TF2 Characters

TF2 Characters
>"I am going to strangle you with your own frilly training bra!"
>"Oh, they're gonna have to glue you back together ... IN HELL!"
>"You ladies shoulda' oughta' brought some menfolk with ya.
>"Ze healing is not as rewarding as ze hurting!"
>"Say goodbye to your kneecaps, chucklehead!"

Overwatch Characters
>"My new year's resolution? Hmm. New skates for all the kids in the neighborhood."
>"It is an honour to work with my best pupil. "
>"I love the mountains! I wish I could go climbing!"
>"Mei: I like your glasses! Winston: Uhm.. Th-Thanks.. I like yours too!"

Gotta be Disney female friendly.

>the state of modern video games

All the overwatch characters are boring as fuck

You aren't even allowed to say "gg ez" in overwatch that should tell you something about the game

Tracer says "wanker" if you put on her punk skin, and that's about it

And then he herded them onto a boat, and then he beat the crap out of every single one!

Have you people ever considered that you'd be a lot happier if you stopped spending so much of your time fixating on something you hate?

Nah, they get off on having something to hate

both games are reddit anyway


fuck off anytime

OW just kinda lacks soul

Too bad tf2 is a dead game :^)

A lot of its soul and character have come from how the community interprets it, whereas TF2s ruined it. Nothing in OW was as stupid as people pushing "Heavy is a retard" angles.

right, was almost going to say "it's been left to the fans to add it"

my dick is hard right now so no

"I put a rock in this one"
-Mei in snowball mode

Filtered :)


My only gripe with overwatch voice lines is the interactions they have in the spawn room. It's lilke listening to two robot AI trying to form a human conversation.

Face it, TF2 is an absolute shit game that is getting rightfully shit on by Pixar the blizzard shooter, so fuck off already and stop posting these threads.

But what am i supposed to do if im not complaining?
Im not even joking

And then theres reaper.