider your life because:
1- You are taking fucking IGN's opinion seriously.
2- They didn't even say anything we didn't know about already.

Probably wasn't gonna get it immediately anyway.

Frankly I'm more worried about Zelda. I still barely know a damn thing about it. I tell myself that its so I can go in blind and be surprised, but part of me wonders if maybe its because I don't care. And the thought of that scares me shitless.

Oh goodness no! I was talking about Rerez's review.

If they dont patch the framerate on the Switch Docked version its ano buy

They're supposed to make it sound like it's in high demand

This illusion is going to come crashing down on launch day when no one wants one except the drones

I remember with the Wii U I walked right in best buy and got one easily in the afternoon

People actually want the Switch

Wii U hype was nowhere near this.

Worked at Gamestop for awhile as an assistant manager during the PS4 launches. Theres a couple reasons why.

During the wii and ps3 launches people would call and use the info to possibly mug people or rob the store. Ps3s were 600 bucks and wiis were the hot ticket item, perfect for stealing.

Next, its gets more people in the store potentially able to make purchases, if things get heated or people fight over sales, its on them not us if we just tell everyone to come at a certain time to see. And no one can really be mad if they get there late and not in time to pick one up

Essentially at the end of the day, its the liability issue and its there to stop people from being in dangerous situations. Its also to stop people from being dicks to the store associates.

Its not crazy to see why this doesnt hurt to implement this

If you REALLY wanted one, you would have put down the money to preorder at a store the following morning. Barely anybody in line and Walmart even took out Facebook ads saying they had a limit of 3 per customer in store only.

Online preorders are sold out because scalpers aren't charged until the product ships and most online stores have a pretty lenient return policy if they can't make good ebay money.

Wut, literally no stores say their amount. Also they never say when they are getting sales on items, because they want people to buy and go as much as possible to their store

The Wii U sold 3 million units in its first month
They aren't even shipping that many Switches

I know the GameStop near my school is getting 6 gray and 2 neon. I'm just worried 9AM isn't early enough to get them.

Anyone knows when Best Buy will start handing out tickets for the midnight launch??

>tfw live in bum fuck nowhere
>GameStop not doing midnight release for switch or botw
>Walmart nearby said nobody is working electronics at night so nothing gets stocked till first shift comes in
>have a midterm in class on Friday
>have a presentation in another class

everything is against me

Fast RMX and Shovel Knight with the new expansion are launch titles now. Should be enough to hold you out.

they pre-sold 1.2 million switches at gamestop alone
ask the dude in the yellow shirt by the door tomorrow

Probably an hour before. Best to call to make sure.

Because they don't want to say anything that could be misconstrued by customers and potentially lead to said customers complaining. Popular products can't be put "on hold until I get there" and they won't tell you anything that you could potentially use against them in a call to the regional office. In short, it's to cover their own asses from people who don't understand the behind-the-scenes and are determined to be shitty about it

Walmarts in blue collar parts of town are usually the ones that serve a clientele who can't afford to buy much. This leads to sales suffering, payroll budget getting cut, etc. etc. The ones in nicer areas tend to get higher foot traffic, more payroll, and better sales

>t. Walmart supervisor

Only way you're getting it is by going in now and camping out at the electronics counter overnight.

Basically this. Also raises vague ethical questions.

Walmart is full of liars and thieves scalping from the inside.

>Call closest Walmart to home
>Canada, so they aren't doing preorders
>"Sorry we won't have any stock on Friday, you'll have to wait a week. If you look online, you might find one earlier."
>Wait a minute are you trying to cheat me again?
>Get suspicious and call several other Walmarts
>Get variations of "I don't know", "I can't say", or straight up "No stock" every time.
>Get fed up and call up an old friend who used to work at the first Walmart I called, thinking he might still have connections to the inside
>"I'll see what I can do"
>A few hours later he gets back to me. The line actually starts 4am, and they'll have 14 in stock. Employees are told not to release too much information because they already know it's gonna be sold out and they want to avoid a stampede situation.
>Also told me that most Walmarts don't honor line-ups, it's just a mad dash to the electronics section

Do NOT fucking trust what any of those acne-ridden retail shitheads say. They're either spiteful teens fucking with you, or straight up lying. If your battleplan involves a Walmart, get there around 4am, but be prepared to have to make a dash for your product anyway.

I have a friend scoping out an EB nearby, which actually honors line ups by giving out tickets. If Walmart falls through, I'm getting to EB asap.

Who cares about "muh trump"?

Nice meme. Trump's not bringing any jobs back, Jack. Coal is a failing industry, and renewables will win no matter what, so all he's doing is preventing progress and lining the pockets of billionaire scum.

>they want to avoid a stampede situation.>Also told me that most Walmarts don't honor line-ups, it's just a mad dash to the electronics section
dumb and dumber run Walmart health and safety now?

Never played Shovel Knight before. Fast RMX might be a good call though. I do enjoy high speed futuristic racers like that.

My local Walmart said they're gonna have 12 Switch for sale beyond their preorders, but wouldn't tell me if I could wait early or not, just saying they wouldn't sell one to me at midnight.

Only interested in maybe buying one to flip to someone too deep into the hype but missed preorders, since if even people like Projared are stating the system is shit and not worth it at launch, it further reinforces that I'll be better off with "NEW Switch" or whatever the revised hardware is gonna be

That's new to you? They employ the bare minimum of effort-to-cost in to keep the building from falling apart.

>user lives in a small walled village inside a zombie apocalipse
>the only diference is that niggers are dumber than zombies

sorry user, i hope you survive

>Nintendo still undership to Canada as if it's not just America: Less Blacks Per Capita Edition

Best Buy isn't allowed to ever tell you stock numbers over the phone.
It doesn't work for vidya, but assume you ask about say, a TV or any other appliance they carry. You come in and you see they're out of the TV you wanted, but you might well see another similar TV and buy it. They made a sale they otherwise wouldn't have.

