
What is it that made this game so fun compared to other MMOs? It wasn't complex or anything, but had so much charm, simplicity and emphasis on social interaction that I just never got from something like WoW.

>tfw you will never meet a group of people grinding on zombie mushrooms, then go onto befriend them for a long time

Other urls found in this thread:

>It wasn't complex or anything, but had so much charm, simplicity and emphasis on social interaction

you answered your own question dum dum

Charming/catchy music
Simple and cutesy graphics/animations
Great sense of progression early on

The stronger you got, the more stuff you could explore. i remember this being a pretty big driving force behind when i first played GMS back in 2007/2008. I wanted to check out the deep clocktower area and see what was down there.

Speaking of which, some of the areas/monster designs, etc were very nicely done.

Overall was just a very simple and addicting game. It appealed to me in particular because I just love 2D games in general.

That was before of course, well.... everything that came after. sigh

damn bro maplestory is so epic

I loved the UI and the "anime but not too anime" characters and animations.

When I have money I might give it another shot.


>not tiger

underage b&

Everyone post your top 3 maple tracks

How is Rien?


Great but will be better when the server freezing/rollback issue gets fixed.

Hoping it's by tomorrow or the day after at the latest.

Music, art and community aspect made it great. Nowadays everything's made for solo play.

I remember trying to get into it, but seeing some characters with auras and pets and so many cosmetic shit brought me down. I wasn't going to spend money on it, and I knowing that I could never look as cool as that made me quit.

Nowadays I don't give a fuck about that stuff thankfully.

>not MildSoss

sure is summer in here

Do do I contact to get into the Sup Forums guild?

whisper quert or autismoe ig

Music was definitely a part of it, I even have all current 500+ tracks downloaded, I remember most if not all the pre bing bang tracks too.

the game is so damn easy to level and have lots of mesos and rare items. they literally dumbed it down so much that I just sell my damn rare equips/items at the store and NEVER BUY HP/MP/etc POTS (because the game will give you too many), but I have no problems with that.

I just started playing again 4 days a go and I have fallen in love all over again. (I played back in 2008 and again in 2011)

All these people are complaining that Maplestory sucks now because of the fast leveling(I went from 1 to lvl 125 in 4 days), but honestly it's not that bad.
People say the social aspect is gone, but who makes the social aspect of a game? Humans do!
You decide how you interact with others.
No matter what gameplay mechanics you have in the end, it is the players who make the community.

I already met some cool people just be being kind.
If you only interact with others when the game forces you, then you are probably an autist.

but yhea to answer your question:
*good storyline
*fun graphics
*fun game events
*fun music
*good game mechanics for both casual and serious gamers.

It's like you get transported into child-like fantasy land with both scary monsters and funny mushrooms.

How dare you enjoy something gooks made

The population is dead though, a huge part of the game was going anywhere and finding people in every map and huge gatherings in the main maps.

MS is a ghost town now, you just find afkers in the main maps and it kills the experience

You mean Quark?

I wanted to play this when it came out, but didn't for some reason. Maybe i'll check it out now.

The reason why was due to the time period.
You see, Maplestory came out when the market was still fresh. On top of that, the internet wasn't embedded in our palms like it is now, so children / young adults had to dedicate their attention into the game as their time was (relatively) limited. The game itself was surprisingly undemanding too, so it appealed to players who were poor / had no sufficient rig to play WoW on top of everything.

Those who played Maplestory almost always say "it was so easy to make friends!" but then cannot figure out why that was while doing PQs, participating in guilds, and generally interacting with others through the various party-centric locales within the game. The reason why "that magic" is lost isn't just because Maplestory was whored out, nor because the player grew jaded / bitter / antisocial, but because the newest generation is oversaturated with shite MMOs and fear-mongering about "the bad internet" people.

We will never experience "magic" like Maplestory anymore because technology became too integrated in our daily lives and we became too fearful of strangers across the screen from us. We will always take it for granted now, and MMOs who try to promote party play will only get shat on by the fearful by this point and jump to another MMO.

