Physical collection thread!

Physical collection thread!
Any system, any generation.
Go! Go! Go!

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Preparing to sell many of these off though, need room and money for Switch shit.

Out dated pic, missing several games like both Dragon Quest games, Pokemon Moon etc


>collections of trash games


Lets see yours OP can I have that gravity rush remastered?


Shame so many Vita games are digital.

Tales of Hearts any good? Kinda been eyeing it.

Clearly, you're not looking hard enough.


why do physical collections always look so fucking ugly?

they need to standardise the writing on the sides and make it universal. Collecting them for is for autists and it doesnt even look good

Pretty sweet collection OP

Wheres Bloodborne, GR2 and Yakuza tho?

It's okay really. If you can get it cheap then go for it.

>please buy these limited editions straight from NISA's store or wait for Limited Run Games to get off their asses

Nice set but no Bloodborne? C'mon man

I got into the PS4 game late, I been enjoying Dark Souls 3 so I may have to buy Bloodborne for sure

Bloodborne is the second game in the row, it's the red GOTY edition, GR2 is in the mail, waited for the price to drop and I'll be grabbing Yakuza and Horizon tomorrow or Saturday.

I'm sorry for the quality of the photo.

>they need to standardise the writing on the sides and make it universal
Totally agree, particularly annoying when you have a few games from the same series and the spines just don't match at all.

>Collecting them for is for autists
Uh.. no.

Quote me if you double checked if OP's games were actually all in alphabetical order.

I did, there's one out of place.


>Driveclub before Dragon Quest
I am ashamed

Missing a few 'must haves' but that's a fine collection you have there.

What would you recommend?

Which N64s do you have there?

Umm occarina of time, majpras mask, dk64, smash bros, mario64, bomberman 64, paper mario, mario party 1 and 3, monopoly, diddy kong64 and pomemon stadium

By diddy kong 64 i meant diddy kong racing...

Bloodborne, Dying Light, GTAV, Kingdom Hearts 2.8, I had more but noticed you actually had most of them and I wasn't looking hard enough.


>all that worthless plastic

Nice but what about Mario Party 2, Star Fox 64, Mario Kart 64, Mario Tennis, Harvest Moon 64?

How do you guys live with yourselves knowing you literally wasted thousands of dollars on this useless stuff?

>Mario Party

I'm assuming you had fun?

I feel pretty great that I'm not poor.

some people like videogames

Awesome, but need alphabetizing.

>Harvest Moons
>Fake Harvest Moons
>Hometown Story

But where's the two Story of Seasons user?

I always keep my eye out for mario party 2 and harvest moon 64 but theyre always overpriced. Ive owned some of the others and sold them or just have no interest in them.

Of course, they still haven't managed to beat Mario Party 2 after all these years though.

Can anyone reccomend PS3 games?

What a retarded fucking question everything in this world has a cost and these things obviously weren't purchased all at once.

Im having fun so meh, not an issue, at least at the moment anyway.

Theres aloooooot of good ps1 and ps2 games on the ps3 store. As for ps3 i dont have alot of interest. Get the original spyro games, smt nocturne and medievel

Feels pretty good having a good collection showcasing my history with my hobby.

Picture is about two months old and is already outdated since early 2017 has been insane for releases.

Yakuza 3, 4, 5

How much of your collection did you actualluy enjoy playing and would play again?

>The Last of Us
>GTA IV and V
>Dark Souls
>Red Dead Redemption
>Elder Scrolls Oblivion
>Uncharted 1,2,3
>Call of Duty 4
>Kingdom Hearts HD
>Final Fantasy X HD
>Silent Hill HD
>Valkyria Chronicles
>Heavy Rain
>Alice Madness Returns
>Metal Gear Solid 4

Depends what you're into.

your handheld collection is top tier m8

How's Operation Darkness? The game reviewed like shit but its plot seems really interesting

I bought the PS3 so I could play Yakuza 3-5 and I bought them so literally all I have is Yakuza 3-5 I was looking at the infamous collection and didnt know what else.


Sucks many of what I am interested in on this list is either on or is coming to ps4, but luckily not all, thanks user

Why my images get flipped I'll never know but I'm too lazy to fix it.

