Nintendo could have easily ported Splatoon to the Switch

>Nintendo could have easily ported Splatoon to the Switch
>Instead they make it's FUCKING SEQUEL

Who could hate this company again?


>rehashes are OK when Nintendo does it
really makes you think

>none of the weapons are exactly the same
>new mechanics
>all new supers
>only one map from Splatoon 1 shown in the trailer
>actually new features
Hmmm... does make you think.

Splatoon is to Splatoon 2 as SF4 is to SSF4.

damn i guess you came back from the future to tell us this didn't you


Has the bucket been confirmed to return? It's the only old weapon I haven't seen return.
Also, are we going to get any new weapons aside from the dual wielding guns?

>less change than a COD game
How so?

t. someone who's never played either of those games

>i don't know what i'm talking about: the post
sure fag

Why do people even say this

CoD changes fairly extensively from game to game the only thing that remains the same is that you carry a gun and look down a sight

What kind of reference is this?

I'm pretty sure I saw some news confirming it.

>Release the same exact game but put a 2 on the end
How are those pampers treating you nintendy fans? Is your mommy gonna let you stay up late to pick up your new Nintendo Friday? Awww so cute


>all new supers
I actually hate this a lot. It's great that they went the extra mile and made every single special brand new, but I'm going to miss the old game's. It just won't feel right without the Kraken, the Killer Wail, or Inkstrikes.

Wonder if there'll be an equivalent to the Echo-Locator too.

Now now, don't get ahead of yourself.
Watch them ruin the game.

>. It just won't feel right without the Kraken, the Killer Wail, or Inkstrikes.
wait, kraken is gone!?

Yeah. Good fucking riddance. Panic buttons are literal cancer.

Well they did say that the game would have completely new specials and none of the first game's would return.

I could see them coming back in a future update though but that's just my hopeful wishing and speculation.

>Panic buttons are literal cancer.
no they're not they're panic buttons are you autistic? you mean they're FIGURATIVELY cancer. what are you some 12 year old white girl?
you mean they're

>Kraken and Bubbler are gone
This makes me happy as a roller main.

Nintendo could have easily release Splatoon 2 on the Wii U. Instead they can the Wii U version and only release on Switch

A part of me is gonna miss the thrill of out-maneuvering Krakens and killing them when they change back.

I don't want to start any console war bullshit, but I have to ask something important in response to this.

When the PS4 launched and some of the first games released for it were simply HD ports of PS3 games and it was okay because "not everyone played them". A system that had an installbase larger than the Wii U mind you, so why is it suddenly a problem that the Switch, following in the wake of the poorly selling Wii U, that it gets a couple of ports and new installments of games?

This mentality that it's okay for one and not another is bullshit and I really wish mods would step up to ban retarded fucks who parrot it.

The PS4 ports were games that were released about the time PS4 came out, give or take few months.

Also everybody played MK8 and Splatoon. The Switch ports won't get bigger sales than Wii U for these games.

"Out-maneuvering" Krakens isn't even that hard in the first place. Just dodge them, then swim in the opposite direction, or trail them at a save distance so you can kill them when they change back.

I'll still miss it though. The meta's going to be completely different, which is both a good and bad thing.

Most were nearly, if not, a year apart from their PS3 releases. Others were just considered multiplat. I'm speaking purely for remasters/hd/etc ports.

Mario Kart 8 is a port.
Splatoon 2 isn't a port.

>remasters/hd/etc ports
That's not even remotely the same. PS4 launch is filled with big name cross gen multiplats like BF4, AC4 and CoD Ghosts. HD remasters don't follow any schedule.

Splatoon 2 looks really half assed to be a sequel.

>Splatoon 2 looks really half assed to be a sequel.
It's a sequel whether you want to call it that or not.

You're avoiding my question anyway. I asked why it's okay for one, but not another. And the PS4 launched near the tail end of 2013, within 6 months it had at least 4 HD ports.

MK8 on Switch is not equivalent to HD remasters of any kind.

I agree, because MK8D actually comes with some additional content and better battle mode. As where HD ports just up the textures and resolution, adding nothing to them from the originals.

Do the girl Squids have a ponytail hair option?

it's a PARTY SHOOTER dude. panic buttons fit the style very well.

Okay. Anyway the original post was probably about how Splatoon 2 looks like a total rehash compared to the first one. You misunderstood it as something the PS4 also does or something.