What made you leave Runescape, Sup Forums?

What made you leave Runescape, Sup Forums?

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growing up

The graphics overhaul, cosmetic bullshit, and bonds becoming more expensive.

Grand Exchange

I'm not 14 and I have shit to do

For me it was that "fair trade" bullshit where you could only make a trade Jewex deemed "fair". I know they got rid of it, but I was like 14 at the time and that was the moment that showed me they were completely out of touch with players and the game wasn't going to last long. IIRC, by that point I wasn't playing often anyway because of school and other games and that was just the moment that made me finally leave it behind.

That Evolution of Combat thing.

trade and wildy changes made me play way less
graphics overhaul made me stop completely

>was young and erping in lummy one day
>"""""""girl""""""" I was talking with asks where I live
>turns out we live in the same town
> they mention a park close to me in my town
>"We can meet up there at night and have sex in the bushes user."
>say okay and will meet them at 9pm
> didn't go and continued erping with others late into the night
I should have went.


also a kid's older brother at school stole my account even though he was like 24 at the time and i was still in elementary school. fuck you david

Anyone who kept playing this game after removal of wilderness and free trade is underage, has shit taste, and probably faps to traps

Actually I think you probably made the right choice that time.

>Like 9 years old
>Played with friends from school
>Some random player started following us around insulting us and headbanging
>Eventually just ignored him
>Next day at school
>The weird kid asks why we ignored him
>He had overheard a conversation between me and my friends that we play rs and must've picked up one of our usernames and tracked us down
Some weird encounters looking back on it. I also once meant a completely random kid mining... And it turned out to my brother's friend from school. Crazy shit

I never fully left. I come and go as I please

The edgy kids constantly talking about blazing and vaping acting like they're tough shit

same but looking back i wish i hadn't
while runescape is grindy as fuck, at least it had good quests
there's really nothing redeemable about WoW

I realized its just a shitty endless grind and I'm not autistic enough to play it

>Grind this skill
>Find quest
>You need skills A, B and C at level 50 so you can use them once to accomplish one minor thing
>Grind more
>Grind this, grind that
>The "legendary" and "amazing" quests everyone rants and raves about are actually wholly unimpressive and largely unenjoyable

Every quest is a chain of skill checks. The game was fun back in the day because I was young, but the game itself is literal trash.

i've been playing Sup Forumsscape because of the extra xp rates and i find the quests fun and entertaining, definitely better than anything in WoW
i do agree that even with a 2.25 rate the skill grind gets ridiculous, doesn't help the gameplay is so fucking horrible

Literally the fun of the game was the grind. It was comfy, you listened to music/watched TV while you fished. The interactions between players was also great.
>People went to Varrock to fish
>People would go there to build fires to train while helping out fisherman who wanted to skill cooking as well
>Low levels would go there to bum free food so fisherman didn't have to waste 15 seconds dropping it
That is freaking beautiful. No coordination at all, just a bunch of players getting together for a common goal of making skilling more convenient. Not to mention the 9/11 truthers and political squabbling.

I still play. Its fun, and EoC was the best thing that ever happened to the game.

What are you? 15?
Highschool too hard for ye?

Yeah it was fine, for a week or so. You don't think the grind gets a bit old after say, level 50?

I hopped in a few days ago and had a great time with idle chat while fishing, but I can get idle chat from ANY game and in those other games I can actually enjoy myself beyond the endless grind. The grinding was fun in spite of the game design, not because of it.

Age and world of Warcraft was on it best expansion ever. Wotlk
Damm i miss the arenas in this patch

game became way less ruled by the players and became a more "fair" boring world.

I never entered because I never paid for a premium account

If you went some 40 year old man would have raw dogged your tight virgin asshole sans lube

>Literally the best thing to happen to the game


when i realized playing MMOs is a giant waste of time for nothing. i mean i just dont get the appeal

t. underage

I got old and lost interest

Back in '06 I had it all -- money, rares, and great characters for PKing. I even had slightly growing fame; some people were starting to recognize me thanks to a Fire Cape guide I made on RunescapeCommunity that got hundreds of thousands of views.

Then, I lost my Fire Cape guide when I died in the Wilderness because the Old Man kidnapped me and made me complete the longest random event in the game as soon as I respawned in Falador. Okay, annoying, but I'll get it back. And I did.

