

>that right picture
Does she have stumpy legs, or can the artist just not into perspective?


this is what I think of when I envision the average /ic/ poster


Difficult choice.

Gonna go with Red though.

>peeling back Ruto's little boob fins and suckling on her fish tits
why is life so cruel

Ruto, it's obvious

Nah she's legit horrendously deformed

Which makes this choice a no-brainer

What the FUCK is going on with her legs?

Mipha, even though Ruto is cute too.

I don't know what artstyle they were going for here, but it looks awful

this is the stuff I expect from an indie title on a budget of pocket lint and two shiny buttons

wish Mipha's VA wasn't so ass

Left is alright and I suppose it could work, though I don't know about the whole fish thing.
Right is very unattractive and deformed.

I want to be friends with little Ruto, but I don't really want either of them.

She's a fish. Her tail splits at the end where the fins would be and becomes a pair of tiny legs.

Christ, if she was smaller than Link than maybe it would be cute but not this.
Shame, I really liked her design(top) but she actually looks like a freak.


Man, Ruto always seemed like a nigger in her art and I did not dig her that much in OoT either, but that redesign of HW, much like with many other girls in that game, is absolutely gorgeous.

Mipha is adorable and I'd chose her anytime, but aganist that particular Ruto design, I think I'd go with Ruto.

Ruto, not even a challenge.

She does look weird in that screencap, but in OP's pic it doesn't look different from how real legs look.
Of course it varies from person to person, but it's surprising how much the legs can "curve backwards" with certain people.


>Carried by Link into battle.
That's adorable.

ruto is shota approved