
Who else is disappointed? Been playing for about four hours now.
The world is enormous, but completely empty. There's nothing to do but 2-minute shrines in order to get orbs to upgrade your shitty stamina or get some hearts. The whole, huge world is just hills and rivers with scattered Moblins tha reveal a shitty bow once you defeat them all.

I am a proud Nintendo fan, but I am legitimately disappointed. This isn't Zelda. It's Skyrim with Zelda sound effects. Empty world, nothing substantial. I really can't believe how after so many years of hype I feel so, so let down. Am I alone in this?

You're playing on a hacked wii u? What's the performance like, i might pirate. Apperently it runs like shit on the switch docked, and just below average in handheld.

Hacked Wii U, yeah. Performance is alright, some slight frame drops but I've never minded those as much as this new generation of 60FPS mongoloids.
Try it out. But curb your hype. This isn't Zelda. I like how they tried to go back to the roots, but fuck it, I miss dungeons and a creative world. All I'm doing is gliding across empty mountains with nothing, absolutely nothing on them.

I don't have the game yet, but this is something I've been trying to mull over in my mind. It's not really the Zelda that I've come to know anymore. I just hope I don't end up feeling like it's a lifeless ubisoft game


Switch version has more content

maybe try following the storyline?

Not gonna lie, former BOTW supporter here. been playing for a few hours now. It's been hilarious watching it crash and burn. In all seriousness we cannot let this game get the nuclear codes.

I laughed. Thanks, user.

I get the ref, have a (YOU)

Zelda has a good formula for the last five or so mainline games. They butchered it with this. I appreciate the effort, but it didn't work.

And rush through the FOUR dungeons? Christ, I'd like to atleast play the game for more than 8 hours. I'm just saying that a huge world doesn't mean a good world. Have you played it? It's about as empty as Wind Waker. Instead of endless sea, you have endless fields with the occasional camp of Moblins that reveal a chest with shitty loot.
I expected a lot more from this. Definitely put me off buying a Switch. I'll wait till Odyssey.

Yes we must stop them from defaming the greatest work of art to ever be created. Breath of the Wild is nothing but a masterpiece and it is the best of all art forms. Better story than books, better visuals than movies and the greatest music ever made even though it was only competing with other Zelda games anyway.

I prefer worlds that aren't packed to the brim with bullshit so I know I'm going to enjoy this. I love games with a lot of negative space. Loved the ocean in WW more than the game itself. I loved the overworld in SotC more than the games clunky controls. I like that I can choose how much I want to interact with the enemies and how focused on nature this game is. I pretty much only post on Sup Forums and /out/ and since I don't have time for adventures lately I'm really happy that this game exists and I can take it with me.

I didn't know CTR, or whatever you're calling yourselves now, branched out into video game FUD.

I feel you user, I'm just the same. But having played it, I have to warn you to keep your hype down. It's really not as good as you make it out to be.

This entire post doesn't make any sense at all. What are you even saying?

Framerate shits itself in villages

>It's really not as good as you make it out to be
I didn't make it out to be anything, I haven't played it yet.

Basically your entire OP reads like a Canadian shitposting on Sup Forums.

Canadians and aussies need a blanket wide range ban

>Zelda has a good formula for the last five or so mainline games. They butchered it with this. I appreciate the effort, but it didn't work.

nailed it. that's the problem exactly. they changed the thing that makes the series feel special. the formula was never broken, and if they think it was they should've just made a new IP to slap a hollow lifeless sandbox world onto.

You are not alone. I'm enjoying some moments of it, but the open world really isn't an aspect I enjoy that often. It's cool to glide down a mountain when you see a shrine, but when the realisation hits that you have to climb it up again, if you don't have a decent warp point to use, is kinda annoying. Also weapon durability is way too fast. We are talking 10 times as fast as DS2. I probably should continue the main story though instead of wandering around. The main story feels good so far.

PS does somebody know how to make dye?

So....why YOU BUY IT? i only read about the game, is empty is empty is empty...Of course is a skyrim with zelda sound...BUT WHO FUCKING CARES god dammit. I hate the people complaing about every game who they wait long time for playing and when finaly get the game....uugh is boring, is not what i expected.

Dude. It's gets really fucking good.

And it gets hard as fuck too.


There's 100 shrines. And they get better. At the start theyre "pull switch u win lol" but they get far better

>The world is enormous, but completely empty.
Uh oh.

Is it true you can heal from the pause menu?