Not wasted if you enjoyed your time with it.

I'd say 70% I enjoyed. I don't really replay games that often since I'm always tied up with new releases, but the stuff I tend to replay most is PS2 JRPGs.

Not good. I bought it because the plot sounded like fun, but the gameplay is bad enough that I got sick of it and dropped it.

sup guys, just hanging out with my collection :3

Was Bayonetta 1 getting a separate case an EU exclusive or something? Mine came bundled in with 2.

I believe so. You got a box like this which contained both cases.

still gotta print mine

You guys even got the superior cover art of the first one.

Wonder why it was an EU exclusive thing.

>Etrian Odyssey


Ia Bayo 2 and Tokyo Mirage Sessions worth buying a wii u for?

It's not good on ps3? is the 360 version better?

Yes by far, it was developed with the 360 as leading console and then Sega did a god awful port. The Wii U is the definitive version now.

PS3 version suffers tons of lag frame rate issues. 360 version is better, Wii U one might even be better.

they are both good, but not bloodborne good

>Silent Hill HD
Most of what you said is fair enough but why are recommending such trash?


I aint buying no wii u to play this so I guess I will have to get bayo 1 on my 360

I have Bayonetta for the PS3 platinumed.

Games cost money. or are you a poorfag/piratefag?

Wii U Must haves:
>Bayonetta 2
>Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
>Fatal Frame 5
>Hyrule Warriors
>Zelda HD remakes & BotW
>Mario Kart 8
>New Super Mario Bros U
>Paper Mario Color Splash
>Pikmin 3
>Super Mario 3D World
>Super Mario Maker
>Smash Bros Wii U
>Tokyo Mirage Sessions
>Wonderful 101
>Xenoblade Chronicles X
>Yoshi's Woolly World

To be fair it's hard to top Bloodborne good.


Bayonetta 2 is really good, they made a handful of improvements over the first one but depending on how good or "cuhrayzee" you were at the first one you might not that they moved things like
>Panther offsetting
>Crow offsetting
>Accessory offsetting
With Time and Umbran Climax make it a bit easier than the first one as well, all that being said it's still one of the best action games out there.

Me too and the Jeanne fights on ∞ Climax were necessarily hard because of the garbage frame rate.

>Mario Kart 8
Won't the online population fall significantly after the Switch launch?

How's Fate/Extella? I was going to get it but got KH2.8, and Yakuza 0 instead

Possibly, however Switch has paid online whereas Wii U will still be free so there still will be people about.

Well seeing as how Wii U online is free and Switch's is not, I would assume not.

I shall look more into Bayo 2 then I might just borrow a friend's wii u just to play it

Bayonetta 2, Tropical Freeze and Wonderful 101 are my three favorite single player games on the Wii U.

Still can't believe that the Wii U got the only two good cuhrayzee games this gen and they're both fucking god tier.

>Useless stuff
...These are video games.

You do realize all of those games was a drop in the fucking bucket for them in terms of money right? When your a functioning adult with a job and not a child/neet you can actually afford things you want.

This. I watch people show off their stuff on Youtube sometimes and all the comments are usually 'fuck you rich bastard' and its like whut? Kids can't seem to comprehend that being a working adult = money.

What were they thinking?



>StarFox costume
Hopefully there's a Rosalina costume if they make Bayo 3.

I wish I had these. I was a PS1 kid and my friend had the N64 and we would play Mario Kart, Mario Party 2, Zelda, Blast Corps and stuff together and then I moved away. I used emulators and bought some on the Wii U Virtual console but it's not the same. Very nice collection.

Casual collection reporting.

2DS and N3DS XL are hacked

Needs a Splatoon Inkling costume, those tight spandex shorts around her ass..

I beat the main campaign and the game is boring as hell and has little enemy and stage variety.

>Shin-Chan Dub
My nigger

Nice, plan on getting Resi 7 or Origins?

Guess I chose wisely then

This needs to happen.

Do you guys think there is a legitimate chance of a Bayonetta 3 happening on the Switch?


Turbo Grafx 16/PC Engine anyone?

i have a few duplicates not shown and another 10 pc engine games in the mail.