>we were THIS CLOSE to getting actual left handed Guts-Link
What the hell why was this scrapped? And why not show this first instead of that dumb ass "modern Link" trash Metallica 'Dorf is cool tho.
>we were THIS CLOSE to getting actual left handed Guts-Link
What the hell why was this scrapped? And why not show this first instead of that dumb ass "modern Link" trash Metallica 'Dorf is cool tho.
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It all boils down to not pissing off the die-hard autists who actually enjoyed splotches of poo like Twilight Princess and Skyward Sword (and Wind Waker).
>Master sword!
>Hylian shield!
>I know what that is!
You know what I'd like? A Zelda game where Link has already gone through his "cycle", and is aging, wandering about the land, maybe even visiting other kingdoms other than Hyrule. A mix of the themes from MGS4 and SOTN Richter Belmont.
>more edgy dark shit
no thanks
>Ganondorf on a floating island as the final boss
I need it.
face it user. there will never be another 3d zelda
>WWish proportions
Wew, guess my old ass prediction of "Zelda U was going to be set in the Adult timeline" was almost real. Thanks god it wasn't.
You know if they'd actually done this Sup Forums would be complaining endlessly about Zelda being made edgy in an attempt to be cool.
>Sheikah cyborg arm
>Gets upgrades and attachments that replace key items
Who the fuck shut this idea down?
Vomit inducing, toon-shit needs to fuck off already.
This was what MM was. Even though he was in a child's body he had seen some shit. Other than that he fit everything you wanted to see (though I'm not too familiar with the sources so I don't know about the themes)