First trip out after wasting hours getting that damn thing again, and I lose it again to the exact same random event. So, I said fuck it and finally quit. Glad I did too, it went downhill really fast after I left.

I tried it once after seeing all the poor brown kids play at the library. did part of the tutorial and never touched it again.

the tacky engine overhauls in like 2008? Basically when all the animations changed and everything felt like this.

But now im back on the 2007 version servers because theres nothing else worth playing at all the videogame industry is fucking stagnant to the point im playing an ancient grind sim because its the only game around with actual fucking player interaction

I feel like every time I get sucked up in this game, I can't do anything else. Maybe have some netflix on in the background, but 70% of my focus is on the grind all the time.

It's no way to live.

>it 2005
>don't want to sub because i hated sub
>max out a lot of skills and there no update for the longest time
It was then I play a superior game, Guild Wars 1, because my friends hated that there no update for F2P Runescape

forgot gif

Same. I'm hardly in love with what they've done with OSRS, but I still find it more enjoyable than a lot of other games

carpal tunnel

The first time I left because of EoC. 2nd time being the game was stale as fuck after NMZing maxed combats and bossing with friends who all quit as well.

>implying I ever left

Honestly? Minecraft

When I got to the endgame I found that all anybody wanted to do was bossing, despite the fact that combat was one of the worst things about runescape. After EoC they added all these bosses where you had to dodge attacks, but the moving system in rs is notoriously delayed and imprecise that it played like shit

t. grognard

I maxed out after dungeoneering and then went to university

t. autist that loves spamming
Cyan:Wave:Selling Lobster, 3k each, discount price!

alright guys, time to quit
I'm back

t. faggot who thinks all trade was spamming in a sea of floating text in World 1 and 2

Fishing lvl?

The Burning Crusade.


runescape was fun when you were a bored 12 year old without much to do.


EoC was necessary and if you honestly think the old combat system had any strategy or complexity it's either nostalgia-goggles or you're literally fucking moron

Getting a Max Cape, a quest cape and all the achievement diaries done made the game feel like no real goals existed any more

moved to my moms boyfriends house where it sucked and had satellite internet

The trick to enjoying Runescape is not even reaching the endgame and playing extremely inefficiently so you don't have to bother grinding for it's own sake and you just do what's enjoyable to you

>What made you leave Runescape, Sup Forums?

If you're talking about RS3 it was because the rampant amount of shit updates and eventually the release of EOC which made me quit all together. I still play OSRS though,

I had an addiction and was about to start uni and didn't want it to get in the way.

When they brought back the 2007 game only to casualize it again

>all those low quality RS tutorials with unregistered hypercam and SoundSystem

There is something magical about how shit they were.

really the grand exchange was never the problem, it just came around when runescape started going to shit. runescape died when they removed player-to-player trading. they justified it with stupid kids getting scammed but in the end it was all about chinese gold sellers. rather than do work and removing the bots, they simply made it unprofitable.

too bad, runescape had a bit of magic to it, i dunno why. i guess it was sitting around, mining anf fishing alongside other people doing the same and talking with them about stuff. plus i always liked those simplistic 3d graphics

World of warcraft

The bot conga lines at mining areas


RSMVs were much worse friend.

all my friends stopped playing.
decided to stop wasting so much time on it so i gave away all my stuff and spouted as much autistic hate speech as possible to get myself banned.
handing out 30 mill to a bunch of level 20's around varrock was pretty fun though.

if you out there
its your boy blue

The last time I actually played was back in 2011. Wanted to raise my slayer and range skill. My last slayer task was to kill those Rock Ogres up north above the Game Castle. Killed a couple, logged out and never logged back in.

The main reason I stopped playing was because I just moved onto different games. Runescape > Flyff > Runescape > Wow > Tera > nothing

from 2004 ~ 2013

sounds like someone didnt pvp much at all

keep it in your containment general fag

Whats wrong with this faggot

t. rs3 e-dater that buys keys for bonus xp because they think people care about their stats
eoc is the only good part of modern runescape, every single update makes the game worse.

