NieR Thread

Last one was fun since shitposters are busy with Zelda.
Theories for what's behind the doors, webms, 2B and A2 posting welcome.

Maybe behind the doors there'll be More screentime for Adam and Eve

I didn't really thought much about it at the time because I was about done with the damn song and employees but what's the deal with the "you're not alone" shit at the end?

Why is there so little best girl fanart?

Wait what doors?
Also why did A2 talk about how 2B was reluctant to kill 9S despite her YoRHa killer model when she in fact never got an order to kill 9S?

Who/what were the red girls? The collective consciousness of the machine network?

If Dev/Pop sent the human data to the moon, then who created Project YoRHa?


Well you and all the players beat it together!

"Being alive is pretty much a constant stream of embarrassment."

One of the realest shit I've ever heard. And it came from a fucking Pod.

There are hidden elevators throughout the game that have a machine in front of them, on his knees begging for forgiveness telling you you aren't worthy then blowing himself up to satisfy you.

I know this is going to sound weird but, did anyone else reflect on their life after realizing the anti nhilism theme in Ending E?

>Very excited to see Adam and Eve do all kinds of crazy shit
>Especially considering Eve's watchers mark
>In love with their design
>They end up being limited to the intentionally underwhelming ending A/B

I love the game a lot but it's unfortunate we didn't get more Adam and Steve, it was very sweet to read about them in the ark though.

There are two, maybe three locked elevators or doors guarded by an Apologetic Machine who tells you to forget about it. One is in the desert, another in the flooded city and I think there might be another one.

Apparently 2E has had to kill him multiple times already before the start of the game.

Evolved machine lifeform or some shit, a meta consciousness, whatever that means. Jackass's report mentions how the thing had Shadowlord's data in it, might be important later on.

Should we include DoD?

oh yeah, forgot about that.

>can't stay in Nier threads anymore because of potential spoilers

at least I don't have to worry about newfag tarodickriding secondaries talking about muh madman

Did we help?

Why is post game so lacking? When will they open those doors.

Oh yeah they did imply that didn't they, I wasn't too sure myself.

But why though? Surely the termination of YoRHa would only engage towards the end of the project?

There was also something important about there being multiple 9S' since he's just an individual clone of a product, but that went over my head as well.

>game has you literally flat out state that life has meaning if you want to see it through
Taro is a pretty cool guy, and really well read actually if you see how much of his works is named after other novels and writers.

>everyone being so exhilarated about the credits
>then there's the idiot who tried to solo the thing

fuck you taro

Someone already said it best in the previous thread.

>The entirety of Automata is about fighting existential ideologies of the past and making your own meaning.

It's not about the cycle that they go through anymore. It's how you grasp what you have now and build on it.

Taro didn't make the meaning that deep, but the way he put it into the game and let the players experience it with the characters is amazing.

He knew what he was trying to say. Despite how bleak his story is, he want to say to players that there is hope, wherever it is.

He's a good guy really.

Who helped the first player, Taro?

Dev saves.

You became superior by being networked.

>squeenix and other publishers are so fucking retarded its putting denuvo in all its games and removing it a year later

thanks for making me not buy your products, ever

You deleted your saves right?

Behind the doors is Yoko Taro announcing Drakengard 4

Pretty sure it's the dev team. They set up dummy accounts for it.

Basically Taro is saying you can't do it alone. You have to connect with people.

The only reason it is hard is because you're alone.

So is this game worth getting at full price? I liked the original Nier but it wasn't great and I didn't pay full price for it.


>the whole grail

No, not even worth pirating.

Riveting argument.

Never has it been so satisfying to scream "NO!" at the screen 5-6 times over, to not give up on everything that you've worked for.

Who cares if it is "meaningless" or "pointless", you put in work for it and that gives it meaning and so did all the people that helped you. You've found your own meaning, now you fight for it.

Obviously meant to be "holy grail".

its easily the best game of 2017 so far, im gonna buy it again on pc

I paid 30 quid more to get the JP release because fuck waiting until the 10th, woth every fucking penny.



I know, but the fuckup made me laugh.


I never quite realised

that all I really want to know is what the fuck is happening behind the scenes

where the fuck is Accord
what the hell is up will all these Drakengard references
what did Angelus meant by land of the Gods
what the fuck is the cataclysm
who initiated Project YoRHa
who is Legion
what happened to Angelus's corpse

I like how the end message you can send can be surprisingly negative and depressing if you choose those words, but I only got motivational messages, so I sent a motivational one out myself.