>not xSukixC
smells like reddit in here

>tfw used to bot 15+ accounts at once on MS and RMT for $$$ in highschool

I don't think there exists an easier game to automate. Gameplay is so binary.

Whisper Quark

They're on right now

I used to have 1 laptop and 2 pc's going, 1 for HS, 1 for Kanna and one I mained and attacked mobs on and sold party exp to people and made an absolute killing. I think I was making like 700k per day at one stage.

When they removed LOH the game went to shit and never recovered, that's when the population was on it's final legs and Nexon America destroyed GMS's population

whisper KULT now for a FREE invite to the guild!

The slow grind and the technical/social incentives of leveling up were by and large the biggest reasons why anyone bothered to play the game in the first place. The cutesy art style, the huge adventurous map, and the many forms of community engagement seen in the game (small areas which encouraged player interaction, PQs, boss battles, guilds, item trading, etc.) also helped in keeping players interested.

Nexon had a winning formula that they could've stretched for eons, but they had to be the big gook retards that they are and ruin it all with the Big Bang update. Also, fuck them for not bringing Kart Rider here.


The cutesy art style, the huge adventurous map, and the many forms of community engagement seen in the game (small areas which encouraged player interaction, PQs, boss battles, guilds, item trading, etc.)

All those things still exist.

I think it's more because of what said. The internet as a whole has changed.

Reminder that we have a Sup Forums guild on the private server Rien. v83 nostalgia server that blows Royals out of the water:

Worth checking out. Good fun.

Good for reliving old maple, but has some balance changes people either love or hate.

- No HP washing, + natural HP curve
- No pay to win or vote to win, nx is untradable
- v83, has Aran and possibly Evan in the future
- v86 skill rebalance is promised, on top of a few other cool things (giving warrior passive accuracy on a skill and raising dmg cap for snipe are two examples)
- Some underwhelming areas were buffed exp/spawn such as Ludi and Temple of Time (I'm assuming more are planned when bugs are fixed)

Speaking of bugs, yes it had a rocky launch as most servers do. However, it's only been a week and most of the major bugs were already dealt with.

These devs seem slightly better than the average dev shitters that plague private servers.

If you give it a chance, there's already about ~27 of us and over half play daily. Check the thread for who to whisper.

I would but then I'd miss the masses of anonymous players.
Running through empty map after empty map after empty city after empty map is depressing.
Not to mention I can't blog about it on Myspace to impress all the cute girls I befriend.


wait v83? what is in this? what is the server like?

I'm tempted...

Sold, downloading it now.

>You will never make friends partying up in slime tree again


Can't beat the goat:

It's a brand new server though, there's a genuine sense of community.

Pink Bean, Neo City, Arans/Rien and other stuff I can't remember. Not everything is 100% functional but they will be by the time people are leveled. Devs are trying to pack in as much end game content as possible.

tell me user

does this mean no one is soloing zakum or horntail, will i get to aspire to my dreams and go on an actual boss run?

because it hurts that nowadays it's all solo'd by people with maxed out gear

Also do PQs work and are they regularly done?

Nowhere near that. I don't think anyone even did it on Royals.

Highest level player on the server is in our guild, level 113 priest called Ignored, and it's only because he grinds like 12 hours a day.


I'll try it out then.
I like doing PQs and hate grinding.

KPQ, LPQ, LMPQ, Moon Bunny PQ and GPQ confirmed work. Pirate PQ is almost done. CWKPQ, Dojo, and Romeo and Juliet PQ aren't working but are going to be fixed sometime down the track.

They also plan on adding Lionheart Castle somehow.

What about APQ?
This is important.

I really dig the art style of Maplestory 2, what happened to that? Is that ever getting released?

Yes and yes.

Then I have good news. Not only are they the best exp, but you get PQ coins on this server, which are the new gachapon.