That's actually not bad, a lot of effort went into that

When I realized how futile the grind actually was. Unless you truly love the game, there's no point in spending all that time for the handful of nice rewards it gives you. Once you're done exploring and questing, you might as well quit for good.

I left for Maple Story. Graphics were much better, better community, music was better, and I liked class trees

>Switch prayers at the appropriate time
>Use the fastest melee weapon and or a godsword

Wow so hard. Not saying EoC is any more deep, but this click and wait bullshit had to go eventually

>EoC was necessary
>Lost half it's playerbase
>OSRS now has more players than RS3 now despite lack of updates

What did Jagex mean by this?

Runescape is better than ever

The problem is the players have aged with the game, the game gets less fun at end game, a lot of the fun is early on like this user describes

& there isn't an influx of new players any more because they just play LOL or Minecraft

it was always the social nature of it that made it the best

I mean really think about it, Runescape is the only MMO where you are so far removed from the actions of your character that the keyboard is fully free for typing at all times (2007scape).
This is, in fact, the same reason why Rs3 is having trouble, because they added hot keys now people talk much less

Got bored with it.

Well, after I stole my moms credit card to pay for a membership I became disillusioned. Never was able to recover my love for it after that.

Combat live update. The game was no better then WOW when that patch became official. After that point it was a shitty singleplayer WOW.

PvP was a moot point when monsters could provide profit for less risk. Also pre-EoC blew slightly more cock than post-EoC

>Melee is significantly overpowered
>Rune requirements for magic made spells quite costly in comparison to other styles (Blood runes were pricey even after they could be crafted, and demand for death runes was through the roof thanks to F2P users)
>Most melee weapons outside scimitars and daggers were considered junk
>Ranged weapons were largely ass
>Magic, which is supposed to be great against Melee, had armor that was shit against both Range and Melee making it total garbage
>Ice Barrage was literally "cast spell to win"
>Prayers providing almost 100% protection was dumb
>Monsters had no clear weaknesses
>Elements of spells only mattered in that air was weakest while fire was strongest

>using seperate weapons at the right time
>knowing when to eat
>knowing when to use vengence
>knowing how to tech
>If f2p knowing the distance for a 2h switch
ok kid I'm sure you pk'd so many noobs

I don't think there was anything they could have done to fix pre-eoc combat.
I'm glad osrs exists and the jmods sort of understand what to do.

>RS3 has no players
>OSRS has rampant botting out the ass as if they captured 2006 down to its finest details
No wonder people don't play these games

>music was better


>haha its just switching prayers at the right time!
>use a fast weapon!

Yeah you're a clueless spastic


2007 = make the most money, u win

2017 = drop the most money, u win

Don't know. I remember my password and shit, though, should look.


>Have pre-existing account from before EoC that i still have the details for
>Want to play OSRS
>"Woah there bro, you gotta start over!"
Yeah no fuck that


Everything changing all of a sudden. All my friends stopped playing around then too

>Go to the website
>"Download Runescape now!"

What the fuck am I reading?

Oh god that nostalgia hurts

>Melee is significantly overpowered
Actually you would normally use ranged and finish off with melee
>Rune requirements for magic made spells quite costly in comparison to other styles (Blood runes were pricey even after they could be crafted, and demand for death runes was through the roof thanks to F2P users)
I dont care that you were a poor fag
>Most melee weapons outside scimitars and daggers were considered junk
Looks like someone never pvp'd, Mauls and AGS are used regularly to finish off people
>Ranged weapons were largely ass
>Magic, which is supposed to be great against Melee, had armor that was shit against both Range and Melee making it total garbage
This was the fun of the game, finding and mixing armor sets for hybrid set ups to take out all types of opponents
>Ice Barrage was literally "cast spell to win"
Sounds like someone literally forgot about their previous point
>Prayers providing almost 100% protection was dumb
oh shit, so making a complex game with difficult mechanics is bad?
>Monsters had no clear weaknesses
They had clear weaknesses, you were just too dumb to figure it out
>Elements of spells only mattered in that air was weakest while fire was strongest
This is just about the only valid point

>RS3 is full of RP douchebags
>OSRS is full of dudebros who still talk like they're 12
Gotta grow out of it sometime

You can use old account details to log into OSRS but the servers are different so everyone has to start from level 3.

I'm still playing.