ITT: we show off and rate our vidya tattoos

ITT: we show off and rate our vidya tattoos

>Zelda tattoo
Wow, you must be a real gamer!

please be a girl(boy)

show tits or gtfo

c-can i see your nipple?

>reverse image search
>no results

show us your boyhole, fag

pls no bully

Pretty nice looking tattoo actually,
placement pretty dumb though.

Post embarrassing tattoos

Are hardcore zelda fans not gamers? Most of them do play other games besides zelda.

For my horny fans :-)

>Majora's mask tattoo

Fucking cancer

Where would you have put it?


Looks nice apart from the right eye for some reason
I wouldnt have it on my wrist either but that just personal preference

put your shirt down. you look like a 12 year old dutch girl.

titti bery naice plz show moar


shoulder blade

post ass fag

im fapping

Ahh hahaha in plain sight as well faggot

Painful area

Now work up some saliva and take a picture of it dripping from your tongue you slut.

your aesthetician quoth that for you?

Zelda is the game every retarded normie like OP says they like because pretending to be a nerd is trendy.


I've met plenty of normies that know what zelda is but are not fans. Every Zelda fan I've met is an actual gamer.

The only hardcore Zelda fan I know IRL played varsity football in high school, picks up chicks at bars every weekend, and is studying criminal justice so he can become a cop. Zelda is normieshit.

How to be a complete tool 101

>Lois Griffin porn tattoo
Jesus Christ, man.

Super gay.

god forbid people made something out of their lives

what matters is if he played games on a regular basis and wasnt just trying to fit in


if you actually have a life you should go to reddit or neogaf

>Zelda is alpha-shit

Fix'd that for you famalam

Sorry I am flattered but also a bit scared now sorry :-)

Hold my spitter.


welcome to 5chin

You're a fucking retard, dude.

did you post on /soc/ exclusively before coming here?
you seem like the type

it will be awkward when life happens and they have to take parts away from each other

Can I delete thread I didn't think it would get so many posts

>except the one that really mattered...

I saved the pictures and sent it to my mom she said she'd let you bang her but only if I watched.

>If you have a life fuck off
>Non-normie cucks post embarrassing photos
>"aaaahughighughughugb kill yourself faggot nigger"

You have autism.

I don't think cannibalism is considered "life happens."

show mercy

Sit one of these people down and pit them against Zelda II. They'll crack in less than 15 minutes. Zelda is normie-shit but don't lump everyone in.

Savage user is savage. This post wins an internet.

Sucks to be that cuck who got the courage part of the triforce.



disgusting and shameful

here's your (you) you're so desperate for

You're going to want that removed in about a few years because one of them did something shitty or died

props if you know what it is


some gay vaginal looking thing that will get you burned to a crisp in the upcoming Zionistic rebellion

Tattoos, vidya especially, is pure pants-on-head retardation and requires at least a certain level of autism

I really want the Nintendo Seal of Approval on one of my asscheeks. I wanna go the extra mile and actually get it approved by Nintendo so it's an official SoA, but I know that'd never happen.

you are all fucking pathetic. most cancerous thing I've seen on here in a while. you'll realise this when you get older, before you put a shotgun in your mouth that is.


Grabbing the Switch tonight

>mfw I want pic related as a tattoo but i'm too scared that someone would fuck it up
i don't think i'll ever get a tattoo.

kill yourself

I saw Flying Lotus at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

My friend got this symbol tattooed down the center of his chest.
I actually looked pretty k.

Is this a copypasta?

yes it is you dummy

It's already a vidya tattoo thread, doesn't get more embarassing

If you were forced to get a vidya tattoo, what would it be?

unless you're a biker or tribal sub-human there's no excuse for having a tattoo of any kind

one of these

The tattoo artist was pretty spot on. But he shouldn't get that kind of tattoo unless he has the build for it.

Sorry for the crazy photo effect. Only one I have of it on my phone right now and too lazy to take another right now.

Take a guess at what it is.

>vidya tatoos

Theres nothing that screams manchild harder than that.
Tatoos in general also.
Shit was originally supposed to have a meaning, proving that you are part of a tribe or something like that.
Not to drawn cartoons and games on your body permanently.
Its the same as those babies drawing on each other in kindergarten.

Either Four's, One's, or Five's crest from Drakengard 3.

Obscure enough that most people who played the game probably wouldn't recognize it

>not getting a Dark sign as a tattoo
>not getting a rune from bloodborne as a tattoo
>not getting the MSF tattoo from Peace Walker
>not getting a diamond dogs tattoo
>not getting yoshi pooping out eggs as a tattoo
>not getting a FFVII meteor tattoo
>not getting any FF logo as a tattoo just without the name of the game

That better be on your chest too.

>not growing up

Your anus after Jamal and Tyrone took turns with it?



Nope. Upper left back.
No, close.

Dark sigil.

I have sleeves of tattoos but no video games. Also I like it OP, that's my favorite game.

>studying criminal justice so he can become a cop

An associate's?


Dude, I love Zelda games pre SS, I play a shitload of games other than Zelda.

Zelda is normieshit but it's fun. The autismos like op (assuming that's actually him) is what makes it so damn annoying to see.

Unoriginal, but fuck it.
Would get it on my forearm.

That's pretty cool I'd get that. I thought about getting this one

I've even seen these in rural Australian town

I like these

get it on your cock


Anyone else repping Rapture?
I have it on my left wrist. the other wrist has the power symbol.

People who don't understand the reference will think you're a faggot. And people who do will also think you're a faggot.

That's actually pretty good

>People who don't understand the reference will think you're a faggot.
The people who don't get the reference will think a nigga went to prison

My shitty idea for a tattoo comes from Fable where I'll get a tattoo of a left arm covered or traced with my veins leading up to my heart or something. But the ink will be that UV ink so it'll be a beautiful blue glow.

Completely useless in any normal conditions though.

UV shit would work rather exceptionally with this one too.

I debated getting this for a long fucking time.