Not that guy, but you guys seem retarded beyond belief.
>Wow this person is asking if someone else is kinda let down and doesn't have as much fun as he thought he would had.
>Must be a falseflag Hillary voter/Canuck posting.

how long was botw in development for? i wonder if they saw how well hyrule warriors did so they were like 'fuck it, skyrim/mgsv zelda'

either way you're not alone op, there's al ot of people who will say it's the best shit ever, but there's also a lot of people who say they really don't like it

i would say it's almost exactly the same as mgs v, desu

mgs v had great gameplay, and this zelda has some cool stuff to play around with, but the world feels empty/cut and pasted, and fans of the series may not fully enjoy the feel of an entirely different kind of experience

it's just not zelda, it's an open world game with zelda related stuff

considering the switch dips at 30 fps, i'd like to hope a lot of the empty world is because the systems just couldn't handle it, but even then idk

people loved vanilla skyrim so i'm sure people will love this, but everything seemed to suffer for the open world, story and all

There's a dye store in Heteno village if your looking to dye clothes

Yes you'll be doing that a lot

dude, there's already video and confirmation from people that play, that you can literally run 5-10 minutes and not see a single thing, shrine enemy or npc

and lol it does not get hard

there's already people who have beat the final boss without the master sword and hardly any hearts, the ai is full retarded

This is going to be true for any game that you severely over-hype and spoil yourself with.

Personally, I've kept an ear out for a release in the future that I might like, but only follow it minimally. For instance, Persona 5; even though it's already out in Japan and the full details of the game exist out there, I avoid all of it until I get the game. This way I limit my expectations so you don't have a disappointment gap.

I really doubt it's that bad. I haven't played but I've seen hours of gameplay and I'm still excited for it. I don't get the whole empty meme. It seems you can't go 30 seconds without a boss, creature, or item showing up

>everybody loving this game
>Sup Forums has to hate it

like fucking clockwork

does this board follow a script or something that I don't know about?

>Skyward Sword's downfall was mostly due to the older developers not understanding modern game design and making what they were restricted to knowing, wouldn't allow young blood to flow through

>Most of the ideas used in the game were very originality based, as the developers rely more on gut instnct and less on games made around them

>Breath of the Wild's downfall was the exact opposite, with the older developers stepping away from the younger devs and letting them create it mostly on there own.

>Young Devs grew on games so they're inspiration comes from a variety of sources. Waht your left with, like most modern media today is a stitched up jumble of ideas and concepts devs threw in.

>It only came out fine because older devs were still on a look out as the development spanned

Imagine nintendo once the older developers retire? Literally nintendo is the ghibli of gaming and will soon fall once the devs are all compromised of older devs. Miamoto's kidding himself if he thinks he cam train them to think like the older devs

Guess you went to the wrong places then cause I'm running into stuff after stuff that makes me ask myself what I'll do first and this 16 hours in.

I also find it very questionable to declare a massive game like this in its entirety empty after a...sorry but laughable playtime. Even I don't dare to make a judgement yet cause I've seen jack shit of the came. So how about you come a bit down from your horse and collect a bit more information and experience before making such a bold claim.


>so they were like 'fuck it, skyrim/mgsv zelda'
I don't see how this is all that far removed from Zelda. Not saying it's good -- haven't played it and know very little about it-- and I'm not arguing it doesn't borrow from some other games, but it seems like an obvious evolution for the series given its nature.

I'm more surprised they didn't do something like this years ago.

>Sup Forums is one person

for the last time no I'm not

What the fuck are you talking about?

Exactly. Nothing wrong with 6-7 dungeons with story in between, getting new weapons and fighting the boss.
BotW is way too big with nothing to do but cool paragliding to new mountains with nothing to do on them.

Weapons break way, way too easily.

I didn't buy it. I'm playing it on my hacked Wii U to see if it's worth the full price and in my opinion it isn't. The things I love about Zelda are completely removed from this title and replaced with empty open-world shenanigans.

I really hope the shrines get better. I've yet to tackle a dungeon but if they're shit/short/lackluster I'm done. Five years I've waited for this game. No idea what Nintendo was thinking. Nintendo does best when it keeps to its successful formulas. They changed too much with this installment and it's showing.

Man I thought my english was broken. I don't even get what you are trying to say. He did not buy it, but pirate it. I pirated it too and did not cancel my preorder bc I like to support devs.

To your question though:
>What did you expect of the game?
Well, I expected it to be fun. The battle system is okay, but utterly annoying bc you have to switch weapons in every battle, bc at least one weapon breaks in each encounter. If there are a lot of enemies expect running out of weapons, if you don't pick up some shitty enemy weapons.
And the empty open world slows Progress down to an incredible degree. If you think finding a shrine will make up for it, you are wrong. Shrines suck. For every decent one, there are 5 bad or simply annoying ones.


I know that. But I don't have dyeing materials they tell me. My question is what do I need to make some dye. They don't tell you.