>call Best Buy for details
>she says lining up 9 or 10, tickets at 10, doesn't know number of units
>call second location
>same woman picks up and explains its a call center
Well thanks, the store better not decide to do shit differently.

as the head of a best buy gaming department, we do this because they threaten to fire us if we tell you guys shit

I've been told by supervisors that you should always tell customers on the phone "we have one left" no matter how many you have in the pile

Of course you're overstocked, Bongzealand is small enough that they can be at a sold-out store in under 6 hours even if they're dumped in the assistant manager's Civic and they take the fucking backroads you dumb shit.,

Grand Rapids here
Some idiot at Meijer tried to sell a switch early and ruined it for most of us

It's open world garbage.

For those wondering
if you haven't preordered go to walmart. you'll be fine

I know that the one in Salem NH has 40 fgt

Metro Detroit is complete shit, but the suburbs around it can be pretty nice.

This. It's why Nintendo always underships their shit post-Wii. The poor fucks think that the scarcity had anything to do with its success and not the brief novelty of Wii Sports with motion controls combined with a price point that made it viable purchase for low-middle income households to shut their kids up when they were complaining about still having a PS2. Sony and MS overstock their consoles at launch because they know over the next 3-6 years they will all sell and they can just manufacture more when they need to.

Yeah right scalper. I know you'll be there at 3AM with your scalp-sack. You aren't fooling me!

Why are you going to Gamestop unless you already preordered. If you didn't, Best Buy, Target, or Walmart are better choices since Gamestops are only getting like 6 or so extra.

>revised hardware
I honestly don't see this happening on whats supposed to be their new flagship console. It certainly can't get any bigger as that would kill the portability aspect and it can't get any smaller as the joycon would really be too small for people to use.

I pre-ordered. Got the Switch, Breath of the Wild, and Binding of Isaac. But since Binding of Isaac got delayed, I'm going to pick up another game.

It's company policy. They can't share numbers of stock over the phone. I cancelled 2 orders at madison heights if that's the one you called.

That's my plan. I work nights, and conveniently get off work at 11, which gives me time to check all the local Walmarts in the area. I'm leaving it up to fate whether or not I get one.

>live an old california mexican town
>newest thing here is the wal mart
>most houses here don't even have lights
>most people here are old mexicans
>there are so little people here my age I had to go to middle/high school outside of town
>mfw I'll probably the only guy with a Switch in town because no one else is buying that shit outside the odd grandparent who wants to buy a present for their grandchild
>had to go to high school outside of town

>Went to Target last night
>Asked guy how many Switch's they're getting in
>"About 10. Another Target a few miles from here is getting like, 40 though."

My Walmart in a fucking SoCal town near LA only has enough units to fulfill pre-orders.

It just screams flawed from the getgo from what I've seen, though. Like people constantly pointing out in their reviews and videos that the left stick unsyncs at poor times, can't play and charge at the same time if you want to use the stand, the stand is very flimsy, on top of stuff like not including the charging grip, and I can see them either fixing things under the hood over time and having a game bundle to sweeten the deal ala Wii U, or else a straight up tweak like the GB / DS / 3DS line had at a later point, since there's just so much to fix and exploit for future hardware sales.

Which walmart? 23 mile and M53, 14 mile and Vandyke?

The sync problems are an issue, true. But Nintendo is planning to fix that in the day 1 update.
The charging while in stand mode is a problem because Nintendo put the port on the bottom of the console for docked mode, and it's not really illogical they did that. That's just a tradeoff that exists. As far as the stand being "flimsy", it /was/ designed to be easily removable you know.

tablet kickstands always suck

Probably to dissuade scalpers.

It still charges while playing on the stand, it just doesn't fully charge, which I would assume is to help preserve battery life.

thanks man, I've been dying for info like this. I went in to Walmart today in Toronto and asked and got the same thing.

>Coal is a failing industry, and renewables will win no matter what
Thank fucking god.

hall and romeo

My gamestop is only getting 4. Thank god my spring break starts tomorrow since my classes cancelled. Just gonna go and camp out all day and read or something

Actually did not know it was supposed to be removable, which gives me hope that third parties introduce a better or even longer one that can be adjusted for different angles of viewing, with possible charge & play options.

The more choices presented in the hardware that benefit the players, the more I like it.

I've read about it not completing a charge when gaming, which doesn't surprise me when they based it off of Nvidia's Shield lineup, where the batteries are notorious for being inadequate for the intended design of the product.

Has there been anything to debunk the Switch charging laptops instead of the other way around? I seen that image and not sure what to make of it.

>IGN is 1 person

Nice thanks

It's because they plugged it into the laptop's USB-C port, rather than a USB-A port. It's really not that surprising.

The battery has nothing to do with the Shield or Tegra chips, those are two completely separate things. It's likely that in docked mode it's not charging completely while gaming because charging to 100% degrades the battery faster than being below 100%.

There's already at least 1 3rd party kickstand which has an elevated platform so you can charge while playing in tabletop mode.

Tons of stores have problems like this. My local EB Games had 5 PS4s in stock that the staff were going to scalp online until the manager arrived and forced them to sell them to waiting customers. Incidentally three people were fired the next week and now everyone I know that buys physical games only goes to the store on days that the manager is on duty.

the Switch charger is 15V 2.6A, it sucks more power than a 2015 macbook

>roll into walmart at 11:45

Lines will start hours before that.

They don't give out numbers over the phone because they're worried about getting robbed.