New System Shock trailer

New System Shock trailer.

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I'm dumb

>sparq beam
>physical recoil
but that's wrong

original ss1 had weapon recoil and the energy weapons were notably exempt from it

also the melee hit detection looks unreliable as fuck, why haven't first-person games been able to get it right ever since the transition to full 3d?

Looks nice but they just want it to be system shock 2
interesting that they ditched unity, I thought the demo was just fine technically

I want to fuck SHODAN.

>oh great it's another modern sequel leeching off past glories while simultaneously discarding everything that was good about the original

It's not a sequel. It's a remake.

>another modern sequel
It's a remake of the original
>leeching off past glories while simultaneously discarding everything that was good about the original
this is true

You've got to be kidding me.

this is the ss1 remake, not ss3

so it's even more offensive, because they're erasing history

that shodan voiceover in the trailer is proof enough they don't know enough about ss1 to do it justice

>one of the recommended videos after watching this was the trailer for the new """""Ghost in the Shell""""" movie
like pottery

yes i will buy the game

fuck, that melee look so bad
dont fuck this up please..

The physical recoil can be explained by rapidly expanding air around the beam, akin to a lightning bolt, and since it makes a crack like sound it it is indeed appropriate that the muzzle should rock as well.

>interesting that they ditched unity, I thought the demo was just fine technically

it was not, it ran like shit, UE4 is a better choice for scalability

except it is the same voice actress, and what if the voiceover is just in the trailer?

> it ran like shit
that is less a problem of unity and more the fact that it was a pre-alpha proof of concept.

>That floaty melee.

Jesus Christ. Why do so many devs have issues with this? Go pick up a pipe and swat a big slab of meat so you know what it's time.

I hope they get some good voices for the audio logs.

>inb4 dubstep sounds for psionics

Still though, if they don't fuck up the RPG aspect - keeping it as close to home as possible - then it'll be alright.

Love the new glitchy shodan effects, could use less high pitched as that reduces her scary factor. Aesthetics are good too.

Holy fuck it looks terrible

>console release
They're gonna casualize it so hard

Looks bad

if you have performance problems that early in the development then it's time to change the engine senpai.

>what it's like.

Dunno why I wrote 'time'.

the mutans look better

Do the devs have no shame? The game looks like complete shovelware that spits on the legacy of SS1

ssfags are literally the worst

nah dude

>Sup Forums's already completely shitting on it
Why am I not surprised?

>Looks nothing like System Shock
>No upbeat techno music
>SPOOKY DARK HALLWAYS LIKE SS2 despite the fact nearly all of SS1 is in full light
>Added new dialogue
I am literally a SS1 veteran. I was making guides and getting people to play portable before anyone knew what the game was. I own it on floppy disk.

this is shite. It's fucking SS2


Because making a game worse and 3D is absolutely retarded and deserves nothing but negative reaction.

It's being made by Nightdive Studios. They did the remasters of System Shock 1 and 2 that you can buy on Steam.

Does anyone else feel like it loses something in the transition to better graphics? I can't really put my finger on what but SS1 was a pretty unique beast and this looks like Bioshock had a baby with Doom.

I'm talking compared to the unity demo dummy

looks pretty good to me. I've only played the second one. the 1st has graphics are too old for me to sit through so I'm gonna buy this. Might do the kickstarter for the metal box one.

punishing the player for missing melee like losing balance slightly or tilting to the right and changing the sounds/physics slightly would help it probably.

A remake of a remaster how wonderful.
What brilliant innovative idea will they come up next?

>pick up weapon
>have to go trough 30 seconds of the character looking at the weapon
stop it
stop it right now
fuck off

>They did the remasters of System Shock 1 and 2
They did a little bit of work with collaboration from modders with SS1 EE but that's it, night dive pretty much just buy up old games and re-release them
why post ss2 then?

seems like they removed it, look at the trailer, when he pics up the laser it get equipped directly

They didn't do shit for those "remasters". They grabbed a bunch of community projects, packed them together, and put a pricetag on it. It's really obvious that nobody or at least nobody on the writing team for this remake actually played SS1.

>looks pretty good to me. I've only played the second one. the 1st has graphics are too old for me to sit through so I'm gonna buy this.

god I fucking despise neo/v/

go to the /vr/etirement home grandpa

This is System Shock 1 music.

Listen to that.
Imagine running around a [brightly lit] flashing, neon, labyrinth of death. System Shock is an upbeat, heart-racing game, CYBERPUNK game. It's NOT generic horror trudge through gray hallways #155643

bruh nightdive didnt do shit to system shock 2, they only secured the rights. they were lucky some guy came out of nowhere in ttlg forums and dropped a compatibility patch for dark engine games on modern systems

holy shit this is annoying as hell

It's that autist MaxofS2D showing off his epin animation skills. Just look at that sparqbeam firing animation, clearly made by him

Shodan speaks way too slow, and the combat looks a bit clunky, understandable since it's Pre-Alpha.

