Wait so you're telling me that after beating the greatest game of all time...

Wait so you're telling me that after beating the greatest game of all time...I can play through it AGAIN with a different story/perspective?

Are there any other games that are the #1 greatest of all time?

yeah but they're linear n shiet

>Wait so you're telling me that after beating the greatest game of all time...I can play through it AGAIN with a different story/perspective?

No, you can't. Who told you that?

Not a single one

everyone who has ever talked about decisions impacting how the story plays out. every deus ex thread basically. also reviews for it.

>can play through it AGAIN with a different story/perspective?

Not really. Deus Ex is a linear game from start to finish. It is still the greatest of all time.

For me this is Dark Souls 1. Picked it up in 2011, but didn't actually play it until 2012. Still playing it to this day. Currently taking a break from my SL1 character in NG+ to try some speedruns for the first time. I'm really bad but I still have a lot of fun.

Either they are lying or you are.

There is only one story in Deus Ex and only one perspective. You can make minor changes to the way the story progresses but it's always the same story from the same perspective. None of that minor influence you have really matters, you always go on the same missions with the same objectives regardless of the choices you make. The only time you have a meaningful impact is at the very end when you chose which ending you want.

well the story can't change significantly you just might see it from another perspective
deus ex is pretty good but not the greatest

there's p much none of that, you're railroaded into the character's path with the ability to save/kill several people at certain points. makes no difference to the story though

>None of that minor influence you have really matters, you always go on the same missions with the same objectives regardless of the choices you make
same missions and objectives...with a different perspective. huh

No. The perspective of the game is always that of JC caught between the various factions and nothing about that changes no matter what decisions you make. People may treat you better or worse depending on the decisions you make, most of the time that amounts to just one or two lines of scolding or praise and then the usual dialogue plays.

If you want a game that is really about different perspectives then play Invisible War, not the first Deus Ex.

What is the greatest?

>People may treat you better or worse depending on the decisions you make, most of the time that amounts to just one or two lines of scolding or praise and then the usual dialogue plays.
well yea, that's the point. it's the GOAT so it doesn't matter if there isn't a different level or something. it's still a different perspective

I'd have to break that down by genre
A lot of people think deus ex is so great because of it's hybrid genre nature but the only thing it really excels at is how it handles it's story

You won't change the story drastically, but there are different ways to go about certain events.

Replayability isn't what's important to why it's such an amazing game though. The fact that in the first playthrough you really feel like you have influence over the game world matters more.

From what (admittedly little I've played) I think people like because while its parts while not fantastic, work well together to make something more than the sum of its parts. I think that matters more than being good at something if you ask me.

Whether someone like you or not does not change the perspective of the game. There's no new information, there's no new insight, nothing fucking changes.

I don't think you know what the word perspective means. All the factions perspectives are consist across every play through regardless of the decisions you make and you always have access to all of them. The game is basically just one big long debate about governance and then at the end it asks you what you think and you chose the end. You don't side with NSF in one play through and learn one side of the debate and then side with the Illuminati in another and learn another side of the debate. They preach their bullshit trying to recruit you in every single play through and you never decide until the very end of the game.

As long as you don't grandly fuck up any of those parts*

while the story is essentially the same I think it's pretty impressive to which degree you can influence the sequence of certain events is pretty impressive. like that you can just kill anna navarre in the airplane.

There's at least 20 #1 games of all time. I will post them now.

>Inb4 Bloodborne is on the list