
>Wal-Mart pre order still hasn't shipped

Anyone else in panic mode?

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>paying hundreds of dollars for a nintendo tablet
for shame, user. for shame.

user didnt you hear, the switch is pile of garbage. Consider yourself lucky

I'm sorry you hate fun

Youre not getting one. Youve been a bad boy this year.

>Amazon Orders haven't shipped

Cancel your preorder.

>Wal Mart

I feel you OP, mine from EBgames australia also hadn't shipped as of a few hours ago and the midnight launch for that shit, which I could totally have gone to, is in 12 hours

I called them up and the service rep said that the switches are being sent out today with a free upgrade to "next day delivery" and said something about the nintendo embargo. Apparently big N is up in their shit about making sure switchmas doesn't come early for anyone.

>release a console on a fucking friday
>no post on weekends

Home delivery was a mistake.

>Get EB Games card when I was in early teens
>Got it from mum since it made sense to just use it, it had points on it after all
>Because of that it's under her name
>That fact slipped my mind completely because I've been using it myself for years, 21 now
>Pre-order Switch with it
>Planning on going to midnight launch
>Clarify with girl behind the counter that all I need to bring is my card to pick up the Switch
>She says since it's under someone elses' name they have to pick it up or come with me
>Can't bring mother with me to midnight launch for obvious reasons
>It's either go to the midnight launch with friends and wait for nothing since I can't get mine or miss out and get mum to pick it up for me tomorrow

Mad as fuck right now

What the fuck is an eb games card

Use a bank card or paypal

Gamestop is called EB Games here, it's the shitty little card you get to put reward points on.

Well you're in australia right? If you didn't pay for it yet you can just cancel that shit and go to the midnight launch and buy one because I'm pretty sure they're not sold out anywhere

i made the mistake of trying to get a new 3ds from them. after a month i never got it even though it was shipped and it was eventually returned. idk who to blame because apparently fedex held it hostage and fucking returned it without asking. and even though it was returned they couldn't reship it because the site had it "out of stock". never buying from walmart again

Went to EB and preordered Switch+BotW, 560 dollarydoos later.

I-It's gonna be good.. R-Right bro's?

12 hours can't go any slower

Only the neon colour switch is sold out, the grey one is plenty-ful in stock. Also 100$ for the pro controller fuck me

>Best Buy order: Still "Preparing"

I got charged though, so there's that

Are controllers just as hard to find as the console? Was hoping to get a pair of red joycons on friday but I'm not sure if that's going to be an option

Just the neon ones.

Fucking this. I bought the red/blue Switch because it grew on me after a while, and while I wanted a set of blue controllers from the start, all of the neon packs are just gone.

If any anons want to be autistic like me and aren't aware, the red/blue joycon pack you can buy are the opposites of what comes in the red/blue switch, so you can have red/red and blue/blue if you want.

>midnight release store pickup

>Amazon order still hasn't shipped

>Amazon prime member
>pre-order switch
>2 day shipping
>says it's coming Friday
>"preparing to ship" for over 12 hours
I am so scared.

user, I've got some bad news for you.

And what is that?

Don't worry, my Zelda Master Edition hasn't shipped either. Gamestop is going to fuck me again, just like they did with my Monster Hunter n3DS. Faggots cancelled it due to my bank thinking it was fraud, then didn't give me 48 hours to give a different payment method.

>NieR black box edition hasn't shipped yet

If you haven't already been affected yet people's Switch-related orders are getting fucked due to Amazon-related bullshit. Either due to Nintendo not meeting demand, Amazon taking too many orders they couldn't fulfill, or employees managing to actually steal the fucking things, there's gonna be a LOT of pissed off people this Friday.

>t. My sister works at an amazon warehouse and my order WAS affected

Thank god I did a backup at Best Buy

All of my other ones have gone through (I ordered some games and the AC adapter) and I am a prime member though.

I'm also amazon prime and my order that I made the fucking moment it was available got axed. Prime means nothing.

If mine is preparing to ship and still set for Friday, should I relax or still panic?

As someone who has a look into the inside of that fucking hellish nightmare, you should be panicked until the fucking thing is at your house and you have confirmed it works.

My sister has told me all kinds of shit, like how they push time limits so hard your shit WILL get thrown around, regardless of what it is.

No, because I ordered mine from a real fucking store in person.

I also live in Washington, and people are saying that the closer you live to a distribution center, the longer it takes to ship out.

Fuck. What does preparing for shipment even mean?

It means the overworked part-timers who have every reason in the world to want to go full postal on management may or may not be kicking your box down the row in a fit of rage due to being written up for working a 36th hour during that week which has management pissed because that was the third week in a row it happened and now they have to make you full time, and you should have known better not to work the hours they told you to work.

Robots can't come quickly enough.

So, my Switch is packed and ready to go, I just have to hope it doesn't get fucked up?

>all this fearmongering

yall niggas need to relax

>amazon order hasn't shipped

Yep. It literally means it's a console launch and everyone's shit is getting packed so it's gonna take longer. You ain't getting this on Friday. They'll give you a bullshit reason and then point at their "two-day shipping is not always guaranteed" fine print.

>grown man in panic mode over a fucking portable toy


mine was expected to ship today... it didnĀ“t.

>buying online


When I pre-ordered my PS4, I didn't have this problem.

>people will keep listening to this user

even if he's right, this info doesnt do any of you good and yall need to find some zen

Hope you online order nigs are having your stuff shipped through USPS, both Fedex and UPS are having shipping delays due to severe weather.


Why would anyone in their right fucking mind order online and think it's secure and guaranteed?

The only guarantee is a physical alottment that a store is promised, and they even got more than promised, as is proof by walk-ins happening at gamestop/walmart/best buy, etc.