>typical Sup Forums contrarian shitposting to anything popular

What else is new?

i came here to lick feet and ass

I have been saying that type of stuff since I finished Nier.

how long is the game?

well that was a roller coaster of emotions

should've played the Fate version desu

More 2feet.

You've been posting wishy-washy handwave criticisms that you never backup for that long?

>what happened to Angelus's corpse
Didn't they carry it off and made the red magic from it?

Speaking of which

>why could the machines fire the same red orbs that came from Angelus

I'm assuming most of this will be answered in supplementary material, Taro usually primarily keeps the core message/theme in the game and explores a lot of the smaller things in other adaptions.

About 15-25

Anyone have that picture where it's Caim clipping through the ground and then a picture of 2B doing the same?

Delusional taro dickriders never would listen anyways

Not an argument.

>using other Sup Forums posts to try and sound smart
Holy shit people this pathetic exist
>tons of messages pop up on screen and help arrives
>music becomes chorus switching between 3 languages
Perfect execution.


about 40

I honestly don't give a fuck about the plot. Japs suck at writing nowadays. I just want that Platinum action. No one makes character action games besides them no more. It's all we got til Capcom stop being jews and lets Itsuno make DMC5

>implying tarofags who spend their time playing shitty games for the "story" aren't more pathetic

it's all to fit in really.

is it true that you spend like 75% of the game playing as the shota fuckboy?

I mean cool I guess but why did they exclusively advertise 2B's ass?

>Playing on normal mode
>Not doing side quests

To posts that amount to "he's bad because I say he is"? Yeah why would they?

>A-2... I need your help...
>I can't live with this heartbreak

how many endings and how the fuck do you get each of them?

Because 9S models are so advanced and intelligent that the chances of them eventually figuring out the truth are extremely high. So they're all assigned a personal 2E unit who is supposed to kill them every time they get close to uncovering the truth. Unfortunately, 2B's job became a lot more difficult when she started to develop feelings for 9S.

It's not what you're looking for then, action's pretty shallow in comparison to something like MGR and especially DMC. It's still flashy though.
Nobody would be in these threads if they didn't.

>literally shitposting to fit in

Pot kettle black.

More like 40% 2B, 40% 9S, 20% A2

Also not an argument


>is it true that you spend like 75% of the game playing as the shota fuckboy?
it's 4:5:1 ratio between 2B, 9S and A2
he also couldn't be further from just a shota fuckboy kek

boring as fuck

I don't play japanese games to be a boy


Everything except A-E are joke endings that just end the game abruptly with a 1-2 second long credit sequence.

I think I ended up getting W, H and K

a lot

I have no idea

he looks like a shota fuckboy

wew lad wrong screeny

Well you play the majority of the game as a girl.

>alright the suffering's calmed down a bit guess I can take a break
>Pascal calls


Yeah, thanks

Someone told me the plot of this game basically amounts to Undertale, how true is that?

He develops into robo Guts later on, so it makes up for his appearance.

gee I wonder what's going to happen to all these children when we come back


Both games run on completely different themes, and the plots are completely different.

There are some crazy people in this world that beeline the main quests and give the game a 7/10

Not so much really, the last ending's execution was reminiscent of it I'd say, but done a lot better.

Land of the gods was literally just a meta reference to the devs(the gods that created the game) and her corpse was stolen to make P. Gestalt and magic in general
The legion is simply mind controlled people(by watchers)

Do you think 9S prior to the start of the game willingly accepted to get stabbed by 2B?
I mean, he can destroy a squad of them if he wants to but he clearly won't if it's his 2B.

This CaimS, say something nice about him!

>Land of the gods was literally just a meta reference to the devs

this most likely, DoD1 ending E was a joke ending.

Not really, only similarity is that there's a meta power of friendship moment at the end.

>fighting existential ideologies of the past
Why didn't this click for me when I read the names of the bosses

Do the Project Gestalt reports tell us anything we don't already know? Do any of the reports related to the previous game tell us anything new for that matter?

>Do you think 9S prior to the start of the game willingly accepted to get stabbed by 2B?

what, did they even know each other at that point?

So what did you do?

Some 9S's probably asked to be killed, some committed suicide of their own, while others I bet were asking 2B 'why' all the way until they died.

2B had to listen to her husbando die a few dozen ways, it hurts to think about it guess.

>Trying to platinum Nier 1.
>Grinding for memory alloys, forlorn necklaces, piercings, etc.
I love Taro but I also want to kill him.

I actually didn't expect them to kill themselves. I expected something terrible to happen while we were gone, but when it turned out they were so overwhelmed with fear that they killed themselves I was genuinely shocked.

Yeah, she had to keep killing him remember?