Let's Player of the new generation

Let's Player of the new generation.

mfw Darksouls stream

I'm going to mash AI-chan's sub button!

I don't think she's actually an AI.


But she isn't a let's player.

Her boobs are too big.

I hope she continues being popular because I'm enjoying the porn. her videos are ok also


My fucking heart man.

She played super hot my dude

She's only good for reaction images.


Remember that Kizuna Ai is not a cheap whore

Literally who?

Dis nigga got cuckold

>tfw we all get to be in an incestuous relationship with this qt AI
Truly, this is the future.

>I have no parents disappointed
So if she had parents they would be disappointment?



as a girl i get shit like this every month, i have to act nice like this too so i dont come across as a bitch

please stop doing this.

That still doesn't make her a let's player. Most of her channel is not about video games.

She says it right there, he's a foreigner.

Her parents wouldn't be happy she was mixing with filthy gaijin blood.

post dick


Wearing a skirt doesn't make you a girl.

>as a girl
Nice try.

Fuck off roastie

having a vagina does though

Your boypussy isn't an actual pussy.


what would drive someone to lie on the internet like this?

She isn't an A.I. She is 愛

Ai plays the last game you played if it's a japanese game than it's the english version what happens?

Papa Bless

she gets her shit pushed in because Garrett is a thief, not a warrior and Ai doesn't have the attention span to sneak around

>also, i noticed there is a cubic zirconia jewel in the ring

If she wants to capitalize on this new fandom, she really need to play more games. They're sitting on a goldmine.

So is this a Miku version of Lets Plays? Is there an actress involved?

What did she mean by that?


She's a fucking idiot


Cheap shit.

Here's your (You) fellow user, may you have plenty more in the future.

fake diamond, what she means to say is she doesn't want some penniless loser for a husband


except this is about pure AI wives so they're not dirty whores like you

At leas this confirms that whoever is behind is really a girl.

Not video games. Kizuna belongs to /jp/ and you know it.

The double standards you faggots heave regarding this chick really shouldn't surprise me, but it does. Pathetic, you're falling for her trap. She lures gaijin losers who cum to any Japanese female cutesy voice, slap a shitty MMD anime waifu on it and bam you have thousands of neckbeards on Sup Forums circlejerking over you every single day.
She's the exact same as any other shitty Let's play channel but with even more fake-ness.

Found the roastie.

found the twitch whore

>Also, I noticed there is a cubic zirconia jewel in the ring

so what exactly is this?


post more

What? Are you just memeing or did she actual do that?

She IS super hot, my dude

pls marry me

She got any porn yet?

There are hundred of "moe voice" video game streamers on Nicodouga. You can get a conversation going pretty easily on the less crowded streams.
Why does Sup Forums circlejerk about this girl? The VR gimmick? The MMD thing? Pretty casual to be honest.

This is great.

>You can get a conversation going pretty easily on the less crowded streams.
Name some

never in my life have i seen something so cute and never i my life have i been so happy

Her english is some of most adorable parts of the videos.

you really think anyone gives a fuck when we're in this thread

stop corrupting it


Holy fuck Ai-cha--
>I notied there is a cubic zirconia jewel in the ring

I'm in tears. If that is real then I love her even more now.

there's something really appealing to this thing, i wonder if they are mocaping an actual woman or its just a fatass dude

shit it doesnt sound like im backing you up does it

>there are people who think she's an actual AI and a virtual youtuber

thanks for shitting up the thread, dickhead

It's funny how you pretend to know so much yet know so little
You don't even consider the rhetoric surrounding the subject

>you are a foreigner. I am virtual, so after all I have no parents disappointed
>Also, I noticed there is a cubic zirconia jewel in the ring

She is, and she's also my wife.

Step away from this thread normalfag.

>Implying she isn't

>virtual youtuber

what is that


to be honest it's quite impressive and funny to see a chinese cartoon with all these reactions in her face mocking youtubers, I'm not sure if we should be ashamed of ourselves or ashamed of youtubers


exactly what it sounds like
a youtube personality/content creator who's virtual

It's this same exact shill thread from yesterday.
Mods, you know what to do.

Why does this cut on fps so much?

trap confirmed


I just blew my load


What? I hope you are busy reporting a lot of things, or else the mods won't notice.

>getting fucked by AI untill you loose your mind becoming a slut for virtural dick


It probably is a woman, no one would go through so much effort to get a guy with such a feminine voice when they can just pick up some cute girl off the street

Oh my God, did this guy really just draw her? Does this Patreon shill not have any shame?


Who is sending her a 3D model of that bird cat thing she drew recently?

pretty sure she's being sarcastic

since it is a mocap design it probably has fps problems

aww shit