>finish a PQ
>get X amount of coins (depends on pq)
>when you have 100 coins, click to get a chest
>could be shit, could be amazing

I'd like to point out Rien devs aren't accepting donations yet because they're upset about the launch.

Meanwhile, Royals is and has been accepting donations for a while.

Really roasts the ole almond, dont ya thunk?

dat good music
dat cute graphics
dat good levelin and how gud it felt to level up

Like PPQ, nearly done. Nobody strong enough for it yet though.

You'd be a fool to play royals. Legends is better by far.

whisper KULT for an invite to the rien guild

Alright, downloading rien.

h-hopefully its better than royals.

oh no, I can already hear the music in my ears. Don't make me go back down this hole again.

I'm genuinely curious to see his setup. How many twinky wrappers and hotpockets/pee bottles has this dude accumulated.

alright, downloading. this better not be shit

If PQing is best I guess I'll give rein a try

Too bad it's x2. Nobody has the patience for that on a private server which is why it hasn't grown much. Rien is x3 with a ton of buffed maps, especially in Ludibrium.

yeah shamefully rien is really poorly fucking scripted as well
I wish them the best but my experience a few days ago was unplayable.

>bitches about current maple being too easy
>can't handle 2x

You're a little bitch if you can't handle 2x.

the leveling isn't really the bad part, in my opinion
it's all the other garbage they continued to add

x3 on v83 exp curve which is closer to x4 in the version that Legends uses IIRC

Still kinda slow, but the no hp washing helps momentum too

It's come a long way since launch though. The original v83 source code has a lot of problems but they've already patched it up a lot.

I miss you yeezy pls come back

grasping at straws

me 2

It's not grasping at straws if it's actually stable now though.

KULT isnt online?

who to whisper for guild?

or am i stuck until done beginner island?

Quark and Samus

oops sorry I'm on a mule right now, whisper samus or quark

I'll probably join in soon too.
I don't know what class to play though.

Maybe cannoneer or Aran

>tfw game has been down for almost 12 hours now

Cannoneer isn't prebb

6 more years until we get American Maple Story 2. Hopefully you don't kick the bucket like my cousin did while waiting for Blade and Soul. Took 6 years to come here.

Um, ew? Don't reply to me.

Someone said they were adding all the jobs though.

we were gonna get evan too but no evan

too much shilling in this thread.

Was I talking to you?

Maplestory threads are always shill central, only this time, Sup Forums is sucking another private server's dick

>Can't even download the file

well alright

GMS is fun sometimes

>Level 200
What the fuck?

ok enjoy your shit server piss stain

Man I didnt even think about this. This is fucking me up.

I tried downloading the junk and it didn't work.

I remember you FROM ROYALS!!!!! I LPQed with YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

any reason why everyone was there? also, how do i stop suffering as shadower?

A few people megaphoned they were gonna take the next boat, so a bunch of people showed up and came along.
Also, I wouldn't know, never played Shadower

Use a different browser.
Today marks 11 years.

music (mostly gone)
different classes mattering/stat variation (gone)
party training
boss monsters
grinable boss monsters (mushmom tier ones, not zakum tier) (not gone, but useless)
chill spots (gone)
traveling (mostly gone)
scrolls (not gone, but useless)
hidden streets (mostly gone)
monsters with rare drops (gone)
party quests (mostly gone)
varied training spots (gone)

I used three different ones.
I'm guessing it was just something on their end since it started working again.

wish people still took the boat all the time

but all those medals and titles and effects and shit are in the way

I play KMS still. It's great fun. You can get NX with mesos and basically there's no reason to ever spend money on it. The economy also isn't fucked because no hackers, and the few hackers that do pop up are banned nigh instantly because there's a captcha system to nuke bots that bans if they fail too many too quickly.

There's still a massive amount of players (though the english community has shrunk in recent years to about ~15 people), so getting in PQs and endgame bosses is never an issue, even now with the damage cap removed, people still like to party and don't mind helping people out because gear drops tend to be instanced.