Who was the more autistic serial killer, in the end?

Who was the more autistic serial killer, in the end?

it's kinda hard to be more autistic than Kira.

kira killed people because he was a turbo autist, adachi was just a dick.


but the reason he was a dick was because of his autism

Kira was an autistic retard.

have you seen his social link in golden? he's a colossal dick who pushes people away because he thinks he's better than them then gets salty when he realizes he's alone.

Adachi is /ourguy/.

no weaknesses

Probably Kira, but he's not even the most autistic character in his own series.

Adachi was a killer with a real motive memed into just being a permavirgin autist which he probably was, but he's a better villain than Kira IMO

Adachi's murders were pretty much accidental, I wouldn't put him on the same level as Kira.

>ocean man plays

also, Adachi didn't carry around the hands of his victims during his daily routines.

Is Diavolo Sup Forums?

>All you had to do was skip town

For fuck sake, and people still regards Part 4 as the best part, it baffles me.

>mfw people think kira is a good villain

crazy kat or whatever it's name was was a good persona though, I'll give it that.

adachi barely did anything the entire game.

I don't think there's anyone more autistic than kira, OP...

3 > 4

also hear 8 is good.

Anyone is better than fucking Kira even DIO

I feel really bad for Kira.

I feel like his fate could have been avoided if his parents weren't bigger autists than he was.

Seeing shota Kira breaks my heart.

>mfw people think Kira isn't a good villain

that's what happens when you start masturbating at 10

user Steel Ball Run is OBJECTIVELY the best JoJo part, I would argue that Johnny is the best JoJo but definetly Trum... errm I mean Valentine is the best JoJo villain.

Kira's autism prevented him from running away.

He wanted to have a normal life in his hometown but still kill women and jerk off with their hands.

Adachi did nothing wrong, while Kira is a literal autist.


Kira did nothing wrong

Adachi killed people because he was an /r9k/ faggot. Kira killed people because he literally couldn't deal with not getting off to his hand fetish.

Kira wins.

this was so unfunny it caused me to actually react for the first time on this board with a heavy sigh



>Part 4 Kira: Turbo Autist
>Part 8 Kira: Somewhat autit but mostly the hero that we deserve and didn't got

Araki redeemed himself.

Adachi isn't a serial killer, he only killed two people.

5 is like 3 but better in every way sans the finale and 6 is also pretty good despite being pretty slow in the first half and the ending requiring you to have paid attention and remembered every little detail of character arcs to fully grasp. 7 is pretty good though heavily flawed, but the good stuff is so good that it pretty much redeems it fully. 8 is fucking weird as shit but on it's way to being the best Part.

Both had retarded motives

Nobody wins

Kira just wanted a quite life

nigga looks like naruto

Curses if it wasn't for you meddling kids!



Kira had to flip Koichi's sock the right way becuase it was bothering him.

He at least attempted genocide, and he tricked other people into murdering for him.

What's it take to become a serial killer anyways?


Part 8 Kira was a sassy bitch but overall a good guy. Also kind of lazy, rather than deal with Sasame directly and make him stop torturing girls he decided to just bully him until he killed himself because it was easier.

How so?

>Is regarded as dabadguy by main cast (normies)
>REEEEEEEs, with the power of a sperg, with his karate chaps when not getting his way (muh identity)
>Stando is always rustled
>Autisticly obsessed with staying anonymous
>Has a split personality in his day to day life in order to blend in
>Stumbles/finds shit way to deep for him

Is he dare i say it /ourguy/

>8 is fucking weird as shit but on it's way to being the best Part.

8 stopped of being weird as soon Kujo got indtroduced now is just uncovering why the fuck Jobin is being a dick

I'd say murder of at least three people to become a serial killer.

Has to be over a period of time, a bunch of people at once just makes you a mass murderer.

But Jesus fruits user.

you do realize Kira's entire identity was tied up into just wanting a quiet life in Morioh. Losing that in any capacity was defeat in his mind. It's almost like he was a sociopath or something.

Kira was only loved by edgyfags because "MUH sociopath serial killer" but he's always been shit.

Holy fuck what a neck bearded post. I could just imagine some fag inhaling the shit clouds in his room and then profusely going
>le *HUUUGGGHHHHHHPHHHTPT* what an *coughs up Cheeto crumbs* unfunny post

>just uncovering why the fuck Jobin is being a dick

We kinda already know why though. Dude's just thirsty for power because that's what makes him happy, and his happiness is more important than the life of some random sailor dude with amnesia that walked into his life.

It is the best part though

It'll be funny when Steel Ball Run gets animated, normies love it and then Sup Forums and Sup Forums suddenly decide it was shit all along

Like. fucking. clockwork.

There is literally nothing wrong with "edgy" characters though if they're entertaining to watch.

should i read the manga

He's killing his own son, this has nothing to do with gappy.

Well being an animeonly makes you a faggot.
Do you wanna be a faggot user?

Ringo was one of the best, if not the best, minor villain in the series so far.

Every fucking time

I didn't say he was bad because he was edgy, I said he was bad because he's a terrible character with no motivation whatsoever, every other villain atleast was power thirsty but this faggot is just textbook autist.

no pls

>He at least attempted genocide
Not necessarily a genocide, just transforming everyone into shadows.