But you fucking idiots chose to hit a button and act complacent digital estimated allotments.

who here /camping out tomorrow and just hoping there's something there to buy at midnight/?

That's because Sony doesn't pull the fucking stupid shit Nintendo does and actually produces enough to meet demand.

I'm not trying to fear monger, just tell it like it is. I'm stressed from studying for this hellacious exam I have to take Friday.

getting real annoyed amazon.

loling that I'll be walking home with my switch tomorrow night while Amazoncucks are waiting for the shipment.

you mean friday morning

I'm a eurofag and have never had Amazon ship pre-orders before a day after launch at the earliest. Do murrifats expect amazon to deliver on launch?

maybe it hasn't ship yet because Bellingham is only a few hours away from Seattle.

They usually do deliver by then. Sometimes I get stuff a day early.

You can almost always get your pre-order delivered to your house on launch day.

I called Walmart today, the guy told me they receive the consoles in their warehouses by Friday and then they will ship it
I fucking lost my shit when he told me that

Yeah, Nintendo refused to pay freight and a majority of shipments. There's going to be a lot of missed pre-orders because companies aren't footing the bill this time.

>get call
>it's Gamestop
>"we're calling about your Switch pre-order"
>start to get nervous
>"just letting you know we are DEFINITELY doing a midnight release, so just make sure you show up to finalize your receipt probably around 6 or so if you don't want to be at the back of the line"


Good on you murricans. Here I never trust amazon with pre-orders on launch, it's ironically smaller more local web-stores which manage to send them out in time. They cost a bit more, though.

Not the Switch but ffs, it was supposed to ship yesterday, does this mean it's being delayed by stock shortages or some other means?

That's a bummer if they don't ship until Friday
Oh well I'll just keep playing the Wii U version I pirated a couple days ago

any news on progress with BotW on CEMU?

still waiting on amazon order to ship. It says its coming on friday, but im scared.

Hold me brehs

I got my pre-order local, but they say my Horii screen protector will be here Friday.

It has yet to ship and I don't believe them.

>Amazon Canada can't ship until tomorrow
>Have to upgrade shipping to even get a shipping date for Zelda SE

Fuck this gay country

Walmart saw that it was shit and they returned them all to sender. Fucking awful excuse of a "home console". Anyone who buys Nintendo products needs to be put in a camp where they can't keep shitty companies above water for decades due to their inability to not throw their money at garbage just because they like the logo.

I feel like my switch might be at the Minneapolis shipping center, which is a fucking skip away from Fargo, but I had a coworker get his shipping information already. I'm furiously slapping F5 hoping that it updates

I just talked to an Amazon rep who told me it was still on schedule and I'd be getting it Friday. Of course, it's not like they'd straight up let me know shit's fucked and I'd have to wait a few days. Still, fingers crossed.

>its the fucking idiots who order online like lazy little bitches then spend the next 20 hours worrying and whining about shipping when they could have just preordered at a physical location and picked it up immediately when the shop opened
>little bitch going to sit on Sup Forums whining for the next 10 hours because he's an entitled little shitlord who thinks everyone needs to care about him waiting on his precious little package like a little fat fucking bitch at a fast food joint whining about her fucking burger

shut the fuck up you cancerous little faggot

>people in this thread willingly giving money to EB Games even though they're a fucking scummy company
It's literally $40 at Big W

You're being an ass, but you're on point in. I learned to be cautious about big release stuff and stuff I really want the second I can get it when it comes to ordering online. Local, while less convenient, is more reliable.

Not everyone has stores in their area that are gonna sell them but have a (You) for being a good boy :)



>not picking up your switch at gamestop

Fucking this. I've been glancing at my Amazon order, email, and texts all day waiting for the shipment confirmation. I might actually camp out and just cancel the preorder once I have a console in my hands at this rate

>they fell for the pre-ordering meme

amazong is fucking pulling a fast one on me fuck.

In the past, they have upgraded me to same day shipping just to get it here in time. all hope isn't lost yet brehs.

>yfw you are going to an EB games "midnight" (10pm) launch tomorrow early, and they have confirmed they got a non-preorder shipment

and if that doesn't work out, I have a middle of no where best buy 5 minutes away from me that is confirmed to be getting a small shipment, and a Walmart near me getting a large one

OK bros, where do I camp tomorrow since Amazon clearly dropped the ball on this one? Would I even be able to buy Zelda and Bomberman as a walk in customer?

What time do I have to a show up to get a good spot in line for a midnight release? Anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

How about if the local store, if it exists at all, sell it at a 20% markup compared to online stores? Mine will probably not be here before next week but I don't care as long as I get it cheaper.

9:00 or so, unless your city is huge.

>switch order changed to "shipping now"
Is this good?


>yfw you got a local pre-order and are 100% getting it at midnight tomorrow

>tfw you weren't retarded and just preordered from a store

Seriously, what's so hard about this? Going to pick it up 8:00am and playing all day

I live in a small town in the Mojave desert.

We're talking Goodsprings levels of size here.
We have K-mart that doesn't have an electronics department and that's the extent of our stores.
My only option is to buy online.
Eat my ass.

Godday cunt

>bestbuy order hasnt shipped yet

supposedly amazon prime now will deliver switches at 8am if you order them at midnight

kinda want to risk it and give that a try

>when they haven't even shipped out their preorders


that's bullshit unless they chose tomorrow to roll out their drone program for the first time

prime now comes out of different fulfillment centers

>launch TOMORROW
>nintendo still hasn't unveiled their smartphone integration bullshit for online

You guys are retards, my pre-order is doing fine.

No movement, captain.
Online help said it's slated to begin shipping tomorrow, but after that it's anyone's guess what happens.

What did he mean by this?

Most Canadian best buys didn't do in store preorders, and I wasn't planning to buy from eb games.