You're NEVER plugging this into your TV, right user? You ARE going to be treating it like the handheld it is...

You're NEVER plugging this into your TV, right user? You ARE going to be treating it like the handheld it is, right user?

Other urls found in this thread:

Yes, it's the most powerful handheld on the market. Faggots who complain about battery life do so despite the fact that it has the best battery life out of all modern portables.

I haven't cared about handhelds since I was in my mid teens

That was a very long time ago

Of course you faggot. gonna be plugged into the wall most of the time but gonna love it.

Are you even getting a Switch

No, it's never leaving its dock because I never take handhelds out of the house.

Why is there no pics comparing the switch screen to Vita.

It's 720P IPS so it should look good but reports of it being cheap plastic have me worried

why didnt nintendo market this as a hamdheld first that can ALSO be played on your tv

I'll probably leave it in the dock unless I take it on a plane or to my gf's house. Maybe play it in bed.

I'm more excited for the handheld aspect desu
Maybe if I'm playing something like splatoon or mario kart I'll dock it, but I'll mostly be using it as a handheld

Nope, it's a handheld that I can dock, of course I'm going to play it on the big screen, portable mode is for when I want to lie in bed or go outside


I never take handhelds out with me because they are so delicate.

Hearing that performance is better in that mode, yeah I'll more often than not play it like that.

My 180" projection screen and high end home theater would like a word with you.

Nah. I'm afraid it'll explode on me the moment I hook it up to my 4k tv.

I don't have a TV in my room so I'll use the Switch as a handheld most of the time


Only that kine is just a90" and a low tier 5.1 home theatre.

I'm forced to leave this shit plugged in because the battery life is terrible and you can't replace the battery without ripping the console open and voiding your warranty.

So good luck years down the road when your rechargeable battery goes to shit.

>you never played portable games on your big screen

Nigga please.

The Vita was cheap plastic too.

I don't have any plans to buy one.

That said if I do then yeah it's a handheld to me. The Wii U spent 99% of its time on off-tv mode, only times I played on screen were W101, Bayo2, Splatoon and when I played Wii games

I'm going to throw the dock in the trash and use the Switch in handheld mode all the time.

My phone is more powerful

Probably, I'll use the tv mode for local multiplayer or if I'm showing it off, otherwise it's my new DS


>Vita was cheap plastic

Didn't the Switch have problems with locking the joycons after falling? Kek.

[citation needed]

No. Only Giantbomb claimed that, and then came later to the conclusion that it was there specific unit that was broken after talking to other people that also had the system.

You've never played games on a Vita before?

At this point in time, the only people getting the switch are faggots that are hyped for something new and idiots that want to play zelda even thought they probs already have a wii u.

Have fun having a paperweight after a week

Your phone isn't designed to play video games. It's designed for browsing social media and making phone calls.

First gen vits was pretty nice. Great screen with great materials that felt great to hold. Threw so many hours into freedom unite on it. Too bad theres no games.

Videogames aren't meant to be played on the go. Only quick arcady pick up and play games that can be finished in a couple minutes.



No, you have it all wrong user. The only people getting a Switch are people who have a job and can afford to buy something that isn't pot noodles. Fuck outta here with your jealous as fuck act.

I'll just for it to get hacked so I can install a bunch of emulators and play them on TV and on the go whenever I want

lol insecure much? I got a gaming PC and a PS4 pro. Enjoy your shit handheld hybrid with no games. Literally no fucking reason to buy one now. In the future? probably

>implying people are actually going to play Zelda on the go

You're literally retarded if you think this.

Mostly, yeah.
Time to time on my computer monitor if I feel like it.
I would have treated it like a console ~10 years ago.

I own a OLED Vita and the screen definitely doesn't feel like plastic.

will see if the time comes

>PS4 Pro

Everything you say now means nothing, how does it feel?

what other fucking games are there? Shovel Knight? Just Dance?


I hacked mines with Henkaku and I got so many games now that the only thing stopping me from playing them is the expensive memory cards.

mad cause you like your shit sub 900p and 30 fps?

I work so I can get the best quality i want.

You can't use the "If you don't buy it you're just a jealous poorfag" argument and then dismiss the PS4 Pro.

"on the go" dosent really mean playing while your walking around or on public transport you know, its more like when your friend asks if you want to come over for a few beers, and you pick up your switch and bring it with you so you can both play bomber man or something.
or when you have a 2hr free period at university or your lunch break at work.

those people you see in supermarkets playing mario and bumping into old ladys and displays are just autistic and thats not what portability is designed for.

thank you for this post. i dunno why i even come here. too many autistic faggots.

My TV is more than 5 feet away from my couch so it might not be a bad idea.

But I'm not OP :thinking:

Both consoles are a waste of money.

>mfw there are people out there who have a PS4 but STILL bought a PS4 Pro

I don't own a television, so yes.

if your friend asks you to come over and have beers. he better have a damn tv. but the break part makes sense but doesn't apply to 90% of Sup Forums cause most of them are autistic fucks

there are also people who are buying ps4 pros and dont even own a 4k tv

>2 hour handheld


I enjoy games that are fun and engaging, like Mario and Splatoon. Good luck finding games with the same prestige as those games on a PS4 or PC.


PS4 Pro is shit for a 4K TV. No 4k blu-ray player. No native 4k games, just fucking upscaled. It's perfect for 1080p. If you want 4k gaming go with PC

I sold my PS4 and got the PS4 Pro for only $100 more than I paid. I'm still not buying a Switch until there are actual games on the shelf.

