Be me

>be me
>citizen of a wealthy european country
>euro worth more than murican dollaroos
>decide to buy a switch
>look up prices online
>prices are actually more expensive than in murica




>400 euros for a zelda machine

VAT and the fact that Nintendo doesn't get to set the price, it sucks senpai, but that's what we get for being in Europe

at least it costs 65 euros where you live. in my country it's 70 for both versions. fucking 70 for a wii u title! they never went over 50 before

switch is 300€ in France

your countries import and goods taxes probably

High taxes to pay for Muslims welfare

He said wealthy european country

more wealthy than your fucking burger country filled with disgusting chloroform meat.

Like always? How's that a surprise?

Stay mad eurocuck I hope you enjoy all those muslims raping your women.

democratic socialism. someone has to pay for the turk and arab healthcare.

I'm not a woman so I don't care

when Le pen gets elected and france leaves the EU prices will skyrocket to pay for those Muslim welfare checks.

>euro worth more than murican dollaroos
>prices are actually more expensive than in murica
welcome to basic economics i guess user

at least your not cuckadian....

BotW and a Switch is gonna cost nearly $500... thank god I know someone who works an a retailer and can get a discount.

$550 after tax

It's literally because of the taxes you're paying to feed, clothe, and provide defense attorneys for rapefugees.


It's €380 in Finland

It's cheaper for us because japan remembers the last time they tried to mess with America.

>Be European
>Think things being cheaper in the USA is something rare and not the absolute norm
>Realize you are wrong
>Realize American salaries are higher
>Realize American taxes are more lenient
>Realize why they called you Europoor after all these years

Getting a big discount would be hard. I've heard that Nintendo are big jews to their resellers.

>go back to states over holidays
>ps4 bundled with game is 250 burgers
>come back here and they're 290 europas for the system itself
I'll just get a pro, I guess.
I gotta tell you guys something though. Get a US bank account if you buy PC games. I'm in Greece and steam always converts to the dollar prices upon seeing my card info at checkout because online transactions occur where you bank is located.

What happened to the canadian dollar that caused it to drop so much? I always assumed it was worth around the same as american money.

>Be American
>Be centered around many corporations
Feels good not to be a Yuropoor.

Because no one gives a fuck about the european market.
Nintendo only care about Japan and the US
Microsoft is all about the US (and maybe the UK)
Sony is all about the US (and in some rare cases Europe)

calm down, cheese face

Enjoy your nohealthcare, champ


This piece of Shit happend

Wasn't it something about their oil?

Don't even try that shit because you're probably going to be struggling in middle class for your life

>don't try to be a wealthy european
Thank christ i don't have to

>realize yuro starting salary is 30k with college education
>realize murican starting salary is 50k with college education

Guess truth hurts for yuropoors

Fuck off he is our greatest prime minister for ages

It doesn't even matter. Even when the CAD was comparable to the USD (and the brief period where it was worth more), game prices were still shitty. Our games get more expensive during drops, don't get any better on the rise, but then drops even more when that rise falls.

your communist government decided it knows what to do with your money better than you.

god bless murica

I hate weedman too but the dollar was dropping before he came into power.

Are the schools in Europe teaching Russian to all students yet? You know, to get them ready?

>blaming Trudeau
>not Harper

What does the shield tablet cost in Europe?
Just as a direct cost:value comparison

Harper put all our economic eggs in the oil-money basket
That didn't pan out
Then Virtue-Signaling-Man was elected into a majority governement (with ~40% of the popular vote) and preceded to fuck up everything he could
IF I remember correctly (and that's not a type, it's a bit IF), he gave third world countries over 1 billion dollars for green energy. He couldn't be arsed to save Fort McMurray though and spent maybe 100 million on that. That 100 million was spent on african firefighters. African firefighters who didn't know how a hose worked. African firefighters despite 1rst world firefighter-who-can-fight-fires volunteering to help

This is the reason Europe is PlayStation Land.
Nintendo are despicable turbo jews.

your commie government decided to tax you to build you a cuckshed once the muslims move in.

Yuropoors need to pay hundreds of dollars extra so that Jamal and Ahmed can keep raping their wives and daughter

When poland becomes occupied by russia again it will be a nice laugh. i'm sure the pole cucks will say they're "essentially russian so it's fine"

Hey you can't talk about my wife and daughter's boyfriends respectively like that!

Lol holy shit you Amerifats are priceless

Sorry bro, Harper is the reason the dollar has been declining, not weedman

Even if it was worth more game publishers wouldn't even cut the price.

You know what else is priceless? All the tears of your countrymen that are watching their homes get destroyed because you guys had to save the mudslimes. Go fuck yourself with the Eiffel Tower.

No, happened before he became PM.

>currency worth more than murican dollaroos
>prices are actually more expensive than in murica
Same thing in Canada.

>A substitute drama teacher elected because his dad was PM and the promise of DUDE WEED LMAO
>weed is still illegal and everyone considers him a joke

Watching douchebaguettes argue with perpetually offended people is quite amusing.

you gotta pay for that cultural enrichment, hans

>currency worth more than murican dollaroos
what kind of leaves are you smoking

Not even Murrican but DAMN that are some rustled jimmies

Not only that, if you put the US price into a currency converter like it's pretty much exactly the same give or take a buck.

Maybe we're being rused.

Maybe he's referring to that brief period in like 2010 or something? CAD was worth more for a short bit and on parity for a little while more, everything was still more expensive of course.