They'll probably fix the combat and gunplay, but I doubt they'll change the speed of her voice, she doesn't sound intimidating, she sounds literally retarded.

It does look like shit, he isn't wrong. My eyes actually hurt after playing SS1 so I had to stop.

I definitely wouldn't say cyber punk but you're right it is more upbeat and heart racing, though it also has a huge horror bend too.

I'll be honest, I've played both 1 and 2 multiple times, and I essentially have to agree with user. 2 was a perfect blend of open-level exploration, some minor forced backtracking, clear graphics and good sound/graphics. 1 essentially plays the same, but the control-level for each deck was annoying, the graphics just feel off in comparison now, the enemies weren't all that interesting or difficult and the whole experience just feels...old.

You can and absolutely should appreciate things like System Shock 1 for what they did and how they paved the way, but you shouldn't be so nostalgia-blind not to admit that the formula has been built on and improved, even by the sequel.


I just recently replayed SS1, holy fuck did I forget about that music and holy fuck did I want to blow my brains out an hour in.

>I definitely wouldn't say cyber punk
>"Cyberpunk plots often center on conflict among artificial intelligences, hackers, and megacorporations"
>artificial intelligence is the antagonist
>you're a hacker
>you're hired by a megacorporation
u wot

Please tell me they're changing the awful level design as well, otherwise I'm not interested in this in the slightest

I'll admit, that voice still managed to send shivers down my spine.

The only part of 2 that was open enough to have meaningful exploration was the recreational deck. Garbage level design compared to 1.

100% this

O shit, here come the TRUE FANS OF THE ORIGINAL

Wasn't there a stretch goal to have the original soundtrack remastered as an option? Did that goal get met?

Yes theyll streamline it, put a giant arrow over your head, quest items will glow like the sun so you dont miss them and PRESS H TO GET A HINT will appear every 2 minutes if your arrow isnt pointing forwards at all times

19;58 was good until the random buzzers.

Remaking a game like this takes balls, I gotta say. Autists will tear you apart for any change from the original. Imagine if we ever got a remake of Deus Ex, this board would be up in flames, shitting on every frame from the first trailer

Is insane frenchman Maxime Lebled AKA Maxofs2d, a man who has his own name set on google alerts so he knows when somebody is criticizing him, still working on the game?

We did get a remake of Deus Ex. It's called the present day

that's how she always sounded

Even after she's hacked, the speed of her voice is a bit faster than the remake's.

It's noticeable, take a look at the intro movie.

Just nitpicking, it's something I disliked so far.

I'm okay with that soundtrack.

She just got more dumpy since she's been fucked up twice now

it's canon :^)

I'll show you a cannon
>unzips dick

that zombie guy didn't hit the floor and shatter, they "cleverly" cut it to make it appear tha tway

The thing is, her voice is overdone. Voice acting is fine, but she never stuttered this much on ss1 or 2. The flow of her speech is completely fucked up by this constant, long stuttering mid-sentence. In the other games the stutters are quite shorter and less frequent in the middle of a sentence

Prey 2 is the next actual System Shock.

why not just play the original

It really is.
And here's another controversial opinion: I think the Unity demo looked better than this new Unreal 4 video.

the buzzers are great are you kidding me

The unity demo looked smaller but more detailed.

But this looks overall smoother.

finally, a game for idiots who wanted their system shock to play like bioshock

At least it looks playable now.

I tried the original and the fucking VR puzzle crap can go fuck itself. The controls can go fuck itself. Aged horribly doesn't even begin to explain how dated and impossible it is to play in this day and age.


>Unreal Engine 4
Good shit, the Unity demo ran like ass on my system while everything UE4 runs like a dream

The Enhanced Edition makes it super easy to play. Also you can turn the VR difficulty to minimum and make it trivial. Which is what I did because fuck that shit.

Melee combat looks so fucking terrible

You must have brain problems m8 the game can be beaten with just a 2 button mouse

>no Insurgency/Red Orchestra/Rising Storm/Operation Flashpoint style unbound aiming to somewhat replicate the original game's free cursor aiming

A wasted opportunity desu

There's something about that melee that just looks off

They should make Cyberspace/VR play like Descent rather than Shitty Terminal Velocity in the remake

brainlets not welcome


At least the original SS1 had a beefy hit sound when you hit people with the pipe

It's pretty much silent in this and way too weak

Doesn't help that enemies don't react

they'll probably make it similar to the cyber tutorials in ss2 which is fine
the 6dof attempt in the original is novel but not very well executed and I think trying to re-create that in UE would frankly be a waste of time for the developers

>giving these people any attention

>could only play SS2 for 4 hours before quitting

I liked the effect but it didn't fit with their more photorealistic aesthetic

It doesn't look nearly as cool as it could be since it's a low budget game.

Imagine SS1 remade by an AAA dev, with proper environmental prop design, and VR. Now that would be cool. This looks okay for what it is I guess.

>what is Prey

well at least we'll get SS1's source code


It looks alright, looks more like Bioshock than System Shock though.