Dark Souls 2 was an ugly ga--

>Dark Souls 2 was an ugly ga--

post a nice shot from the base game

Majula and Drangleic Castle are the best looking things in the base game. It goes without saying the DLCs are better than the base game.

>OP stopped talking once he saw the picture he uploaded


This unfinished thought meme needs to die.

Is it just me, or has there been a lot more DS2 shitposting lately?

How is OP ever going to recover

i agree

>That snow under the castle
So this is the power of mods.......

It might be some redditor with ds2 on the mind because of that online event they do every once in a while

Face sliders please?

People are insulting DS3 by saying it's worse than DS2 and vice versa. There's stupid arguments being thrown on both sides when it's clear that both games have their strong points and weak points and don't detract from being decent games anyway. DS2 I personally feel is the weakest in the series without its DLC but nothing to condemn.

But no, Sup Forums isn't the place we come to agree on anything

moderately rated kek


Pretty sure that's the joke senpai, stopped once he saw it isn't ugly

It's because apparently muh epic rival website Reddit is doing an activity where they are replaying the game again and this somehow makes every DS autist here platinum mad.

If you want a place to come to agreement with there might be a nice little website that'll suit your liking.

>fullbright screenshot showcasing assets never meant to be seen
Really fires the synapses

You're right, it's the legit 4channer way to disagree about everything

Thanks ;^)

>Playing as a female
>When it's not even eye candy

The biggest fag of them all.


what are some games where i can be theres no su-
ch thing as a perfect ga-
protip: you ca-

seriously tho i liked dark souls 2

Dark Souls 2 apologists in action

>drangleic (I like phong) castle

Drangleic was the fucking ugly. Adding tons of phong doesn't make an area attractive.