I'm a cool, non-threatening black guy with a 'fro and I can't wait to have Switch parties with my good friends Generic White Guy, Cute Nerdy White Girl, Funny Indian, and the rest of the Burger King Kid's Club

*turns plane*



*watches movie*
W-wow, these are amazing graphics

wojak shit should be instaban.


I agree. Fuck this cancerous console war false flagging.

This is a boring thread.


Why do people even still post this shit anyway. Wojak has somehow been a thing on Sup Forums for at least 7 fucking years now, and not once have most people considered "yeah, this shit's getting old"

Why is this stupid image not an auto kill on sight? Seriously, 100% of the posts associated with images like these are absolutely worthless and break any number of rules here.

Keep crying bitch nigga

Wojak along with Pepe should have been lost to time. Pepe was better as a frog who pissed with his pants down. Wojak should have just stayed as "tfw" even then that joke still go run into the ground.

How the fuck have they survived this long?
They're going to be around longer than coolface.

I'm pretty sure they already have been, as far as Sup Forums goes at least.

>flase flagging
I think OP is just laughing at nintendo fans, not pretending to be one.

You'd be surprised desu

t. nintendrone


Is 'bing bing' guy the most autistic person currently on Sup Forums?

>wahoos internally


Nah, not quite. That's a toss-up between Barneyfag and that one faggot still raging about The Witcher III even after all this time.

Pepe is normie now. He's pretty much the new trollface.



Just so you all know I ahte you for this "Bing bing 1up meme" not ebcause it isn't funny, but because you shits are completely ruining it with no idea how the sound effects work.

>Bing bing

First off, Coins don't make bing noises. it more of a Ba-wang, theres a heavy sound in between, "Bing" is a short sound that doesn't embody or capture the sound effect of a coin, it should be "Ba-wing" "Ba-wang" or something to that effect.

Thats not even a fucking sound you fucking moron. thats a noun, you don't say "jump" or "die" when reffering to these sounds do you? The 1-up noise is more of a "Ka-win-i-wing" or "Ba-win-i-wing", its a three sound syllable. not just a one.

This one however is your biggest offense "Wahoooooooooo" STOP. For once in your goddamn life stop pretending to be retarded Sup Forums and listen to super mario 64, "Wahoo" is his long jump sound effect, and it is NOWHERE near as long and drawn out as that. FURTHERMORE, it's "Ya-hoo" not "WA-HOO" Wahoo is Klonoa, you can't even get your videogame character straight. The train goes like this.
First jump: Yah
Second jump: Wah
Third jump/spin: Ya-hoo!

And don't even start me on how stupid your "plane turns" meme is. If the plain turned with that much force of turbulence, it still wouldn't knock it flying across the plane, it would merely skid off the tray, and into the aisle, where he could easily pick it up.

If you're going to viral your meme, at least make sure you have your facts straight. Theres nothing I hate more then an ill-prepared and nonsensical meme.

Because chan culture died out long ago and no one can make OC anymore.

Why? Wojak and Pepe are great Sup Forums mascots

now this is autism

They need to die out and the chans need to move on. Once a meme filters down to the normies, it is dead and requires replacing. In olden days, quality oc was plentiful and abundant, but nowadays things have ground to a halt and the chans are still stuck on pepe and wojak for years and years. its a sad state of affairs.

bingposting is literally art

this thread is bottom of the barrel

>2015: /r9k/ spams Pepe so much it destroys the board and leaks to the rest of the internet
>2016: Sup Forums spams Wojak so much it destroys the board and is pending leaking to the rest of the internet

What is Yotsuba you nu-fag redditor

Not anymore. Yotsuba is and always was our mascot. Pepe was a Sup Forums emem that went way too far and became the face of something awful, and Wojack is nothing but consolewar shitposting now. I'm fucking tired of seeing him. I'm practically sick of him, I hate him and want to punch him through the fucking face because of how much anons abuse him now.

Beaitng a dead horse has consequences, for the sake of Sup Forums, Pepe and wojack NEED o be banned. Even if they develop new meme figureheads, its at least fresh for a good two years

Yotsuba has and always will be Sup Forums's mascot, there's no changing this.

Wojak and Pepe are heavily overused memes that cater to the lowest common denominator while pointing out just how creatively bankrupt this website has become over the years.

when was the last time you saw yotsuba posted


literally who?

>flipping through channels
>pause on Nickelodeon for a second
>keep flipping channels
>land on HBO
>"The human being created civilization not because of willingness but of a need to be assimilated into higher orders of structure and meaning. Horizon: Zero Dawn, now out exclusively on Playstation 4."
Hmm, wonder which one I'm going to buy as a well-functioning adult.