Hey man, all I'm saying is your OP reads like concern trolling and/or FUD.

is BOTW another phantom pain?


l o l. Might as well add a quick save or a rewind feature at that point. How could combat be exciting when you can quaff stacks of potion in an instant?

It's just another open world game that falls into 80% of the typical pitfalls, am I right? If it seems deader than any closed-world game ever could be, that's probably because an open-world Zelda has more opportunity to be boring and dead than a closed-world one.

you alright?

because it's not a game like that

it is zelda, it has gone to bland 'open world' type game, it has like.. no real feel zelda at all

that horizon game is basically the same, a good concept put into an extremely bland open world format, that basically dilutes everything to the point of just tediousness

zelda ditched any story, and of it's core stuff, for open world grind quests

a lot of the issue myself and others that have played it and are criticizing, is that there's almost no real depth to it, a majority of the game is exploring an annoyingly empty world to do tedious shrine quests, that you don't even really need to do because you can beat the main boss extremely early on if you want to

skyrim at least has more like story type depth, zelda just.. didn't do very well, they basically just made a sandbox game, like i said with the mgs v comparison, a lot of core mgs v fans didn't really like how it felt nothing like a metal gear game

if i wanted to play a sandbox survival game, steam has like 50 in early access that are way cheaper

I am not Sup Forums. I am a fucking person who loves Zelda. But this isn't the Zelda I loved and grew up with. This is Skyrim with Zelda sound effects.

Please do not assume that the entirety of a message board is against you when one person does not agree with your own viewpoint.

Lol this is as far from original Zeld as Zelda 2, OOT and even Majoras Mask. The only aspect it shares is rewarding exploration, but now you have to explore 20 times longer to find something rewarding.


you are not the zelda gatekeeper, get over it dumb shit

>this isn't Zelda

Phantom Pain situation. Code red.

Most of the older devs are washed out though, Miyamoto is probably the pinnacle example of this issue

Also Aonuma is proving to be both a hack director and producer how can't manage projects or their dev times worth a shit.

Also I think Fujibayashi is just a bad director in general - new blood or not. People should've suspected such after the abomination that was Skyward Sword. He needs to stick with the 2D/handheld Zelda games only.

Nah, Aussie shitposting is at least kind of entertaining.

>it's not another zelda rehash

code blue

Im not OP and only one post of those is from me. And you still don't get how retarded you sound. I hope you keep your power level to yourself IRL

Still no idea what concern trolling or FUD mean. If those are Sup Forums terms, I apologise, I'm not familiar with that culture (nor do I want to be). Could you please express in words why you think I am...err, Canadian? I really don't get your logic.

>I've yet to tackle a dungeon but if they're shit/short/lackluster I'm done.

...I have bad news for you....

His ass

You're doing it wrong. You follow the story, diverge when you see something you want to do or find a shrine, and just have fun. Stop thinking about it as some collect-athon game and think of it as an adventure.

there's other sandbox survival games that are honestly more fun to play, there will be some zelda fans that wanted to play a zelda game, not a shitty skyrim lite version with zelda references

I fucking knew Sup Forums was going to hate this once the 10/10's started rolling in

You and I must be playing different games then. I see packed world with actually too much to do.

glad you know your place, secondary

don't believe the retard. Ninty has said time and time again that the versions are identical except for slightly improved graphics on Switch and a better sound engine too.

Possible Phantom game detected code orange.

a world packed full of the same monsters and like 100 of more or less the same shrines will become tedious pretty damn quick

'story' lol, most of the story was unfortunately in the trailers

I hope. I put over 500 hours into TPP

Everything after OOT and MM was a mistake. Fucking neck yourself you underaged autist. They should have never made Zelda this formulaic series where everything has to be just right to be a "Zelda" game.
BotW actually feels like an adventure, not a fucking on the rails attraction park. This is SS and TP main fault, they play it too safe and completely restrict the player. It's about time Nintendo gave players freedom in Zelda.

>They changed too much with this installment and it's showing.

Change is fine - the problem is that many of these new changes were hal- assed and resulted in the sacrifice of traditional Zelda elements and content to keep them afloat.

Though it also leaves me wondering just what the fuck Nintendo was doing for 5 fucking years. It's Skyward Sword all over again in this regard.

Personally, I think Breath of the Wild has set some good groundwork for future titles - the problem is Nintendo's pathetic dev time and if they can actually expand on the new foundation they've built with BoTW (IE, better bosses, more enemy variety and AI, return of real-time healing, more complex and worthwhile dungeons, a better story that integrated into the open world mechanics, etc.)