>He tricked other people into murdering for him
Besides King Moron (which he wasn't directly involved in if I'm remembering correctly), no one died because of him.

>What's it take to become a serial killer anyways?
A serial killer needs to murder at least 3 people.

Yeah, I suppose he doesn't fit that then. He definitely tried to though.

>with no motivation whatsoever
Kira's motivations are spelled for you retard

His motivation was wanting to live a low profile life while being able to indulge his fetish. He was a psychopath with an interesting and different goal. That's better than generic, "I want to take over the world," behavior.

Funny Valentine is still better.

is this thread a jojo reference?

He was pretty good but I liked midget Japanese Hulk Hogan more. Rings was cool in how he set up Johnny's insecurity and how anyone with confidence could throw him off even if their goal or philosophy was fucking stupid, which comes into play against Valentine later considering Valentine pulls the same shit as Ringo but is an actual good orator and not a mumbling autist like Ringo.

I still like part 4, but it has major issues. One of them being the whole "looking for the killer" part, because they literally bring in a guy who can find anyone at any place with his powers, but he just doesnt use them

Which makes him so entertaining to watch. It really is a breath of fresh air considering the villains prior to Kira. I would rather have a small town autist that wants to live a low key life instead of another megalomaniac. I hope you see where I'm coming from this.

A mid 30s salaryman has the potential to be an interesting character but he was a middle schooler masquerading as an adult and was one-upped by the most Mary Sue 5th grader to ever exist

Kira obviously, though as a consultation prize, Yu was easily more autistic than Josuke.

>just transforming everyone into shadows.
Which would just so happen to end all life on earth.

You're right about the rest though. I suppose he's just guilty of conspiring to commit murder for the others then?

Damo gives him a run for his money for sure. Fucker just walks into a house full of Stand users, tells the dad that he's fucking his daughter, and then proceeds to fuck up nearly everyone there.

>That's better than generic, "I want to take over the world," behavior.

I beg to differe, atleas with generic take over there's a clear direction, goals, and things that needs to be done at major scale, Kira just either needed to lay low profile or fuck off.

Funny Valentine is the best villain.

They're both heroes who cleansed their towns of bitches and whores. Not as good as DN Kira but it's something.

This thread reminds me of when I used to really be into summoner type characters

Kira is more autistic.

Adachi is just a petty faggot.

>Sup Forums is one person

Adachi was mad at the world but his murders weren't relevant to his desires. He killed because girls rejected him which is a fairly realistic motive. Yamano was an accident (not like he knew what would happen if someone fell into a TV) but Saki was intentional and fully planned out. His desires to end the world were likely heavily influenced by Ameno Sagiri and Izanami, but him thinking the world is shit is very likely his own personality due to him thinking he's better than everyone else despite fucking up at his job all the time.

Kira wants to blend into society while being able to live out his murderous tendencies and his fetish. He's the textbook definition of a psychopath, and he can't help wanting to kill even while playing on the down-low, which was what ultimately lead to his downfall. Kira also seems to think he is ultimately unstoppable, which is why he kept going even when it was stupid for him to.

I hate the fags that say adachi didn't kill
He pushed ppl into the TV
That's like pushing someone off a cliff

They're completely different, Naruto's fursona was a fox, not a cat.

The production values for the anime fell off a cliff in the second half. The Blu-Rays will fix this. But it took me out of the episode when I saw character's faces that were just three squiggles.

Why do people love Ringo so much?

Was it because he was almost raped as a child?

post rare jojos

Summoner characters with martial skills of their own or high strategic skill are GOAT.

>when Steel Ball Run gets animated
Has part 5 even been announced yet?

Kill yourself failure

>Alternate personality is a homobait fuccboi
>His "death" is a never ending ride he can't get off

Cool facial hair, cool time power, confident demeanor and autistic about guns. He also serves as a crucial turning point in SBR as far as pacing and character development goes.

The fact that he has a backstory for being weird and fucked up is just a bonus, I fell in love with him as a character before I even read that chapter

>His "death" is a never ending ride he can't get off
Just like Sup Forums

Dio is a cooler villain than kira, and valentine is the most interesting

Jobin and his mom were replaced by rock people.

Moot got off so that statement is false

Ringo introduces an important moral dilemma and sets up character development for both Johnny and Gyro. He also had cool powers and an interesting fight. Time powers are usually reserved for the main villain and when he first appeared I honestly thought he'd go on to become more important in the long run than he was.

I'm so glad this derailed into a Jojo thread.

Persona 4's writing was offensively bad.

>Implying he doesn't lurk the boards
You're here forever user

>Persona 4's writing was offensively bad.
Woah there until part 7 Jojo's writting wasn't any better

Dio is the most iconic of them because his legacy and influence spans several parts and ultimately leads to a universal reset. Valentine is the most interesting because he didn't just want power for himself, but to put his country on the right track to the big leagues as THE world superpower. He was a patriot and his goals weren't to harm people. He could even be considered a hero if the circumstances were different. Kira is a breath of fresh air because he's widely different from the other villains as a guy who just wants to chill and indulge himself privately. The stakes were much lower with him.