I can guarantee it has better build quality than a fucking vita

IGN laid into the switch pretty hard but one of their positives was about the plastic feeling good quality.

Your buying a pile of shit console with no games at launch cept a port of a wii u game.

Mario ain't even got a release date. Neither does splatoon. Keep justifying your horrible purchase

Color me surprised that Sonyggers would buy a spray-painted turd with "Sony" plastered all over it, not taking into account who the consoles target audience is.

I'm probably never going to use handheld mode besides playing in bed or on the shitter.

I don't care that it makes for a weak as all hell console, I just like nintendo games. I play my multiplats and technically impressive games on my pc which I have to upgrade again fuck

my friend is also buying a switch so we are gonna have kick ass local gaming seshes, both our consoles are arriving launch day so we are going down the pub with them to play RMX and embarrass ourselves.
not sure if we are the autistic ones or not

What is the likelihood of this getting hacked just like the 3DS?

Except they literally do, Summer for Splatoon, Holiday Season for Mario. It's as if you're TRYING to be a retard.

Likely but similar to the 3DS it will be at the end of its life span.

cool your going to the pub to look like manchildren playing games at a place where that shit dont belong. also overpriced drinks. just grab a case of beer and a 26 and keep that shit at home

Bitch you anit the boss of me.

WOW So your gonna buy a shit console with a wii u port and wait til summer so you can buy pedoshooter 2 and til winter for mario.

Have fun

>worse graphics
>tiny screen

what retard prefers this

At least yours isn't sitting on "Awaiting Dispatch" the day before release, user. Find solace in the fact that yours is actually ready for shipment.

4k gaming im general is a meme, untill the hardware is made affordable and can also run at 60fps, then there is no point.
1080 with some AA is more than good enough. 720 isnt even bad either.
these are the benchmarks the pro and Scorpio should be aiming for but no its all about MUH 4K at 24fps

Said no one whos ever ridden a bus.

>Have fun

I will, meanwhile you'll be on Sup Forums shitposting about the Switch.


people play shit games like pool and darts, but gravity racing is somehow unacceptable!
literally only gonna do it this once though because we think it would be funny

Its really a question of when and not if.

Hell fucking yeah I am, but it's not like those are the only games for the system. I doubt you saw those though, seeing as you're blinded by both your superiority complex and your hate boner for Nintendo.

Play a good game on it for 3 hours and see how long it lasts. Oh wait theres not a single game worth playing

I am.

That's why I'll wait until nintendo releases the drastically improved version later on, and not pay more to have the worst version of this thing.

I only come here when i have nothing to do and when i need a break from tv and games and my girls at class right now.

Anyways got Nier Automata next week. Then Persona 5 the next month. And my huge library of 500+ games on steam.

Nice having a job but not enough time to play them all. Also, I can't fucking game a whole day straight. I could when I was 10, but fuck I need a break every couple hours

Your smartphone does not have a 4300 mAH battery, nor is it optimized for gaming. Hell, it's likely not even more powerful than the Switch in general. The reason phones cost so much is because of thin bodies, software development, branding, cameras, etc. These are irrelevant to a gaming console, which allows the Switch to be cheaper, and likely more powerful than your smartphone.

>You're NEVER plugging this into your TV, right user?

Can't plug it into my TV if I NEVER own one.

>playing 900p on a 180"

oh yeah thats gonna look great

i respect this lol

Nintendo was god-tier back in the NES/SNES days. High-tier N64 and GC. Then with the Wii everything went to shit

>I've never ridden an airplane: the post.

KEK you fucking wish, thanks for spilling your dream life for all of us to laugh at, user.

not him, but dude you are obviously a child and thus your opinion is invalid

>I ride an airplane constantly not once every couple years

>Having a tv

Yes most likely.

eh laugh all you want. i know what i got and i aint an insecure autist. enjoy your shit nintendo console that'll be dropped quicker then the wii u.

Quality went down for sure, but I wouldn't say everything went to shit. Wii was great, and a lot of people enjoyed it. I would put the Wii U into the "This is where everything went to shit" category.

>mfw before turning my Wii into an emulator box this was how my buds and I played all the game boy RPGs together

I also remember never having to deal with MUH BATTERIES because I played through all of Pokemon on the Super Game Boy

>people take a bus for 5 minute trips

thats at best 20 or so minutes of just walking.

If I ever get this piece of shit due to a GOAT revision or a Smash 5 that doesn't cut the third party roster from 4, fuck no probably.

I used to enjoy off TV play a ton on my WiiU, then all of a sudden recently every single game I play on it, even very simplistic ones visually speaking, feels way too fucking small and I have no fun trying to focus on whats going on.

>Nintendo was god-tier back when their kiddie games catered to me
Maybe the problem is you grew up.

Lmao the average college student has that.

For games like Zelda, Splatoon, and Odyssey, I'm using it as a home console. Maybe when Fire Emblem, Animal Crossing, and Pokemon come out, I'll use it as a handheld.

>splatoon on the go
It's all I ever wanted and then slightly more.

a stupid amount of money gets fisted into smartphone cameras, most pictures taken on an iphone can look just as good as a DSLR under the right conditions, and that kind of tech aint cheap.
remember when the vita came out and it had that camera you never used? why did they even bother? just scrap it and put the money elsewhere.
also phones run on IOS and Android which are so shit for games its unreal, the switch will be running a custom operating aystem designed to do nothing but play games.

naw. im not a fan of first party nintendo cept metroid. Mario is fun but not one of my favs.

3rd party support is what made the SNES/NES so fucking godlike