>Good currency

Choose one m8

TAXES, manchild. Go watch some economy and classical politics video, peter-pan.

laughing at the problem won't make it go away Pierre

europe has luxury tax in some places. entertainment is considered luxus.

Fidel Castro was never the PM of Canada, friend.

It doesn't have anything to do with currency. Companies know that they can overcharge Canadians b/c we just fucking take it in the ass. Even when the CDN had more value than USD, fucking blizzard still charged 10 dollars more for WoD. You know why b/c Canadians take dick in the fucking ass.
Also sales tax at 15% has nothing to do with the feds, all the liberal provinces fucking tax the shit out of sales.

who the fuck actually talks like this or thinks they or their nation is "pure"?

Sup Forums caricatures are based on Sup Forums's view of reality.

so if you take the red pill that's just how you view the world now? groups of gross mongoloids trying desperately to tout how pure they are?

French Canadians are the best argument I've ever seen for global nuclear annihilation.

You're paying more taxes for your government approved cuck shed and mohammed ahmed's welfare and your wife's son

from my time visiting quebec they seem to really want to be french. I even remember them having deals to fly over to paris since they want to go so often. That's why it's way cheaper to drive to canada to fly over to europe

I dated a French girl. It's funny because she thought she'd be the thinnest person here and she would be considered above average weight in my city. Maybe if she moved out to some shit hole in the South, but then again the town she was from looked like some Amish place stuck in time. French people are the worst. They also must insert wine and cheese into every conversation

your taxes are high you dumb fuck

enjoy your socialism

Commie tax.

Also, this is the type of shit you have to deal with when you give up your sovereignty and voluntarily become a slave nation to the Fourth Reich to pretend to compete with the real superpower.

your government healthcare needs the extra to deal with all the abortions and STD outbreaks caused by the refugee rape gangs.

My friend had issues in smaller places there, they'd flip shit over France French being used. Though that could likely just be because they knew my friend's first language was English.

Lol yes the euro is better that's why it costs 15 usd to get a cheeseburger when I could get one for 8 in America

LOL go grow some cheese in a cave, fagguette

>government approved cuck shed
where do you kids even learn this kind of language. reddit?

I have healthcare. People without healthcare deserve to not have it. You have to be a complete piece of shit to not have a real job over here.

It's how they see each other because every individual there thinks they're the only pure one. :(

Someone is gotta pay for Ackmed's welfare and Mary Sue's rape-baby abortion.

PPP nigga. The Euro probably has to be worth like 5 times as much as the US dollar before it would actually be worth as much.

This is the price of "muh free healthcare and schools" and shit. Now you understand it isn't free at all.

>Realize American salaries are higher
What? According to the CIA World Fact Book, our GDP is about $69,300 USD, while the US's is around $57,300.

>Realize American taxes are more lenient
Perhaps, but if I'm ever in a situation that I lose my job, I'll at least know my taxes paid for the social safety net that helps me not be totally screwed and will help me get back on my feet.

Either way, I have enough money for a decent sized house and all the vidya I ever want, so I'm content enough with what I have.

I'm not trying to be elitist or condescending, but quite frankly, the stories I hear from friends in the states make me horrified. I really can't say much about the matters of a country I have very little experience with, outside of vacations and what I'm told from friends, but I do hope the US is able to get its shit together for the good of its people.

They always fuck with Europe. Also fat burgers are like LOL THATS WHY YOU ARE EUROPOORS. Alright so where is the logic here? If America is SO RICH why do they have to pay so little? Does it make any sense to charge a hobo more than the rich guy? You don't go to Africa and ask for the most money while rich America has to pay way less.

Having that said I feel like gaming companies can fuck off. They tread Europe like shit. Ignore Europe and Europe always has to pay more. Given the fact that I am German I even get censored and cut games which is making matters only worse. That's why I pirate games. Industry tries to fuck with me? Well fuck them.

Again, PPP. If were both making 50k a year but your tax brackets are more insane and it cost $20 to get a Big Mac over there, you are not making the same as me.z

As far as horrific stories it is give and take. The EU has some pretty bad free speech laws and you absolutely give up too much of your sovereignty for positive narratives. All in all I think it is better to be poor in Europe, but better to be middle class and rich in the US.

you're arguing with people who have been brainwashed since birth that any form of government providing for its people is inherently wrong.

>euro worth more than American dollaroos

Not for long lol

Oh no, I have to pay slightly more for luxury goods to get the health services I need to keep me alive and to get the education I need to succeed in a competitive first-world economy! What a tragedy.

>The EU has some pretty bad free speech laws and you absolutely give up too much of your sovereignty for positive narratives.
Funny thing is, our country isn't part of the EU, though our political parties love the idea of joining it. Unfortunately for them, the idea is unpopular with our people, so it's likely not going to happen.

As for free speech, as far as I can tell, it's pretty okay. We do have an ancient law against blasphemy, which I find retarded even as someone who is moderately religious, but nobody has been charged for in in something like 70 years or so.

>All in all I think it is better to be poor in Europe, but better to be middle class and rich in the US.
That's more than likely accurate, I must admit, but from the stance of raising a family, I don't feel the US is where I would want to do it. I feel like the opportunities for success here are better here, even at the cost of higher taxes and goods.


Norway actually.


>its 60$ in america "okay thats fine"
>it's 60 euros "WHAT???"
I don't understand why this confuses you. If your money is worth more you should have no problem spending 60 like we do :)

Its $780 in my third world shithole :]

>citizen of a wealthy european country

euros are a jew currency

That place is pretty fucking bad as far as free speech goes.

That price difference is what the typical American gets for healthcare for the next 10 years.