Simply stating my opinion. Zelda has changed its formula over the years but the one I love is where you set out into Hyrule, beat temples, acquire cool weapons and use them to beat the rest of the temple and eventually the boss.
BotW is a huge, dead world filled with 2-minute shrines that allow you to upgrade your hearts or stamina.
I like how Nintendo tried something new. But I'd much rather they stick to what actually works, and sells, for the next installment.
BotW is by no means a bad game, it's just not the Zelda formula I've loved for 20 years. It'd be better suited as an original IP.

What about the Wii U gamepad features?


The game hasn't released to the majority yet and there are still a lot of people in denial right now, but just wait a month until the honey phase wears off and I'm almost certain people will be trashing the fuck out of it.

>Your playing an open world sandbox game the wrong way!

The whole point of breath of my bum hole is complete freedom. Silly little boy.

This is what it all boils down to. It's election 2016 all over again but even more autistic

Game is shit. It auto saves and you can heal from the menu. Even if you die it spawns you 2 feet away with your items back so you don't waste your food. No punishment whatsoever.

Also ganons castle is too easily exploitable. I'm not the type of guy who bothers replaying the game for secrets after I beat the final boss so all the open world shit is pointless if the endgame is the same.

Bot. Delete

Code yellow possible spread sheet simulator and weapon maker game detected.

I love the
>the world is empty meme

Go out to the prides, forest, jungle and explore, tell me how many guys and towns can you find.

stop it Jeb

People skeptical or dismissive of the more open world approach have been posting here for quite awhile.

Nah, it's a step up from SS or TP.
It's not great by any means, but I doubt people will trash it.
Outside of "muh zelda formula" autists at least

This is Sup Forums, these poorfags still depend on their mothers to buy them tendies. Do you seriously think anyone here actually bought the game? They'll spend hours of their one complaining and shitting on the game but they won't spend a dollar to pay for the hours of content they'll get. It's honestly pathetic. If you pirate a game and complain about, wake the fuck up and realize that people put hard work into this game and you're just flapping your triple chins about how "empty it is" when you're playing a great game for nothing. Fuck.

This. If OP wants to be told what to do in this game, follow the story. If youre going to explore, you need to basically make your own fun. Investigate the grass, find secrets, etc. The game isnt going to tell you exactly what to do. That isnt how this game works. The devs have said that like 100 times

Most of Sup Forums is praising it and a little group doesn't like it. And the reviews haven't really rolled in yet except a few. People started to dislike the game bc they started playing it. I don't hate it yet, but I have to admit that so far I hold Skyward Sword in higher regards, but I haven't been to the dungeons yet so I can't judge it fairly atm.

the "formula" was fucking garbage in TP and SS

I haven't played Breath of the Wild but at least it doesn't seem to be linear railroady handholdy shit like those two games

it just doesn't work with open world games

you have to spend so much time building the world, and trying to fill it, that basically every other aspect of the game suffers

want a nice big world? good luck with graphics, especially on console, especially on the switch/wii u

want story? sorry, all the years of dev work went into trying to build all those stupid side quests to half assedly fill the world and make it not seem empty, even though it still ends up being empty

content? well, all the resources that already went into making the world, then trying to fill it kind of mean on top of no story, there's no real solid content either

EVERYTHING suffers in open world games, literally EVERYTHING

>tfw I still enjoy MM, OoT, Oracle or ages and LttP
>couldn't get into windwaker or skyward sword to save my life
>twilight princess was alright
>hacked my WiiU and played BotW
>ended up liking the idea of it more than the actual presentation, fell for the hype

>picked up the darksiders collection
>mfw those games are better at doing what nintendo did with their franchise


Grow up.

>You follow the story, diverge when you see something you want to do or find a shrine, and just have fun

I bet you actually enjoyed skyrim.

It's better than SS but I wouldn't say it's better than TP. Rather it's on par with TP in terms of disappointment.

Did you like ALBW?

You clearly have a vendetta against open world games. That makes it hard to take your arguments seriously. I've played awesome open world games.

All removed. It actually works like the switch now. If you change to gamepad the TV screen goes black and the console renders in 480p on the gamepad at removes some effects and therefore giving you stable 30 fps. The big drawback is the blurryness of the streamed content though. You won't be able to see smaller drops and/or creatures.

WHat the fuck were people expecting from a game made by Eiji "I died on the second screen of Zelda 1 without even killing a single octorok and then ragequited the game" Aonuma?


More details at 7

Where the fuck is the awesome music from the trailers?

usually 1 town per tower and some ruins and wandering npcs/vendors.

I've hated the last 3 3d zeldas

i'll just wait till they make another 2d one

Actually the game is somewhat difficult, and very difficult by typical Zelda/casual standards.

The problem is the content, or rather the lack of it, among other things regarding presentation such as the trash music and voice acting.